The rule-of-thumb is that 3 months of HRT is reversible in terms of breast growth. Also known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and commonly prescribed at menopause, estrogen and progesterone pills and creams are probably the most common systemic form of treatment for androgenic alopecia for women in menopause or whose estrogen and/or progesterone are lacking for other reasons. Some non-transsexuals (androgynous people, drag queens, bi-gender and multigender people, etc.) I'm confused. HRT (also known as hormone therapy, menopausal hormone therapy, and estrogen replacement therapy) is the most effective treatment for menopause symptoms. The goal of hormone therapy in transfeminine patients is to reduce the endogenous effects of testosterone such as a coarse body hair and facial hair; and to induce feminine secondary sex characteristics such as breast and hip development, in keeping with … may also want hormone therapy, and may not identify or live as women. I'd also like to deepen my speaking voice but am really anxious about that because I'm a singer and don't want to lose the high part of my range. HRT has been amazing for me so far, yesterday was officially 6 months. It’s a huge mistake to think that estrogen is only about growing breasts, but that’s the thing most people think about first. I get read as female probably about 70% of the time, as my voice is a little on the high side and my body and face shape are somewhat feminine. The decision to start male-to-female hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be an exciting choice. For individuals born male, getting shapes and curves as a woman can be challenging and a difficult procedure. It is a common type of transgender hormone therapy (another being female-to-male) and is predominantly used to treat … I feel most comfortable presenting myself in a very androgynous way, though sometimes I like to mix it up and tend more towards the male or female end of the spectrum, depending on the day. Being a beautiful crossdresser requires you … For many people, hormone treatment is the first step to transitioning physically into a female body. First, you will need to find a doctor who can prescribe you female hormones. My levels are mostly in female range, and I present mostly female most of the time but often try to be somewhat androgynous or "butch" looking. Estrogen Therapy What do you mean you don't feel male? For this reason, we use the term MTF instead of “trans women.” This website is written specifically for people in the MTF spectrum who are considering taking hormones. Transgender hormone therapy of the male-to-female (MTF) type, also known as transfeminine hormone therapy, is hormone therapy and sex reassignment therapy to change the secondary sexual characteristics of transgender people from masculine or androgynous to feminine. . I'm afab nonbinary and considering low-dose HRT for a more androgynous appearance. Feminizing Hormone Therapy. Have you lost feeling in your penis?