These controls typically have solid-state components that are sensitive to voltage surges. If there is an existing lightning protection system on your commercial building or at A lightning strike delivers very large currents. When lightning strikes a nearby power line, it travels the path of least resistance from the power line to the meter and then into the home’s electrical panel. Lightning can sometimes damage our electrical equipment and cause power cuts. They can destroy computer motherboards, break down hard drives and even cause fires. An important thing to keep in mind is that the energy from a lightning strike can travel through communication cables that are connected to a cable box, phone, or modem. Get Your Guide to Lightning Damage to Electronics, Get Your Guide to Electrical Panel Claims. Your Equipment is at Risk Lightning and voltage surges can cripple your business in an instant. A recent analysis of 2016 homeowner’s insurance claims by Insurance Information Institute revealed that over $825 million was paid on more than 100,000 lightning claims. Electrical Equipment Protection. Still, there may be limitations regarding the maximum amount the insurer pays for the damaged items. However, specialized surge protectors can save these expensive pieces of equipment from damage. Lightning strikes can cause damage to home electrical systems and electrical devices such as a ceiling fan. Hence it will easily damage the electrical facilities and transmission tools . Pool and irrigation equipment are connected to a large surface area of pipes, which provide a direct path to the system’s electronic controls. Clearline’s objective is to provide effective protection solutions at affordable costs. With a power of 300 kilovolts, lightning can heat the air up to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This type of damage is almost always limited to the outdoor equipment. When lightning strikes a structure, (a building, tree or pole etc.) Lightning 2. Home electric appliances like TV, Computer, etc often get damaged from high voltage spikes that appear in the power lines. List all the damaged electronics when a lightning strike or ground surge. plant, etc.). Due to resistivity of the earth, decreasing voltage potentials will be experienced along the current paths moving away from this point. A direct lightning strike will cause significant damage to electrical and nonelectrical items in the home. A lightning protection system includes a network of air terminals, bonding conductors, and ground electrodes designed to provide a low impedance path to ground for potential strikes. The line voltage can surge when the current does, spiking the normal 110 volt line with 200 volts or more for brief periods. The lightning pole is located considerably higher than any other point or area of structure to be protected and provides a cone of protection around the structure. 3. Galvanically coupled surge voltages: Lightning can strike the air conductors directly and surge voltages, even from kilometres away, can enter into your installation. Lightning is the most commonly thought of power surge or spike that damages electronic devices. Lightning- and surge-related events can severely damage a home’s electrical system and the electronics connected to it. This combination of power and heat can cause serious damage to the human body.Being struck by lightning may lead to burns, rupturing of the eardrum, eye damage, cardiac arrest, and respiratory arrest. Large appliances (such as a washer, dryer, range, refrigerator, well pump, water heater, etc.) Additionally, multiple outdoor electrical components will be damaged, such as the contactor, capacitor, compressor, and fan motor. Equalisation then occurs which could cause damage to your equipment. For avoiding these damages , there are some ways to convey the lightning energy in a safe manner and secondly some protective equipment like fuses which are used in electrical industry . In 2016, 13% of items claimed in lightning and surge losses were in proper working condition at the time of StrikeCheck’s assessment, further exemplifying the need for a thorough investigation. Fortunately, by following these pointers, you may help safeguard your property — and yourself — from the damage inflicted by lightning. StrikeCheck - | 888-980-8544. Moreover, it can travel through the wiring to the outlets and damage electronics not plugged into a point-of-use surge protector. In the United States, most homes use electrical power in the form of 120 volt, 60 hertz, single phase, alternating current.However, the voltage is not delivered at a constant 120 volts. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) Lightning. Without the arrestors, lightning could arc across the insulators that support power lines, causing interruptions and damaging other equipment. Lightning. The first is a direct lightning strike to the home, which is an infrequent occurrence. We have come across many lightning strikes that have exploded electrical equipment off the walls of homes, and that same power surge that damages electronics also damages the wiring in the walls. Lightning damage to an irrigation controller. The lightning protection and grounding systems dissipate most of the energy to the earth. These charges will conclude in thousand volts of voltage . Other Electrical Systems 3. When the air surrounding the lightning channel is heated this rapidly, it expands in a shock wave. In … This direct injection of lightning current inside a building can cause immense damage to electrical – and especially electronic – circuits and equipment. "The loss from lightning can be tremendous." How does Lightning Master maintain lightning protection equipment? If the surge travels through the wiring to the outlet that appliance is connected to, it can damage the appliance’s control board. Lightning can damage a system in two ways: a direct strike, or through transient voltage surges that travel from the direct strike into nearby areas. The damage to buildings, equipment, buildings systems, electronics and vehicles can be extensive. Very high voltage spikes and transients develop for a fraction of a second in the supply lines when lightning occurs. Damage from this type of event is generally less severe than that of a direct strike. Fortunately, if these types of electronics are properly connected to a quality surge protector, they can be safeguarded from voltage