Cats need to drink a lot of water if they eat dry foods, since dry foods are only about 10% water, and wet foods are about 75-80% water. Now it’s pretty easy to trim him once a month and no more dirty britches! If your cat looks like a 7 or a 9, he is at a high risk of developing Type II diabetes. Archived. I have to put her paw in the sink to clean out all the poo. <3, Thank you for your comments and letting me know you think Truffles is beautiful. 4. We make no pretense of being veterinarians and we don't know anything about your specific cat's health or behavior history. She doesn’t like to be trimmed in that area but she tolerates it because she’s such a trusting and remarkably patient kitty. If you can keep the fur on their feet trimmed, this means less material for litter and poop to stick to. Trim the Fur on Your Cat's Feet Long-haired cats often have a lot of fur in between their toes. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. So glad he is happier – sounds like his hunger is much more satisfied. Canned Orijen and raw meat -no help. Enter your details below to get it. 3. We do try to clean off what we can; sometimes his “business” is a bit difficult to remove, though. I’ll try the probiotics! I work fast with determination, precision and soft prayers to get it all done before she’s decided that she’s endured enough. you could also use an unscented baby wipe or they do sell “pet wipes” also. I read all the comments i got a persian kitten that always gets poop stuck to his fur, its a nightmare. Dip him up and down just so his rear is in the water and then we dry him off. This is commonly due to constipation. My kitten is already happier behavior wise off dry food for one day. I really do appreciate it. for any suggestions on keeping her clean if the poop sticks to her hair. I am covered with scratches. The information at Paws and Effect is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, nor prevent any disease and is intended for educational purposes only. In some instances, we will give him a “butt dip” by lowering his back end into a sitz bath tub-type thing. Its so good to know this is an issue with others. Dahlia: Overweight cats are simply too fat to be able to reach around and clean their rear ends. I only have been leaving  a small amount of dry food for during the day when I am gone at work. it stinks and i cant get it out.. she wont let me. Do not take a kitten away from its mother so young! [embedyt] Also, if you cat is an indoor kitty or you live somewhere where it snows, it is very helpful to have a flat of wheatgrass in the house for your cat to nibble on. Paying attention to the type of stool your cat is leaving can also be a great help, since normal, smooth stool does not generally get stuck to the cats bottom, like diarrhea does. Feces stuck to fur can be a sign of a serious medical ailment. Some posts on this blog contain affiliate links which generate commission if you purchase anything starting with those links. Instead, use a washcloth dampened with warm water to moisten the fecal matter and then gently pull or wipe it out of the fur. It will pass. This eliminates the poop problem, and it also eliminates the issue of the cats ingesting the litter that gets stuck to their fur. He will not bury his poop or pee and is always coming out of the cat box with poop on him. Calm Cat Anti Anxiety and Stress Relief Coat for Cats. Learn how to prevent matted cat fur, the supplies to use, and when to consult a professional. Another issue that may be solved with wet food. I certainly wouldn’t want her to lick it off and eat it! Thanks a lot Jenny! In really bad situations, we take him to the vet for a shave. Everytime she goes to the litter tray to poop, she always sits back down in it and never cleans it off herself. Truffles’ mom and I exchanged a few e-mails (I suggested a diet change, as my experience has been with readers that there is a “sticky poop” issue when dry food is in the diet). Take the kitty away too soon and there you go, problems such as your kitty has. By the time I can catch her to remove the lump, it's stuck to her fur. My grey kitty actually sits right in the litter to “go,” and as a result she sits in the poop. I am convinced he eats stuff, paper, whatever that may be causing this. Consult with your vet about a healthy diet and exercise plan to help your kitty lose weight. Now, to solve the second part of the problem – the poop tail. “At times when the stool does not come completely out, it could be because he’s not drinking enough water or may be because he’s not getting enough exercise.”. Getting a cat to clean itself after diarrhea is impossible. Just be prepared for it and race him outside when he’s gotta go cuz that stuff can stain the carpet really badly!You don’t need to mix his food if he has been on it for a few days, it is better to just keep course with the new food, because he could have some of the same problems getting used to his old food again. She is beautiful I named her Truffles like the chocolate. Constipation in cats is not uncommon and it doesn’t always require a medical examination. Thank you again for all your advises!!! I notice she does not eat to much of that she does like the wet food and she waits for that. If your cat has long hair, your cat may have fewer problems with poop in his fur if you trim the hairs around his bottom. My Maine Coon didn’t like to drink from metal bowls. Siouxsie: The body condition chart at right shows a variety of weight points for cats. I have to use baby wipes. