Class This section contains bugs related to Legate Quentin Cipius. Spread the word. Time to see what these Stormcloaks are made of." No Cipius: "Not long. Bugs. Just - don't let me down Cipius. Legate Quentin Cipius is a non playable character that appears in the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. He will relocate inside Dragonsreach after the quest "Message to Whiterun" for the Imperial Legion is completed. Imperial Soldier: "Sir, they're on the move. The city walls are already falling apart as it is." This quest is available to both factions (albeit with slight differences for obvious Faction It would be a good idea to clear your bounty before reporting to Legate Cipius. It's the Imperial milk drinkers I'm worried about." I don't even get the quest in my logbook, and there is no dialoge option what-so-ever with esbern. If the Empire is victorious in the Civil War he can be found at Dragonsreach. Also talked with Brynjolf and Vekel the Man, no luck there either. His death will ruin the Imperial Legion questline, something I've gotten multiple reports on. He's supposed to tell me that the Stormcloaks are here and I should head down to fight them, instead he give me random Imperial dialog. I realized that this means you have a criminal bounty in Whiterun (because all the guards were saying that to me, too). It would be a good idea to clear your bounty before reporting to Legate Cipius. Also, you talked to Quentin Cipius first right? What's he waiting for?" Legate Quentin Cipius, an Imperial soldier, is an Officer in the Imperial Legion. Go. Soldier I have completed "diplomatic immunity" and then talked with Delphine. Legate Quentin Cipius is a member of the Imperial Legion. Legate Quentin Cipius is a member of the Imperial Legion. Steel Sword. Cipius: "What?!" Message to Whiterun is the quest that comes after The Jagged Crown. For other uses, see Imperial Legion. He can be seen with an Imperial bow equipped firing steel arrows at the Stormcloak soldiers during the attack and has a group of Imperial soldiers around him. You will first need to defend the barricades of the city. Go." If there are anyone that really wants to kill him, use the console to remove his status. Cipius: "They have catapults." I have to talk to Legate Quentin Cipius right now. Legate Quentin Cipius is a non playable character that appears in the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Essential Imperial Armor Set This will list your bounties. Battle for Whiterun; Weapon . Location . I'm sorry to say that the game-breaking effect of Legate Quentin Cipius's death forced me to make him Essential. Cipius: "Already taken care of." Unknown Occupation . Cipius: "The men will be fighting in the flames." This bug is fixed by version 1.4 of the Official Skyrim Patch. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. He is just standing in the middle of the plain west of Swindler's Dem and north of Gjuka's monument. They're hiding in the country side." I have already done everything from the Message to Whiterun quest. 000BF560 No. There is nothing there but if you approach him he draws his weapon and says I'm trespassing. If we can hold them there..." Respawn Ref ID Balgruuf: "The outer walls are strong. Of course not. Progressing through Season Unending while Message to Whiterun is active is not possible, see page for Season Unending for more details and workarounds. There's this quest breaking bug in the Imperial questline, right before you protect Whiterun. VIEW OLDER REPLIES. Legate Quentin Cipius may not start this quest, instead giving only generic greetings. Balgruuf: "My men are fearless. Sorry for the late reply, I only just encountered this myself but here's how I solved it. Upon exiting Whiterun’s main gate, you will find Legate Rikke addressing a speech to the troops. After the attack he walks back in to Whiterun and making his way up to Dragonsreach. ... Oh, or am I encountering a bug and have to do a PC console cheat? Cipius: "My scouts tell me they're loading them with fire." So I just got back from delvivering the message from Windhelm and I need to report back to him but a chat dialog doesnt pop up, he just stands there complaining about the damned Stormcloaks or … He is an Imperial Legate who will be found in Dragonsreach of Whiterun if the Empire wins the Civil War. See if you have a bounty in whiterun. While the Civil War is unfinished, and the Battle for Whiterun is not started he can be found in the plains east of Rorikstead, next to a few ruins. Thanks PS. We'll need to set up water brigades to combat the flames." Everything about the quest Message to Whiterun goes fine, it isn't until I get to the final part where I have to 'Report to Legate Quentin Cipius' where I can't do anything. Rank Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Every miserable last one of them.". You don't actually have to engage dialogue with her either, just meet her at the rendezvous and listen to her inspirational pep talk. Balgruuf: "Damnit. Give me the EXACT console command I would have to put to advance the quest to Battle for Whiterun on the Imperial's side. I went there and found Ulfric and 11 Stromcloak soldiers. Note: You must have completed the quest Dragon Rising in the main quest before being able to complete this quest. Inventory . Speak with Legate Quentin Cipius and head to the gates of Whiterun. Message to Whiterun Legate Quentin Cipius. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. There is an equivalent quest if the Dragonborn joins the Stormcloaks. Imperial Soldier: "Sir!" The last thing i need to do is talk to Legate Quentin Cipius however, all he says is "The stormcloaks are here. Imperial Legion The Imperial Legion is a joinable faction in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. To fix this, if you have installed Civil War Overhaul and you have deleted only the .esp file, you should delete all its scripts, textures and actors. Always Alternatively, if a side has not yet been chosen or if Stormcloaks won, he can be found at the Whiterun Imperial Camp. Gender Get down to the front line!" Once the speech is completed, the Stormcloak assault will begin. Balgruuf: "You Imperials are efficient, I'll give you that. Legate Quentin Cipius, an Imperial soldier, is an Officer in the Imperial Legion.There are two ways of encountering Quentin Cipius, depending on whether you joined forces with the Legion or the Stormcloaks.. Quentin wears Imperial armor with matching boots and bracers.He wields an imperial sword and a steel dagger and carries an imperial bow for long-distance attacks. Alternatively, if a side has not yet been chosen or if Stormcloaks won, he can be found at the Whiterun Imperial Camp. Cipius: "Take a moment to breathe, soldier." 35. Quentin wears Imperial armor with matching boots and bracers. 000844D1 Imperial Soldier: "Sir." Move it soldier. Imperial Soldier: "But... Sir..." Balgruuf: "So, he wants to take my city, walls intact." ... What I did to fix en bug was that I "killed" (brought Cipius to his knees) and got a bounty in Whiterun for 200 Gold. Progressing through Season Unending while Message to Whiterun is active is not possible, see page for Season Unending for more details and workarounds. How long until they arrive?" Where'd they get catapults? Legate Quentin Cipius So Ulfric's agreed to meet the Greybeards, but now Tullius is stuck. How can I be trespassing in the middle of an open plain? Imperial Soldier: "Sir! And the music that signals an enemy keeps playing. Led by Marcella Valeria while General Tullius as her second-in-command, they oppose the Stormcloak rebellion and their attempt to secede Skyrim from the Fourth Empire. This bug is fixed by version 1.4 of the Official Skyrim Patch. Legate Rikke is clearly female. Legate Quentin Cipius Bug/Preventing Faction questline from continuing.. The problem, in a nutshell, is that you can't progress the quest "Message to Whiterun", because when you talk to Legate Cipius, he just keeps saying, "Wait I know you". Race Thats when glitch happens. There are two ways of encountering Quentin Cipius, depending on whether you joined forces with the Legion or the Stormcloaks. Legate Cipius: "Breathe!" Balgruuf: "No. Legate Rikke? search Legate Quentin Cipius is an Imperial field commander. In force. Cipius: "The men are already gathering at the gates. © Valve Corporation. Legate Cipius won't talk, he won't command me to go and protect Whiterun. During the Message to Whiterun quest, you're asked to report to him, and in some instances he will not give you the quest dialogue for you to proceed, instead only offers generic guard responses. Go to the menu and under "general stats" click on "crimes." I checked this and sure enough, i had a tiny bounty, like 125 septim. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I have..." They'll be at the gates at any moment!" Base ID Well, we have the same issue here. Balgruuf: "Damnit. As an essential character, he cannot die, even after the Civil War questline has been completed. He is an Imperial Legate who will be found in Dragonsreach of Whiterun if the Empire wins the Civil War. After investigating in the CK I noticed that many more CW commanders from both sides don't have their proper 'enable parent' set. Imperial PC×0.25 (max 50) Imperial Soldier: "Sir, I tried." Go. Next it tells me to report to Legate Quentin Cipius; but again I'm choosing not to do this yet (because an earlier save resulted in something I dont want yet; I think lol). Balgruuf: "This is it! Jump to content. You currently have javascript disabled. The city of Whiterun is of strategic value to both the Imperials and the Stormcloaks. So yesterday I finished pretty much the entire game for the first time with exception to the civil war. I have over 1900/hrs in game and have played through 6 or 7 times at differant levels, but this is the first time I have come accross this Legate. Dragonsreach; Whiterun Imperial Camp; Family . All rights reserved. Soldier Quests . Male Then all guards came charging in i lowered my weapons and payed the bounty to … He can be found in Dragonsreach in Whiterun if the Dragonborn joins the Legion, or at the Whiterun Imperial Camp if …