Bad thoughts alone do not render a person outside of Islam. Many times people get bad thoughts of kufr/shirk, which is not sinful and by no means entails disbelief, as the person doesn’t actually hold those thoughts to be true. Assalamu Alaikum, I have an OCD and I get intrusive thoughts usually due to this. Intrusive thoughts. I have thoughts about shirk and think almost everything is shirk for example; I want to write for my school notes, My intrusive thoughts “It is as if I worship anybody else besides Allah if I wrote ( Intrusive thoughts are not sinful. Discussion. They will not harm you unless you obsess about the thoughts, which means you are struggling with OCD and need to get professional help to help you overcome and control the thoughts. While browsing the net, I came across an article which said that if one commits a sexual activity with a specific intention to get something they desire and if they think about that during the activity (especially the climax), they will get what they desired. The thoughts and behaviors that characterize OCD can interfere with daily life, but treatment can help people manage their symptoms. What is OCD? OCD is a common, long-lasting disorder characterized by uncontrollable, recurring thoughts (obsessions) that can lead people to … The intrusive thoughts are just thoughts. Commit shirk forgiven In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Throughout the day, we get many kinds of thoughts but we ignore them. For example if I think about someone, a thought will attack me saying you committed shirk for thinking about that person and its causing me mad. so i thought if i kept saying the statement imam ali is god (astafirallah) , i would get used to the thoughts and they would eventually go away. You usually hear thoughts in your own voice, which makes one believe they are their own. I keep getting thoughts that I committed shirk. And when I breath I always think that I have called out the name of another deity. This test is not to replace professional diagnosis by a qualified mental health professional. I keep thinking Allah will punish me. Rather it is show you if you have traits relating to intrusive thoughts When intrusive thoughts come to your mind, you sometimes can’t differentiate them from your ordinary thoughts. Intrusive Thoughts Test Dr Elaine Ryan. I used to be a very keen Muslim and enjoyed learning about Islam. For a few months now I have been struggling with thoughts of polytheism. Yesterday when I was reading Fajr Salah, I read it properley, but I had distractions, like I thought I had statues infront of me, after Salah, I was upset and angry. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. The thoughts you are having are not from you, and your dislike of them is a proof of this. asalam a alaykum brother and sisters please help me urgently, i think i have commited the worst sin in islam (shirk) thoughts of imam ali kept coming to me saying he was god (astafirallah) i kept ignoring it and ignoring it but it wouldn't go away. I don't know what to do. Bad Thoughts versus Kufr. Assalamu Alaykum Brothers and Sisters, My islamic journey in the beginning was a fresh start for me and it was beautiful. With OCD, when a disturbing thought comes to your mind, …