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. In short: Don't take our word as gospel. It is not natural or normal for feces to stick to the fur in cats. She is very sweet and fun to have. When we first got her, everything was okay but then she started getting a liking to soft canned food (basically tuna) and now we're having problems. Brushing his fur gets rid of mats and stimulates his circulation, reducing dandruff and making his coat clean and shiny, according to the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. Dear Most Esteemed and Knowledgeable Kitties: My cat goes to the bathroom in the litter box, but he never quite gets it all out. In such a case, you are advised to see a vet to help diagnose your pets digestive problems. Thank you thank you SO much Jenny! We have Persian cats; one of them in particular, often gets “dirty pants.” I suppose part of it is because he has short legs and a very round belly. I have a 7 week old kitten, its female. The other concern with him I have is about calcium. To prevent diarrhea, don’t give your cat dairy products like milk or yogurt -- many cats can’t digest them properly. I, too have the poopy bottom issue with Giorgio and I basically just wash his bottom end with wet paper towel and a bit of lather made with warm water and bit of kitten shampoo. Everytime it has been because of dehydration due to either medicine or them just not drinking enough. 2. Siberian keeps getting poop in her fur. One article maid a very good point – “you wouldn’t feed meat to a horse, so why would you feed grain to a cat?”. I trim her monthly. ), it has not escaped the box in the 6 weeks I’ve used it! You can use a moist paper towel instead if you wish. Your email address will not be published. You should try to keep the hair near the anus short. If your cat is overweight, you may consider keeping the lid of your litter box, since sometimes the cats cannot find an appropriate pooping position in such a small space, and are forced to sit in their own stool. Giorgio doesn’t mind the clean up. Pulling the fur in a sensitive area such as the skin near the anus is very painful. He’s a food thief so I can NEVER leave anything out! I tried to clean it with earthbath cat wipes but she really dislikes me cleaning her butt. She spends ages licking the top of her tail as if she is bothered by the poop but rarely does her bum. Subscribe to our email list to be instantly notified when we make a new post. His eyes don’t have today in the corners dark build up he always had on dry food. He loves canned food and raw meat. You video is so wonderful.. Charlie looks sooo.. beautiful-awesome and healthy, stanning!!! You want to create an exercise plan that helps your cat burn more calories but doesn’t tax his already-stressed heart and lungs. Ever wondered, "how can i keep my cat in my yard?" Other than the occasional piece picked up and tossed for playing with (! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. That’s why we keep her fluffy bottom (including the part of her tail that also gets “that trouble”) trimmed about every 45 days. Just checked their website – I don’t see any canned food listed. Cat hair gets tangled in areas that have lots of rubbing or movement. Video of the Day Step 1 Finn still won’t cover his poop or pee and he just turned 1 year. Do some research and show them. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. If you can put litter in it and your cat can easily get into it, then you can use it as a litter box. Be sure to transition him slowly to new food, etc. And, our litter boxes have covers. we’ve given her many bum baths (since she was a kitten with giardia) so it’s nothing new to her however she seems quite offended every time. My six-month-old Siberian has started getting poop in the fur around her butt, on her tail and on her lower legs. Do it when he is sleepy. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. (Although this product is marketed primarily as a urine remover, it, like all enzyme cleaners, will remove feces, vomit, and blood as well.). The Cat Whisperer is strutting around like he knows everything now. Drives me batty as he always has soft poops a couple times a week.When he was a younger kitten, he’s 11 mos now, he would step in it! This morning he had a little dried poop on his butt - … What you describe, your long haired cat getting feces caught in his hair is not uncommon. Remove waste at least twice a day. I am slowly transiting her to Nature’s variety instinct wet food which is probably why her poop is a little soft. I bought an electric clipper to shave my cats butt. She is even more beautiful than a Chocolate Truffle (and, believe me, I think Chocolate Truffles are among the most beautiful sites in this world!)! “here’s a tough one…i have a bobtail cat and she seems to be pregnant…however, Buffy seems to ALWAYS have poop stuck to her butt…i’ve had to pull it off her butt and use a napkin because she bleeds alot from!!”