fluctuations. It would be best to have the ceiling fan and the electrical wiring checked and inspected to find out the extent of the damage, and then make the necessary repairs as needed. In many instances, this will start a fire, often in the wiring within the walls or the attic. Here are some of the most common problems caused by lightning. How susceptible a large appliance is depends on whether it uses mechanical or electronic controls. "There's so much more valuable electronic equipment in homes today," says Bud VanSickle, executive director of the Lightning Protection Institute (LPI). If the electrical panel is equipped with a whole-house surge protection device, the surge will stop there. Lightning typically damages electronics in one of two ways. Lightning current can burn up wires inside appliances, motors, and household electrical circuits. It is the responsibility of the user to install lightning protection, electrical surge-protective devices, and power conditioning equipment to … Because the wiring is within the walls of the property, it can be difficult (and costly) to determine the extent of the damage. We keep in close contact with the Met Office so we are well prepared for any weather forecast. Site Surveys - surge and lightning protection. It can occur because someone is directly struck by lightning, although in almost all cases this leads to death. When lightning strikes an object, (a building, tree or pole etc.) Lightning travels from the clouds to the ground from the fastest path. Without warning, electrical damage to your state-of-the-art telephone system, computer networks or expert diagnostic equipment can knock out your ability to communicate and transmit information. Moreover, electronics plugged into an electrical system that receives a direct lightning strike typically cannot be protected by a surge protector. Lightning strikes are wondrous sites to see, but they can also be deadly. With confirmed lightning damage, there will always be visual evidence of arcing and charring of the equipment casing and/or housing. high currents at fast wave fronts occur causing large electromagnetic fields which are then induced into your electrical and data communication cabling. Buildings struck by lightning have construction materials which can easily catch fire, smolder or explode. Robinson noted the electrical surge can damage even non-electrical appliances. Televisions, telephones, computers and other electronic goods are under threat during an electrical storm. This method is suitable for larger buildings as it is usually easy to install. Use plug-in surge protectors for telephone and cable TV lines. Additionally, multiple outdoor electrical components will be damaged, such as the contactor, capacitor, compressor, and fan motor. A lightning protection system is designed to protect a structure from damage due to lightning strikes by intercepting such strikes and safely passing their extremely high currents to ground. Shockwaves are the loud thunder that we hear, but at close range, they are destructive. Surge and lightning damage to electronics is a frequent occurrence, particularly in the summer months. The object of the pole is to intercept the lightning discharge and to provide an orderly path to the ground. If a site doesn’t have proper grounding and bonding in place, the earth potential rise caused by a lightning strike may result in arcing and side flashing between metallic objects on the site and cause damage of the electrical equipment. If lightning travels into the home through the wiring or through communication cables (such as those used for internet, cable TV, or phone), it can cause serious damage to any electronics not properly connected to a point-of-use surge protector. Lightning typically damages electronics in one of two ways. The system consists of several capturing points connected to each other through conductors. How does a power surge cause damage? Injury by lightning occurs after exposure to a millisecond electrical discharge at very high temperatures. Televisions, telephones, computers and other electronic goods are under threat during an electrical storm. However, a direct or very close lightning strike can destroy ANY electric appliance, electronic or non-electronic, if the large lightning current flows through them. However, due to miniaturisation, these products are also susceptible to interference emanating from lightning and load switching and to prevent damage from occurring, correct protection is required. With alternating current, the voltage rises and falls in a predetermined rhythm. Recent adoption by the South Africa Bureau of Standards SANS 61024-1 {protection of building structures against lightning electro magnetic pulse (Lemp)} and SANS 61312-1 {protection of information systems against Lemp} now makes it possible to design protection systems that will greatly increase the reliability of installed electronic equipment. 2. IEC62305-3 Part 3:Physical Damage to Structure and Life Hazard IEC62305-4 Part 4:Electrical and Electronic Systems within Structures IEC62305-5 Part 5:Services (This part was not introduced) EN 50164 series (in Europe only currently, for components) EN50164-1 Lightning protection components (LPC)– Part 1: Requirements for Even a strike that is several hundred feet away can trigger a power surge to electric or telephone lines, or other incoming conductive lines like cable TV or satellite dishes. Other Electrical Systems 3. It would be best to have the ceiling fan and the electrical wiring checked and inspected to find out the extent of the damage, and then make the necessary repairs as needed. It’s possible for a homeowners insurance claim when lightning hit a tree which may damage electronics in the property. As the name implies, external or structural protection will only protect the structure and not the equipment located inside the structure. 