This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. I was completely fine until I heard he had slept with someone in September, despite me being in a new relationship, it still made me extremely hurt and angry. It took me approximately two years to get over my last ex. All I can say is, it takes however long it takes, but have faith that it does happen eventually. If I had the chance to get back with my ex boyfriend I would take it in a heartbeat but because he isn't showing any interest or that he even misses me or still loves me, im trying to be happy with my new boyfriend its such a mess he's messaged a few times to say he misses me etc and I even wrote him a HUGE email pouring my heart out to him telling him everything that was on my mind. Why? It will get better for you, but the only way to get out of this struggle is for you to make a change. It takes time to get over someone...some people are more quick to move on. I still love my ex like it was day one. Did you do NC? Only my second post here but i think you could really help me out with some advice on how you would handle this again lady00. If they won't, post here whenever you feel like contacting him or if he contacts you. × Claim I cheated on him etc...bc he hadnt done anything yet. ts been 6 months since he broke up with me (he said he just didn't love me anymore) and i miss him so much. 1. Only during time of self reflection will you discover your self worth and avoid this all together. The worst part involved deception and lies. I’ve experienced this more times then I wish to share. Im so glad i read this because i feel so stupid still thinking about my two month relationship my recent "ex" (if you could call her that).......almost a year later and it still bothers me, and yet i feel silly because it was only two months. × We will all tell you not to respond! Some of the benefits you can enjoy after the months or years being apart is that you have had time to get past any hurt your ex may have caused you. 5 months for me and still not over my ex. I also have depression and went through a bad stage of self harming, drinking excessively and taking pills and ended up hospitalising myself a few months after we broke up things got that severe! Jenny on April 04, 2020: Hi, my ex and I broke up for over a year and couple months.He left me for someone else then returned about 7weeks after we broke up. If he wants to be with you, he will. Welcome, Guest. It's getting easier ... slowly. Go to first unread ... #41 I have the exact same problem, o could've written that word for word , it's now been 9 months and I'm having a down day today, maybe because I was out drinking last night! How long are you together? glamguru I don't know why I bother so much about someone who has clearly given up on me, but his mates hate me and I feel like they are influencing his decisions as a few times he tried to get me back then I didn't hear from him again. I was just wondering if anyone else was still in a really bad place after 6 months? can i still get my ex back after 6 months @ Text Your Ex Back. Do I stay with the new boyfriend and continue thinking about how much I miss my ex, I genuinely am trying to be happy with my new boyfriend but its hard when my ex is still on my mind and my new boyfriend talks to me the way he does. That usually happens when you dump someone and believe the grass is greener on the other side, only to find out you can't move on from the past. 2. Please help xx. At least you know you tried your best, even if you don't feel that way in the immediate aftermath of the break-up. 25 respuestas. Did your ex dump you? If you don't like something...change it! Who knows what she really thought. Six months after my very sudden and painful break-up with a man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, I was still not over him. Find your group chat here >> start new discussion reply. 6Months is not long. Just get out and find a new one. Started Wednesday at 11:51 PM, By I have come a long way and your right it will heal with time. Watch. It's been 6 months now since me and my ex broke up, and me and my new boyfriend have been dating for almost 2 months now. I wish it would, but I know it's going to take time. I understand how much you want your old bf back, but you have to ask yourself what has changed over the last six months that would be different if you reconciled. When people are angry, often times they will say things they know hurt you the most. It’s been two months since my ex-girlfriend and I broke up—or since she broke up with me, I should say—and I’m miserable. I know that's easier said than done, it took me months to be able to do it. I can relate to that My recent ex has been the hardest one to get over (not there yet) and shortest relationship I had. There is no way I could meet another man- not yet. Once a "relationship" gets to a point of being blatantly disrespectful, it is over. If he does that now, you don't even want to see what the future looks like 10 years from now! It sounds like a part of you feels that there's something missing so you can't let go. he promised me we would be a family one day and he was my very best friend, so when he left i was confused and honestly, i was traumatized. To cut to the chase 2 unfounded domestic violence orders and 2 barring orders which were struck out we now have shared joint custody of the cherubs,I love them so much but can only take the 2 days mid week at present as I need to work and formulate my new life, she admits to being in teenage mode and immature at the start of the breakup, this is all that has been forthcoming from her,no steps towards attempted reconciliation or even closure,she will not.So about a month ago I tried NC, trying my best now especially the past 2 weeks to keep it up,when she found out I was moving on and seeing a girl she txted straight away I am so happy for you( usually she does not reply promptly 2 txts and usually not at