Data Dictionary/Change Log, I know people have had problems with reversals, refusals, glitches…, I know first hand on that as I’m one of them. I see Oct being a very prosperous month. Jay, I applaud you for taking responsibility for you too. And I have a family to worry about if something was to happen to me for trying this. I also think that our accounts are pooled together and not easy to identify. I know this from my Mortgage (non) that was pooled and became something else. I called TRS and they have NOTHING in my name….HAHAHAHAH…. Checking Account. Can anyone give an idea on how to check on some of the other routing numbers + our ss# to see if an account exists and/or has funds in it, before we try to attach it to someplace like Amazon or PayPal? There is a significant difference between the UCC contract trusts and direct treasury accounts which are used primarily for the trading of treasury bonds, which are managed by the bureau of public debt. There are scam call coming in for people. I read the code and she said, You are all set, your new bank account is now verified and you are all set up. [7/18/2017 9:10:48 PM] Alex and Valerie: And then a literal herd of Marshalls and uniforms entered the room. Credit card companies…., Charlotte’s social security number in Germany and what it means What’s behind this? The Vatican created a world trust using the birth certificate to capture the value of each individual’s future productive energy. Sent a copy of my trust to three of the people I paid my bills to, got a letter from one of them today, they are basically saying that I need to check to ensure that the money has been returned to my originating bank. FROM ADMINISTRATION: NOTICE FOR ALL THOSE WITH CONCERN: Anyone infringing the Be’ing and Do’ing of: for anyone would be liable and responsible for its own action, no exceptions. This is the form that treasury sends you when you sign up online This form is to remove a hold on the account. The capitol letter will let everyone know which district of FRB. The reason for that is there seem to be some people who do not understand who they really are, that they are the value, and these accounts are Your accounts, created because You were created to come to this planet to complete this whole cycle. I had no answer for what I was told, I was just happy that someone finally talked with me about it. I was glad to know Heather is well and has so much information, and if the case is basically over, why is Mr. Beane still being held? It’s frustrating…. Risk Department: Did you open this account with the sole purpose of connecting this external account? The redemption manual made a lot of sense to me. This is posted to complement the link posted above in relation to SEPA and written in italian –, Bank transfers in Europe involve a BIC (Bank Identifier Code) and an IBAN (International Bank Account Number) Here’s the former ECB’s blurb about that –, An interesting list of abbreviations in relation to euro area transfers –, Found this link which demonstrates a wire transfer from the US to an international destination amongst other things. PP s answer the scripts are scrambled. Which method did you use? Routing Number 021081448 doesn’t process FedACH Payments. They are scared s**tless, think about it? I was so high when I got off that call that I had to immediately share it with my little Skype group. Their are many methods to resolve who you are. I think their enthusiasm is dampened by what they are told — or they get their arse chewed out. You would select Checking from the drop down menu. Who need no toys, This is a summary. Keep researching you may find more. [7/18/2017 9:02:46 PM] Skye Macleod: perfect Valerie TRS Recovery Services has been notified that your financial institution was unable to process a transaction relating to your recent order(s). More to come moment by moment… bz. The UCC has already been filed. Name: Sveriges Riksbank-oper Account 1 If you use a TDA account to buy anything and pay taxes on it, you don't own it. I used the same account to order a skin care line I use for my Company and the order was cancelled by Amazon (600). Tip: As you are working through the different steps to access and utilize your TDA accounts, remember, like in my paypal recipe, the same protocals and procedures that apply in accounts, bank and other wise apply in this case. (this is where it gets somewhat twilight zonish) I looked at her, and then back at her PC screen which held my account showing the pending verification. One of the things I am working on is taking details and specific language that HATJ has given me to create a recipe that you can all use along with Your factualized trust docs, to show proof, origin and ownership of your accounts and funds. Login to Your Account TreasuryDirect. I said to myself “Suuuuuuuuure – you guys sent the money back and I should check with them to make sure they got it.” Going to be doing some research this weekend, and I will get back with what I know and what happens. From Equitable Economic Programms, 2. ○Account Agreement between Customer and Bank can vary certain provision of … (2) Bank acted in “good faith” in compliance with security procedure. Michael ……..don’t use the fs5444. Anything honestly to make you look like the victim. This is like getting a college degree and when you are in need of $$ relief NOW you simply don’t have the time to teach yourself every little nuance of this. Times when we have more green and times when we have less green. You may be receiving, or have already received, a phone call from TRS Recovery Services about this issue. Today (Sept. 15th) is the day payments (credits and debits) start being cleared on a same-day basis. I also had no access to my account on the web site. (expect it is connected to an unlimited account  The word picture I would paint to describe the amount of money in Your Treasury Direct account- is to think of it as a Non depletion account. My wife attempted to pay at the bank earlier this month and they would not take the money, insisting the account was paid in full and closed. The problem is, they are going to send me some cents and I have to tell them how many in order to verify that I am the owner of the account. The “UCC Account” is a reference to the creation in the process as a whole and is a topical term not the account itself… thanks, Petra Quirke, The routing number for South Africa is 630232. It will be recognisable as a “sort code” in Ireland and is used to identify a bank branch internally (as in domicil) and is used in conjunction with your bank account number, BIC and IBAN. Does anybody have verifiable proof that their transactions did not get reversed after a week or two? [7/18/2017 9:58:47 PM] Skye Macleod: keep falling asleep here too…. I was on Bill’s website (I think it’s Bills website), and boy, I wish I had money to send HATJ and Randy. Subscribe to Get more stuff like this Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your … I’m a fast learner too…. Don’t tell them you are going to verify to the automated system because they will try to do the 2 deposit thing. We were having fun! I am flying to Knox this evening to coordinate further with the locals and DOJ.  