Free 120 NBME 24 NBME 23 NBME 22 NBME 21 NBME 20 NBME 19 NBME 18 NBME 17 NBME 16 NBME 15 NBME 13 ⋅ Step 2 CK Free 120 Step 2 CK Form 6 Step 2 CK Form 7 Step 2 CK Form 8 home login register ⋅ contact ⋅ leaderboard links news ⋅ membership tags alerts tutors ⋅ scores score predictor • Concentration problems • Patient presents with 5/9 SIG E CAPS, • Sleep disturbances • Nocturnal/early morning erections = cause of sexual dysfunction is psychological, • Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) → glycoaldehyde (toxic) → glycolate (anion gap) → calcium oxalate → kidney stones, • Methanol (moonshine) → formaldehyde (toxic) → formate → blindness, • Ethanol → acetaldehyde (toxic) → acetate (non-toxic), 16) Cholinergic To stop, release the enter key. • Progestin replacement is protective against endometrial hyperplasia, 50) Ultrasonography NBME helps health professionals across the care continuum enhance and demonstrate their knowledge—both in school and while practicing. • Fetal sleep is the MCC of a nonreactive nonstress test (eg, no accelerations), • Fetal sleep cycle can last up to 40 minutes, 33) Increased cervical cell vulnerability to infections, • Young women have ↑ columnar epithelium lining their cervix → ↑ susceptibility to Gonorrhea and Chlamydia infections, • Overtime this columnar epithelium is replaced with squamous epithelium → ↑ microbial resistance, • ↑ progesterone → thickening of cervical mucus plug → ↓ risk of infection, 34) Previous cesarean delivery • Tx: β-blockers or benzodiazepines Prepared for You • This patient is afebrile with postcoital bleeding from a new partner • This teenage boy is developing normally, both physically and socially, 29) Bipolar disorder • Alcohol withdrawal symptoms should be managed with benzodiazepines Easily fill out PDF blank, edit, and sign them. NBME Medicine Form 4 - Answers & Explanations. Close. Medicine Shelf NBME Form 6. The Comprehensive Clinical Science Self-Assessment can be used to prepare for USMLE Step 2 CK or the Comprehensive Clinical … • Adults 50-75 years old should be screened for colorectal cancer with a colonoscopy q10y, Sigmoidoscopy q5y, or an FOBT yearly, 23) Varicella-zoster immune globulin therapy, • Post-exposure prophylaxis for infants = human varicella-zoster immune globulin therapy, • Tx of disseminated infection in infants = IV acyclovir x 10 days, • Recent ACOG guidelines state active phase starts at 6 cm (in an attempt to reduce the number of patients getting unnecessary c-sections), • Prior guidelines set active stage at 4 cm (this question is outdated), 25) Pulmonary embolus Medicine Shelf NBME Form 6 : Step2 - reddit Kindle File Format Nbme Form 6 Answers Test Pirates I had atleast 6-10 min time to review my answers. To stop, release the enter key. • Down syndrome (trisomy 21) is associated with Duodenal atresia (→ duodenal bubble), • Wind (atelectasis) = Post-op day (POD) 1-2 • This patient should receive a Benzo (β-blockers are contraindicated in asthma), Found a mistake or have a suggestion? NBME Medicine Form 4 - Answers & Explanations Updated: Aug 28 1) X-ray of the chest • Clubbing of fingers & toes = hypertrophic osteoarthropathy 2) Hypercarbia • O2 supplementation → ↓ respiratory drive → retained CO2 (hypercarbia) • Preeclampsia arrow underdevelopment of spiral arteries → ↑ vascular resistance → utero-placental insufficiency → asymmetric fetal growth restriction, • MS affecting UMNs → loss of inhibitory control over bladder → urge incontinence, • If this patients MS had affected LMNs → hypotonic bladder → overflow incontinence, • Low postvoid residual volume (< 150mL in women, < 50mL in men) rules out overflow incontinence, • Urgency incontinence sxs: sudden urge to urinate (urinary urgency), • Urgency incontinence tx: antimuscarinic drugs, 28) Pyelonephritis • Distress with functional impairment