. I was going to ask the exact same question!!! He’s grown so much on this and is quite happy, nice and mellow. BUT what I have done is trimmed the hair around his butt and it helps a lot. He had to have a little bottom bath and then a good brushing to make him feel better! By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Posted by 4 years ago. —-*always remember to be gentle, smooth, and patient, for the sake of you and your pet!! Since he keeps his tail curled (dummy), this solved that issue. Cat butt dingleberries. Sort of like one for rabbits. Using some kind of vet magic, a good veterinary clinic will clean out those anal glands, and it will solve the problem. He kept getting poo all over his tail and bum, and then would drag his bottom on the floor to clean himself. Why can’t he get it all out and what can we do about it? One possible reason for poopy britches that you haven’t mentioned is the way the cat sits in the litter box. The last comment of yours was my very first thought! Has he been neutered? Thomas: Long-haired cats and overweight cats tend to have trouble grooming their rear ends, too. You may leave a comment about the post, reply to existing comments, or both. 4. If you’d like to help us pay for our hosting costs, please consider supporting our Patreon campaign or making a one-time donation through PayPal. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I still keep checking him though when he comes out from that area but he stays solid clean. I was so sick and tired of cleaning him up and the bathroom at 11pm! I will be getting some wipes and crossing my fingers. You’ll probably want to have a friend hold him as you trim. He sits on our furniture, on our pillows, on us, and all over the house with this poop stuck to his butt. I hope we all utilize this community to make a better life for our cats and make some great friendships along the way as well. thanks again. He is a most patient and calm boy. What’s up with that! I will try giving her fur a trim and hope it helps! I have tried pulling it off with some toilet paper but he won’t let me. Your cat may have a gastrointestinal infection or a parasitic infestation, or she could be suffering from arthritis or obesity, both of which make self-grooming difficult. It tends to get “muddy” and I think this is a contributing factor to the poopy bottom problem. He looks more satisfied after eating it and doesn’t make any noise in the kitchen as before crying for something else as he did on dry Orijen. She does not like me brushing her or trying to cut her hair in this area. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Not to mention they just need more mommy time to be a secure cat as they grow. Ah yes, the eye gookies! Here are our visitor questions and answers related to poop stuck in fur. Thomas: A vet consultation is particularly important if your cat is very obese for the same reasons that severely obese people should talk to a doctor before undertaking an exercise program. I find the Earth bath wipes too dry for this job, plus they are quite expensive. And not just after he goes; it’s there 24 hours a day, seven days a week. One of my two kittens also gets poop on his fur. These cookies do not store any personal information. She sleeps with me and likes to lie near my face (on my face) so having a dirty bottom is really not hygienic =/. I also use Oz Pet and LOVE it! A vet explained to us that the cat's "anal glands" excrete some poop onto those cat butthairs, and it's not an issue of her being long-haired or needing a butt-hair trim. So cut his nails, trim his butt and get those wipes ready! Thomas: If your cat was hit by a car or had his tail yanked really hard, it’s possible that nerve damage is making him somewhat incontinent. Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! There’s been times with just about everyone of my pets that I’ve had to “help” them get that last bit out. I am planning to get her shaved in this area to help her stay clean, Jenny, Thank you for all the information. Give your kitty the grooming she deserves and keep her … Looking into some weight-loss plans and healthy diets for your pet can greatly reduce this problem, as well as reducing your kitty’s chance of developing health problems. Miss Pink Sugarbelle Fluffypants brings him crashing back to reality. The average is a 5; if your cat looks closer to a 7, he’s overweight; and if he’s a 9, he’s morbidly obese. He’s not sick he’s just getting used to his new pup food.There will namorlly be about a week’s worth of loose or inconsistant stool whenever you change his puppy chow. In fact, you’ll probably have to, as the reconnaissance is about as much as a cat will endure, particularly of her nether regions =). I have a British Shorthair one year old, small residues of poop getting stuck. Also, make sure that poop isn’t getting stuck in the long fur of the back legs. Tahj has only had the one poo stick to his coat and it was a nightmare to get off despite being firm. He also never covers his poop and seldom his pee. (I actually take him back to the cat box and move his little paws to “show him” how to bury his poop, not sure if this is good or bad). I also use World’s Best and I have loved it for many, many years with my other cats, but I’m noticing that it doesn’t seem to clump up like it used to. i have a himalayan and it looks like her stool was a bit soft and now its stuck all over her butt and fur. As you can see, we don’t use ads on this site. YUCK! I bought them at the same time and forgot it was GO! On day three I turned it on while he was very relaxed and pet him all over with the non-trimming end. He grooms only after play, before he falls asleep. Copyright © 2019 JaneA Kelley/Paws and Effect; all rights reserved. Did you read Thank you for all your help and I think Truffles is feeling more at home now Carolyn, Dear Miss Patti: For once I’m going to be serious (I HATE that!!). Your comments made me smile and nod and feel great! She does not like to be brushed much and I do not know the best way to remove the litter or any little amount of poop that should stick to her fur  as I do not want her to consider the whole brushing idea as so unpleasant I have use a warm wash cloth but the whole idea of me cleaning her in that area does not make her happy. First of all, never “pull” anything off of your cats butt fur, the area is very sensitive and can be very painful for the poor kitty! 