all) then the next asked for a meeting to chat,I said ok then changed my mind an kept NC, she calls my phone and I will not answer,all communication is txt or email and re kids only, NC has deffo made me stronger,I have learnt a lot re this breakup she has learnt nothing of worth and is stuck in her programs(her father beat her,no empathy in her home,sibling rivalry was strong), shortly before brealup we were making possible plans to emigrate , playing with a idea of marriage ect looking forward to a great summer, me working festivals and the family campervaning around the country,what a joke now.I am happier now and feel like my manhood is back in place and more like the person I used to be before taking on the roll of house husband, guys out there do not do it as you will never get appreciation for cleaning house,changing nappys, school runs , playdates, cooking all the time ect.I have come to the opinion that my ex has a 'passive aggressive personality disorder' witha dash of narcissism this is quite a cocktail,NC is my only option as one cannot get closure from a person like this, it has been tough and at the beginning I felt so crushed and worthless that I counted tablets a couple of time,because of crazy place I was in I lost 2 stone in 20 days and slept for only 10 days,I still wake up 1 or more time in the night but refuse to take tablets to sleep.Everyday I am able to see mor and more positives in my life and one of the biggest is how wonderful and lucky I am to have two beautiful children whom I would steal if they were not mine!There ae so many things in our lives to appreciate and give thanks for, perspective of positive reality is the only option after so much suffering, almost makes the suffering worth it and I will as I used feel that I would not change a thing in my past as if I did I would not be who I am Right Now.If Iwere to break NC now it would only cause me pain, it is good to realise ones limitasations in the now ,but one day soon I will only offer her a genuine hello and goodbye and to never dwell on anymore than just that ! I'd heard through a mutual friend recently that she had moved on maybe a month or two back and I couldn't believe she had found someone to effectively replace me so soon but there hadn't been a lot of time between me and her ex before me and I remember one former boyfriend of hers remarking to her when we were in his company that she just always 'picked herself up and moved onto another' something which at the time irked her but I now see that pattern in her life. But once I did, everything got better! It's gotten a bit better, but it hasn't gone away. Fiffy, I am sorry you are still feeling this way, but you are not alone. I had so many hopes and dreams and it hurts to lose those too. Tracey Cox explains why many women can't get over their former partners He knew I was still holding on, and a year later we had talked...and he told me to let go....he said " I think maybe you need to hear me say it, it's ok to let go, yo need to let go of me and move on" It was really hard....because the whole time I had been holding on to a false hope, but just him saying that helped alot...hehe as I'm writing this I realize it still hurts even to this day almost 2 years ago...I will always love him and he will always have a special place in my heart....but I know he's no right for me. I think many people appear to pick themselves up quickly, but if they move on to someone else relatively quickly, especially if when they left you they said they want to be alone and not in a relationship, maybe they are running from the pain of the break-up. Case study: Ex Girlfriend Comes Back After 6 Months You may be asking: “Why did my ex girlfriend text me after 6 months?” When a woman contacts you a long time after the break up, you are excited. It´s just my opinion. It will not get better. At the beginning everything was so perfect and then night before he left me after cheating on me I was testing to see if I was pregnant.   You cannot paste images directly. You need to leave the new bf immediately! In retrospect perhaps not open wide enough? It's really that simple. I finally realised that the only way to go was to have no contact. Why are you still dating this guy? It is horrendous. Started 10 minutes ago, By Upload or insert images from URL. Started Saturday at 10:40 AM, By I'm sure it makes you feel very insecure about it---which was his intent. He or she is busy with various people and activities that no longer concern you. Break up with this guy; stop contacting the ex. If you can´t get over your ex in your new relationship, I don´t see any sense to stay with this guy. It's been just over 4 months for me and I am still hurting. Thinking that as soon as issues appear that it's better to bail out and find someone else with whom there won't be any problems. It certainly hasn't been sustainable for me because inevitably one moves on quicker than the other, contact lessens and the bad points about her ( certainly for me ) began to fester. It's hard, I know. ElinoraC Things will start falling into place slowly but surely. 