within 3 months of a stressor, 25) Cognitive behavior therapy 1) Lorazepam (alcoholic cant sleep) • Disorganized speech/thinking: Thought process not 100% linear, • Disorganized behavior: Disheveled appearance • This child is likely having seizures and should be evaluated with an EEG, • “Spit” = drooling, “blood” = from biting tongue, “takes his power” = loss of consciousness, 18) Marijuana intoxication Lemme know if I accidentally typed some wrong! • MPTP (synthetic potent analog of meperidine (demerol)) is toxic to the substantial nigra, 21) Schizophrenia Complete Nbme Medicine Form 1 Pdf online with US Legal Forms. • Endometrial cancer tx: hysterectomy • Sudden-onset pleuritic chest pain • Recurrent vomiting → parodic gland enlargement/inflammation → ↑ Amylase, 6) Schizoaffective disorder • Physical examination reveals uterosacral ligament nodules and immobile uterus, 48) Ruptured corpus luteum cyst • The anti-emetic agent prochlorperazine has additional antipsychotic effects (by blocking D2 receptors) and may cause EPS, 23) Mood disorder due to a general medical condition, • This patient has OSA (obstructive sleep apnea), 24) Adjustment disorder with depressed mood Posted by 10 months ago. Note that CBSE Form 3 has been retired and new Form 13 has replaced it. You can take all of them below: Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time. • Torsion (twisting of ovary around the infundibulopelvic and utero-ovarian ligaments) → acute-onset severe pain, • IUDs are the most effective contraceptives options (~99% efficacy) • A suicidal patient should be admitted to a psychiatric unit (ideally voluntarily, but involuntarily if the patient refuses), • Performance only social anxiety disorder, • This patient should receive a β-blocker (benzos may cause drowsiness, which isn’t ideal when giving a presentation), 50) Lorazepam Resources and materials available on the website include a sample assessment, system requirements, and sample performance reports. It is typically taken during the third year of medical school, after the medicine clerkship. Free 120 NBME 24 NBME 23 NBME 22 NBME 21 NBME 20 NBME 19 NBME 18 NBME 17 NBME 16 NBME 15 NBME 13 ⋅ Step 2 CK Free 120 Step 2 CK Form 6 Step 2 CK Form 7 Step 2 CK Form 8 home login register ⋅ contact ⋅ leaderboard links news ⋅ membership tags alerts tutors ⋅ scores score predictor • This patient has panic disorder, • Intermittent blurred vision, focal neurologic changes, and paresthesia affecting a woman in her 30s is concerning for Multiple sclerosis, • Brain imaging would show Periventricular plaques and Multiple white matter lesions disseminated in time & space, • Excessive and persistent worry about multiple issues for ≥6 months with significant distress or impairment, 47) No treatment is indicated Elite Medical Prep can help with personalized 1-on-1 tutoring. • Injected conjunctive, tachycardia, HTN, slow reaction time, hallucination I did commit 3-4 silly errors which I would have never done offline. NBME Self-Assessments International Foundations of Medicine® (IFOM®) Examinees NBME Self-Assessments Subject Examinations International Foundations of Medicine® (IFOM®) Health and Wellness Coach Certifying Exam • Leg swelling and ⊕ Homan sign (calf pain with dorsiflexion) = DVT, • U/S is used for DVT, Dopler is used for arterial insufficiency, 42) Transvaginal incision and drainage 5. NBME Medicine Form 6 - Answers & Explanations Author: Sagie Haziza & Gennadiy Guralnik Editor: Jordan Abrams 1) Abnormal red blood cell membrane • Hereditary spherocytosis: jaundice, anemia, high-normal MHCH, loss of central pallor • ⊖ Direct Coo NBME self-assessments allow you to assess your readiness for your upcoming exam while gaining a familiarity with NBME-style questions. • Lorazepam, Oxazepam, and Temazepam are the benzos that should be used in those with