Intending to get the last purported case dismissed tomorrow in the a.m. I’m in Canada and have been working on things here since early September. If your account was already closed, call the creditor and respectfully tell them that you were the victim of a scam. In this program, you can buy and maintain savings bonds, Treasury bills, Treasury notes, Treasury bonds, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), and Floating Rate Notes in accounts with the U.S. Treasury. A Factualized trust self secured created on the day of birth for each Being on the planet. Just knowing the account exists has opened up a world of questions for me. I am doing my best to walk not run. and asking them to look at your account and help you understand what happened… you’d be coming from a friendly, inquisitive place, asking them to follow the trail and see that the payments went through, and should be processed again. I have a new low-credit card that accepted my first “payment” unison of these “accounts” and it showed zero balance the next day (I have a screen shot), then they reversed it. I live in the US, so I have done things with the US routing numbers etc. There have been times during this process of discovery that I have been excited, confused, elated, trepiditious, curious, disappointed, and sometimes just at a loss. Would people with access to virtually unlimited secret accounts still be trying to monetize YouTube accounts ? 71: clé de contrôle (control key) – 2 digits. who have no internet, RIGHT HERE. (or use another website that might have more codes – do Google search), Then start inputing your account number and soft code combinations here and see if anything pops up: Not one single shred of proof after all these years and months. Required fields are marked *. However, the U.S. branches and agencies of a foreign bank and the offices of an Edge or Agreement corporation can simulate a single Master Account nationwide by passing required reserve balances through a single Correspondent. I asked him about the external account I was trying to add and asked him to look at the paperwork I submitted in regards to showing that the account was, in fact, mine. – When all goes well, I first use it to pay off smaller bill amounts to get PP used to the In that instance I used 021050466. I explained to him that the UCC filings on my FT would explain everything and asked him to please give a copy of my FT to someone who knows that UCC. The ones that are being accessed right now are called US Treasury Direct Accounts. This “property” is a conversion of You. And then some. As far as I know you must become a secured party creditor, do the UCC filings. No it doesn’t take that long but being on hold does and you want to be in the flow not looking at your watch. Has anyone tried this? Central Bank of Ireland  (wave)  – Hey you, “insiders” (that’s a very big word) at the former central bank of ireland, get your act intact now lovies because we’re comin’ in. See message update from HATJ on that, on the post for randy HERE  , and see reference to it in comment section of this post. I was told that I needed more trust paperwork from my “original” bank in order to link the account and remove the block on my external transfer page. I write to you from a South East Corner, We, the People, Thank you for your fight, To get the TDA account in France, go to, choose France as country and fill in 30001 for bank and 00794 for branch, then your SS number up to the city, include these 3 digits, then you have 10 digits, then calculate. Resources: Links to other blogs Facebook pages etc- playing in this collective energy:,,,,, Look up US Bank routing numbers, National Insurance number format, Money without borders- transfer money online, Search your ssn with dashes on this site to see who is trading on your acct…, International (mostly for outside of USA, but not all), International bank codes list, Look up SWIFT codes, Oracle Payments Implementation Guide, United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport,, I follow you all and it seems you have the most in-depth approach on this. I just remain centered and focused, Chasing the elusive TDA? adopted common laws of England with the constitution.” See Caldwell v. Hill, 178 SE 383 (1934). 57-Geburtsjahr (year of birth) the oracle [i ching] is on our side : 787677. needs to get a whole lot better. [7/18/2017 9:12:20 PM] Alex and Valerie: my physical being has shifted into a very refined shimmy??? Most on here are waiting for that answer Gary. I wish I would have handled it a bit better, but I did thank them for their time. After my initial anger subsided, I called them and had a very interesting exchange. I am interested in Poland – and using your information and steps, here is what I found here Bank Routing Number 021082667, Narodowy Bank Polski Designated Acct And by whom? individuals/companies.. United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport, Let’s partner. So the German TDA-Account at Bundesbank Zentrale Frankfurt from Charlotte is this:,,,, Anyone in Ireland who is trying but been refused here are the reason codes; If the “accounts” were not real then payments would not go through originally. It’s been a long time since we’ve felt financially comfortable. Everything on the planet was put into one big trust. I have my original birth certificate…to whom or where do I send it? How may I help you? What does your credit card company provide? because, for us, I can’t seem to find any information that works. Call 1 part 3 click here to play or download.