10 Reasons Why You're Still Hung Up At the beginning i was fighting to get him back but after i heard he said he is done. I have done some pretty extraordinary (creative but nice) things to try and win her back but i think the nostalgia for her ex has overpowered anything i could do. The first time we met up after that she was all over me and super affectionate. Started February 3, By I still love my ex. Do not … It also just goes to show to take with a pinch of salt what we think and say about our exes in the immediate aftermath of a break-up, and ditto for what they say about us. Started 10 minutes ago, By Let me start off by saying that when I got into this new relationship I had originally thought I was over my ex. Yes. And definitely no abuse, you need to change that pattern for good. He was my best friend, my confidant, my lover, everything you could wish for in a relationship(for some points at least or we'd still be together, but that's a different post). You must really work on your sanity and with this new guy it isn´t possible. Does this mean i should move on? Announcements Applying to uni? You have gone from one relationship into another and maybe need sometime alone to discover what you want. He has a new girlfriend now and he keeps on telling me how beautiful she is and how I am disgusting. You don´t want to be all your life with someone who controls you and don´t trust you. I would think, that you´re just using me, because you´re not happy. October 30, 2015 in Breaking Up Advice. You will start to think clearly, start focusing on the things that matter the most, start taking care of yourself, etc. No. I'm trying to maintain no contact now for my own sanity and to move on. I don't think I will ever trust a man again. I have struggled with No Contact and have just done a 2 week stint which I ended up breaking. You should be single still and taking time to get over your ex. I am in a very similar situation to what you were. Ah yes, what a contrary thing to say, but what can you do but sigh and struggle on eh? Display as a link instead, × Menara Well, getting your ex month is still possible after months. It broke my heart. Be on your own and concentrate on you. I broke up with my boyfriend in June & despite now being in a new relationship, I still cannot stop thinking about my ex fiancé. My friends and family have had enough of hearing about my pain and unhappiness and I just feel quite alone at the moment. ex boyfriend contacted me after 6 months. Is Getting Over Your Ex Truly Possible? My question to you is- when you say last ex, i assume you have been single since? Marie29 and even as I type I can feel myself growing and remembering my ex's words when she left that I was the 'kindest person she knew' and that 'no-one had done more' for her as justification that I really tried my heart out to make us happy and there can be no recriminations. That's half a year, and that's alot of time to waist on something you can't do anything about. We only dated for a couple of months but he had a serious impact on me, more so than any other guy I had dated, because things seemed so perfect and he got bored, thought he could do better, and left. Part of my situation too is that we live and work in the same small at least once a week I'll catch a glimpse of him or we'll run into each other somehow. It feels like there is no end to this suffering. Anyway, I know what it's like to take a long time to heal. All you can do is keep trying to move on and let go. Signs Your Ex … It's not just about getting over him, it's about letting go of how you thought your life was going to be. Texting but not planning dates: why do men do this? Am I being unreasonable about my husband's hygiene? What I realized was that I missed the companionship, and friendship we had and all the good times. In some cases it made it harder because we were bending over backwards to be nice to each other and supportive and a part of you begins to think that you are actually growing back together. Video Summary. I think, it would be better to stay alone for a while. It's been just over 4 months for me and I am still hurting. First, why are you in another relationship when you aren't even recovered from the first? Not 100% but I can breathe again. I am so sick of feeling tired and upset and alone everyday. Then get yourself into therapy to find out why you continue to choose toxic relationships, why you refuse to build your own self-respect and what this fear of being alone is all about. 2.5 months later i am not healing. I can give you more info if you like so you can have a better idea of my situation as apposed to yours but I would be grateful for any advice as my buddies are sick of hearing about it - fair enough too. I broke up with my boyfriend in June & despite now being in a new relationship, I still cannot stop thinking about my ex fiancé. I agree with the person who said part of it is because you are not sticking to NC. When our loving feelings endure after the breakup, we can feel confused and ashamed: Confused because we think that as long as an ex is on our mind we must not be “over” him or … As do a handful of my clients that are engaged to … Does this mean i should move on? I'd say, you have to do a big of digging to figure out why you're not over them yet. What would I do differently? However, you’re unsure of what to do. Bad habits only get worse in time. Just who knows how long! I was with my ex for over 3 years and we were engaged to be married. He is an emotional abuser; don't get sucked into that drama. That time where you would not devalue the person is where you NEED to stay, name calling is a wake-up call that the relationship is (if not already close to being) over. After a 14 year relationship, it has been 8 mths into breakup,we have a 6 year old girl and a 10 year old boy,I was a house husband (god I hate that term) hated the 1st year minding our 1 year old whilst she started primary school teaching college,she asked me if I would and was so grateful when I said yes I would mind the kids, the 2nd I decided to turn the minding kids thing in2 a positive, I was there mammy and daddy as she did not seem to take time 2 spend with the family,even give me a break so that I could go 2 work, I am self employed so can work anytime in the afternoons or week ends,her 5th year she was doing her dip, this was a hard year as I was minding kids almost 24/7, again she would not take time to spend with the family, 2 weeks after she got her dip at a music festival she says she wants to break up,my world collasped, she was so happy happy and thought we could live together and see other people, ha,singing love songs around the house at full voice and so happy, yep I reckon there was another person somewhere hence the happy lemerence person who I did not recognize!