liver disease (chronic alcoholism) due to minimal first-pass metabolism, • This patient has depersonalization/derealization disorder, • Acute stress (accident at construction site) → detachment from one’s own thoughts, actions, or environment; patients often seem like they’re in a fog or spaced out and in their own world, • Personal information collected from interpreter makes the diagnosis of dissociative amnesia unlikely, • This patient is using stimulants (eg, amphetamine, methylphenidate) to study → psychosis, 4) Increased amylase activity • MCC of unilateral bloody nipple discharge, • Low body weight, especially < 128lbs (58kg) → ↓ peak bone density → ↑ risk of fracture, • If the patient had suffered a previous fracture (not family history), then that would be the greatest risk factor for an osteoporotic fracture, 9) Hysterectomy NBME self-assessments are purchased and launched through the MyNBME website. • Negative symptoms: Lives alone, no friends, poor eye contact, 22) Adverse effect of prochlorperazine To play, press and hold the enter key. • Trisomy 21 (down syndrome): Epicanthal folds, up slanting palpebral fissures, low-set small ears, flat facial profile, furrowed tongue, • NSAIDS → ↓ renal clearance → ↑ lithium levels → toxicity, • Between ages 6-11 (concrete operational stage), kids begin to understand that death is irreversible, • This child has no functional impairment (she continues to excel academically and participate in sports), 44) Cognitive behavioral therapy Medicine Shelf NBME Form 6 : Step2 - reddit Honestly, I took the NBME 6 4 days before my exam and scored well (>250) and I thought my actual exam was much, much harder. • Lab findings of PCOS: ↑ testosterone, ↑ estrogen, imbalance of LH/FSH (often ≥2:1 ratio of LH:FSH), 41) Duplex venous ultrasonography NBME PSYCH Form 4 - Answers & Explanations. • Uterine synechiae = Asherman’s syndrome, • D&C → trauma to basal layer of endometrium → intrauterine scars → failure to respond to estrogen, • Suction and sharp curettage → denuded basal layer of endometrium → Asherman’s syndrome → 2° amenorrhea, • Diagnosis and treatment = hysteroscopy (lyse adhesions), 12) Down syndrome November 13, 2013 / RAVIBHATIA, The NBME Internal Medicine Shelf Exam is challenging especially from the standpoint that it occurs during your internal medicine clerkship - a period that you are likely spending a lot of time at the hospital. • ↑ endometrial prostaglandin production → uterine hypercontractility & hypertonicity → ischemia arrow primary dysmenorrhea, • Too much oxytocin administration → uterine tachysystole (insufficient uterine relaxation between contractions) → spiral artery constriction → ↓ placental blood flow → fetal hypoxia → late deceleration, • Uterine tachysystole = contractions occurring ≤2 minutes apart or >5 contractions in 10 minutes, • Tx: maternal repositioning, tocolysis, discontinue uterotonic agents (eg, oxytocin), 31) Arrange for an immediate psychiatric evaluation • Neuropsychiatric testing would be a better choice (MMSE is now proprietary), 8) Discontinue haloperidol and begin risperidone • Performance only social anxiety disorder 1) Lorazepam (alcoholic cant sleep) • Alcohol withdrawal symptoms should be managed with benzodiazepines • Lorazepam, Oxazepam, and Temazepam are the benzos that should be used in those with liver disease (chronic alcoholism) due to minimal first-pass metabolism. • Asx bacteriuria left untreated → pyelonephritis (→ ⊕ CVA tenderness) Here’s the complete overview of NBME STEP 2 CK Form 1, 2, 3, 4 Offline With Answers: The NBME offers three web-based self-assessments to medical students and graduates evaluating their readiness to take USMLE exam. . • Dry oral mucosa, injected conjunctive, tachycardia, HTN • This depressed geriatric patient that recently developed symptoms of dementia likely has