1. 5. Bear is only 14 weeks old and we have had him for only a week. —On a side note, the fact that your cat is bleeding from your attempts to clean her butt, obviously the dry napkin approach is very dangerous!! If you have a problem with dingleberries, dags, or feces try these reader suggestions! I should probably give my kitten exactly the same. Surprisingly, switching all my cats to only wet food cut down on litter box mess, and reduced the odor by at least 80% – contrary to what many people think about feeding wet foods. (We invested in an H2O mop.) Cats don’t have a very high thirst drive, so if your cat is not drinking enough, providing it with some wet food might help things move along. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Feces belong in the litter box, not on your cat’s behind. Cat Poop Stuck In Fur Maine Coons are prone to getting poop stuck in their fur. I was thinking that perhaps, I should try a different litter. Lurve the name, too! However, in longer-haired cats, matted bottom fur creates a stinky, smelly mess. I had this problem with my one yr old Siamese/Himalayan – which was twofold. Laura, our cat has the same problem sometimes. by The Paws and Effect Gang | Feb 28, 2010 | Cat Health, Cats and People | 16 comments. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. What is the problem? But I do believe dry food is not a good food for a cat. My kitten is 12 weeks only and he was dewormed before with 2 diffrent a/bs. I should get better at nutrition skills with him, learn how to add all those vitamins and supplements to his meals. Siberian keeps getting poop in her fur. You can use an enzymatic cleaner like Anti Icky-Poo to get rid of stains and … Thank you for the idea of using baby wipes I had not thought of that. Thank you for asking the question and posting it up Jenny! Without milk he is more into rough behavior like tendency for biting, attacking feet when walking, doesn’t like to be held, kind of more on a wilder side. Cleaning Off Fecal Staining Look for fecal staining. If this is the case, you’re going to have to get used to cleaning him up on a regular basis. I’m not saying to shave just a good trim. Oh and she has not gone to the vet yet we have her scheduled to go on march 15! Like Patti, I trim her, but my trimming is not really up near her butt, but lower near her “bloomers.” She has totally fuzzy bloomers that are much easier to deal with when they are shorter. I’ve noticed a big difference, he is 100% calmer, more relaxed. It is hard to prevent or stop. You can use an enzymatic cleaner like Anti Icky-Poo to get rid of stains and odors that are already in your furniture and carpets. here’s a tough one…i have a bobtail cat and she seems to be pregnant…however, Buffy seems to ALWAYS have poop stuck to her butt…i’ve had to pull it off her butt and use a napkin because she bleeds alot from!! I forgot about those! Carolyn. We hope we’ve been able to help. my mom wont let her back in the house because she sits on furniture and counters. He keeps getting up here on the desk and I am so scared it is going to touch me. I got a cat from the humane society last October (about 4 or 5 months ago), and ever since I got him he's been prone to getting his poop stuck in his fur around his tail/ butt area. You don't have to go too short, just a good trim should help. This went on for a few months I hate to tell you. What should I - Answered by a verified Cat Vet We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. I no longer gag pulling the top off the box, and I have no more cat stink wafting into the rest of the house after they do their business! 10. He is on Orijen dry. Floppycats™ | Uniting Ragdoll Cat Lovers Worldwide Since 2008. For more information about our privacy practices please go here. Not much fun for us, or him. Hey, everyone! Thank you for your idea of trying Oz Pet Cat Litter it is always helpful to have the name of good products in case one does not work later on. I’m thinking once it’s really hot here, I might try giving him a full bath every now and then. Siouxsie: First of all, Laura, we’d suggest talking to your vet. Still had to wash him today, though probiotics coming soon on Prime order…. We try to help you understand your cat and what may or may not be going on with him or her, but please discuss your concerns about your cat with your veterinarian! the dry food that I leave for her is called fromm grain free and I believe is a higher quality food the family that had her before told me they gave different kinds of wet and dry foods so she became use to trying different things meow mix was one dry food. First, lurve that picture of Truffles. This site collects information via the use of cookies and through our email subscription form. This can reduce the pain for your kitty, as well as help in preventing any bleeding that may occur from the tugging of a comb, or even the dry wiping of a napkin. Thanks. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. But I love him so much. Been purchasing the toys and accessories that can be shipped to Singapore. My cat has IBD and had the same issue, except that it was runny. I can get it off with wipes but she smells pretty bad! 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