Doing so changes the polarity of the footswitch, resulting in reversed operation." I had a reversed sustain pedal on my Yamaha P-71 digital piano... unplugged from the wall, flipped it around and works properly. I followed the suggested procedures, turning the keyboard on with the pedal plugged in, tried all kinds of combinations (holding the pedal down while powering on the keyboard, holding the pedal down while powering of the keyboard, pulling the power chord while the pedal is held down, all these in reverse, etc.) unplugged and did what was said, works great. Still nothing. If you press the pedal while booting the NS2 tries to guess what kind it is (normally ON or normally OFF) and you might confuse it. If you have pedals with no external switch, this is your best and easiest solution. + or - and it won't affect your keyboard but your pedal WILL WORK!!!! Bob B. Kitty, I am having the same trouble as you... sometimes the board will sustain when the pedal is not plugged in, and then not sustain when the pedal is plugged in... or vice-versa. Sustain is in reverse? Then I unplugged all, flipped the pedal switch to up, replugged all in..still not working. When we got it back, she said the sustain pedal was messed up and working in reverse. I've done everything. Turnad power off unplugged sustain pedal held pedal down with one hand while replugging Turned keyboard on, released pedal … Try quitting Ableton, turning off the keyboard, and then turning the keyboard back on (making sure the pedal does not get pressed … worked like a charm the first time by unplugging it all and putting in the sustain pedal first. I was the repair for the Yamaha. I spent two hours tonight with the same problem. Try this! Nothing worked. Just to follow up my last comment- the sustain finally worked properly after I switched to a Yamaha pedal (FC3A). You could try depressing the pedal, and then turning on the keyboard while keeping the pedal depressed. My sustain pedal is reversed on my p-60 but I already tried holding it down while restarting and - Answered by a verified Electronic Musical Instrument Expert. Do be careful in that Function area: the manual does not give step-by-step as to how to get out of a section after changing it, and either leave Function altogether or go to a different sub-function. Check out How To Read Music Fast: A 4-Step Beginner's Guide To Reading Music Quickly And Easily. it used to just mess up when I would accidentally turn the keys on while pressing the pedal but now the problem is just rediculous. How? Works though. So, this very simple thing is … 2007/08/27 22:20:10 Look on the pedal and see if there is a switch on the bottom. The pedal refuses to sustain. Looking for help and support with Live or Push? I have played various Yamaha keyboards for more than 10 years and know that polarity reverses when I depress the pedal as I turn the unit on. Most of the time sustain pedal act as a switch. Hey Guys! This CAUTION should be included with every footswitch that Yamaha sells, but it isn't. I say "works" because it's reversed, ie foot off is sustain on, foot down is sustain off. I had my keyboard powered on when I introduced the pedal to the keyboard, and it work opposite as it should. Note that these footswitches are *not* common. Why is my song-specific patch not appearing in the Sunday Keys sections? I tried many variations of the methods described above for plugging/unplugging, but to no avail. I just want to know if akai mpk have an option to reverse polarity from sustain pedal? thanks a million. I just bought the modx7 with all the gear and had issues with the sustain pedal. Can I use my previous patches in Sunday Keys 2? I am a new keyboard player and I have a Yamaha digital piano P-105 and the sustain pedal was not working right so I googled how to fix it this article popped up and I did as you instructed turning if off then plugging in the pedal then turning it on and it is working right right now. Surely it should be the other way around, shouldn't it? This is the opposite to "reversed" polarity where depressing the pedal will turn off sustain. Other than that, the keyboard has performed flawlessly. Thank you - thought I was going to have to dismantle the switch and swap over wire a la you tube! If your sustain pedal has been inverted in Ableton Live you'll want to check these things: There may have been a slight glitch in Ableton, try restarting your computer and then opening the Ableton set again. Using a Yamaha sustain pedal from my DX7 on my Hammond Sk1. When I moved it to the other position, the sustain worked correctly. The manual says to reverse the pedal, unplug the power source for a moment while the pedal is plugged in then reinsert the power source. It worked normally then all of a sudden worked opposite. No need to mess with polarity wiring or switches. Click here to check out my new piano/keyboard lessons ebook. If you're using MainStage and want to learn more about optimizing your live rig, sign up to become a Sunday Sounds Insider today. I have the On Stage so 350 and there is a switch on the underside. I plugged the sustain pedal in before powering up the keyboard, and PROBLEM SOLVED! Step 1: In keyboard power on status, connect the pedal to the keyboard and press it. NOTE:plug or unplug the footswitch while the keyboard power is OFF!! 2. After working with Yamaha pedals for many years and throwing away about 10 of them, I've found that you can simply change the polarity by holding the pedal down while plugging it in to the back of your keyboard. After reading all the suggestions, this is how I fixed it. I have tried all of the suggestions I read here power cycling and such , no sustain occurs. Open the MIDI Control Center. Between my last (mpk49 mk1) and current keyboard (sl mk3) the sustain pedal would either be inverted or not work at all. On my pedal (Roland ps-10) the sustain works when the spring/wire touches that metal bar.