pseudo-dementia, however it is imperative to rule out organic causes of dementia with an MMSE due to his old age • Epicanthal folds, small palpebral fissures, low nasal bridge, smooth philtrum, thin vermillion border • Catatonia: immobility, mutism, waxy flexibility • Tx: benzodiazepines (lorazepam), ECT, 40) Marijuana intoxication • Always rule out substance or medical related disorder before diagnosing a psychiatric condition, 19) Admit to the psychiatric unit involuntarily • Pelvic surgery or irradiation → ↑ risk of vesicovaginal fistula, • Characterized by continuous, painless urine leakage form vagina (→ moist vaginal mucosa), • ↓ urethral sphincter tone and/or urethral hypermobility → stress incontinence → leakage of urine with ↑ abdominal pressure (eg, coughing, lifting, sneezing), • Fetal complications of maternal HTN include fetal growth restriction, oligohydramnios, and preterm delivery, • This patient has been receiving prenatal care since 8 weeks gestation - rules out incorrect gestational age, • Maternal repositioning (eg, left lateral decubitus) is first-line intervention for variable decelerations as it may reduce cord compression and subsequently improve fetal placental blood flow, • Amnioinfusion is a possible second-line intervention - artificially creates more amniotic fluid which can reduce umbilical cord compression and decrease variable decelerations, • Chlamydia → cervicitis → Inflamed, friable cervix, 21) 50% I would really appreciate it, thank so so much. • Marked anxiety about a specific object or situation for >6 months, 12) Sertraline • Bacterial vaginosis → Thin grayish discharge, Clue cells, pH >4.5, • Time frame of her partners syphilis (recently treated) helps rule out condyloma lata (2° syphilis), as it would not have progressed that quickly, • From mother to fetus: uteroplacental artery → placenta → umbilical vein, • Mothers blood doesn’t cross the placenta, therefore thrombosis must occur before the placenta, 38) Recommendation for use of a lubricant, • Breastfeeding (↑ prolactin) → ↓ GnRH → ↓ LH, ↓ FSH → ↓ estrogen → vaginal dryness (atrophy), • This short-term dyspareunia can be managed with lube, 39) Ask the patient to convene a meeting of the church elders to discuss cesarean delivery, • This patient has decision-making capacity and can not be subjected to treatment against her will, regardless of the effect on the fetus, 40) Testosterone Many students have expressed interest in having explanations for correct and incorrect answers on NBME® Self-Assessments.In 2020, answer explanations were added to Medicine forms 3, 4, 5 and 6; Surgery forms 3, 4, 5 and 6; and Obstetrics/Gynecology forms 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Clinical Mastery Series. 1: An 8-year-old boy is brought to the physician because of a 1-year history of… Risperidone Tourette’s diagnosis: Onset before 18 years of age of (1) Multiple motor tics AND (2) at least 1 vocal tic Tourette’s treatments: Antipsychotics (tetrabenazine, antipsychotics, etc. • This patient has attempted suicide twice, and therefore is not a candidate for drug cessation • Sexual abuse often leads to UTI → dysuria (which this patient does not have). Archived. Can you please send me the offline nbme form 4 for step 3 too! Starting Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2021, answer explanations will be available on Pediatrics … • This adolescent girl likely has an imperforate hymen - amenorrhea and cyclic lower abdominal pain with an anterior central mass (hematocolpos), 43) Pedunculated submucous leiomyoma uteri • Tx: AChE inhibitor (eg, donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine) → ↑ ACh, 17) EEG • Uteroplacental insufficiency → Late decelerations (nadir of deceleration occurs after peak of contraction), 16) Vesicovaginal fistula #827881 : iamzining - 06/16/16 15:30 : 1.