2. Storm damage and lightning damage play havoc with telephone lines and sensitive electrical equipment. When lightning strikes the earth, it heats and expands the air. Without warning, electrical damage to your state-of-the-art telephone system, computer networks or expert diagnostic equipment can knock out your ability to communicate and transmit information. If lightning strikes our overhead lines, or if tree branches or debris briefly touches the power lines causing these automatic switches to operate. Clearline Protection Services (Pty) Ltd :: Reg No 2012/037146/07 :: Tel (011) 848-1100 :: 1. Lightning current can burn up wires inside appliances, motors, and household electrical circuits. The first is a direct lightning strike to the home, which is an infrequent occurrence. However, if the strike is directly to the building or to a very close power pole, the event may still damage the appliance (NIST). Our electricity network is self-healing, therefore if the fault is transient it will automatically restore power supplies. A direct lightning strike will cause significant damage to electrical and nonelectrical items in the home. We never know where lightning will strike until it actually hits, but lightning detection equipment in our control centre allows us to see lightning storms crossing our area. Large appliances that utilize electronic controls are much more sensitive to surge damage from a lightning strike. However, lightning does not necessarily have to strike your house in order to cause electrical problems. Lightning strikes at power lines can send a surge of electricity down the wires and into your appliances. How does Lightning Affect Electronic Systems? Just about everyone knows lightning can damage expensive electronics. We have come across many lightning strikes that have exploded electrical equipment off the walls of homes, and that same power surge that damages electronics also damages the wiring in the walls. Lightning is the transfer of electrical charge from cloud-to-cloud or cloud-to-ground. External or structural protection should always be considered as an integral part of a correctly designed protection system. Lightning 2. However, the voltage is not delivered at a constant 120 volts. Surges and lightning strikes send energy into conductive materials like phone lines, electrical wiring, and cables. As electrical charge from a cloud approaches the ground, streamers from objects on the ground rise to meet the charge from the cloud. This can happen after blackouts, from lightning strikes, or for other causes. “A properly installed lightning protection system performs the simple yet invaluable task of providing a network of low-resistance paths for lightning current to follow in preference to other parts of the structure,” says Jennifer Morgan, principal of East Coast Lightning Equipment, one of the largest suppliers of protection products in the country. This is because lightning striking near a local electric pole can cause a surge of electricity to burst through the power lines. Lightning is the most commonly thought of power surge or spike that damages electronic devices. If the surge is not stopped at the electrical panel, it can then travel over the surface of the wiring to the home, burning the insulation and fusing the wires together. Power surge. Depending on the level of integration, home automation equipment can quickly become expensive to repair or replace. Consumer electronics, such as computers, televisions, and gaming systems, all utilize an integrated circuit, which is extremely susceptible to damage from a voltage overload caused by a surge (eHow). During the last decade enormous advances in electronic technology have been made, bringing sophisticated electronic equipment into our homes in the form of video, sound, security, computers and appliances. The more common scenario is for a nearby lightning strike to enter the home through wires or pipes that extend outside the home. Lightning damage can be costly due to damage to critical equipment and potential shutdowns. It can easily dislodge any electrical wiring from its place and as a result cause a short circuit. If these cables are not also properly connected to a surge protector, the overvoltage can travel into the device that it is directly connected to and damage the circuit board. The lightning shockwaves can shatter glass, blow plaster and fracture foundations. An explosive shock wave from lightning is also a source of damage for homes. This figure is expected to continue to rise as a growing number of homeowners install connected smart home components. This surge voltage is then passed to ground through your equipment which can lead to damage or complete destruction of your equipment. Just about everyone knows lightning can damage expensive electronics. Lightning-induced voltage surges can travel up phone and cable lines to damage the devices and appliances connected to them. This is why lightning rods have a minimum length – to top lift this shock wave off the roof of the protected structure. Most appliances and electronics used in the United States are designed to be powered by this form of generated electrici… This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Despite surge protectors, etc., when the phone line was hit, we sustained damage to the computer, DSL modem, and router. Perhaps more significant for insurance carriers is the fact that the average cost per residential lightning claim has risen over 40% since 2007 (III), which is indicative of the increase in the number of electronics susceptible to lightning- and surge-related damages per home. CurrentSAFE is the test we perform on homes after lightning strikes, electrical surges, and overall electrical hazard detection. The energy from a nearby lightning strike can travel through communication wires (such as phone, internet, or cable wires), directly from a utility pole into the home’s electrical panel, or through conductive metal (such as plumbing or metal bars in the foundation) (NWS). It can strike the power lines causing problems for the entire neighborhood. When lightning current is passed into the ground, high electromagnetic fields are generated which will be induced into cabling and wiring causing equipment damage. a high voltage potential exists for the duration of the strike at the point of contact of the structure to the ground. Designed by Developed by - Please contact us if you experience any technical issues. Severe voltage surges can damage or destroy most electrical equipment. Surge protectors, such as those used in power strips, safely absorb the excess energy in an electrical surge. Each year lightning damage causes billions of dollars in property damage which results often times in a fire event with total devastation. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) Lightning. 1. Unplug electronics and appliances In addition to causing structural fires, lightning can damage the electronics in your home. While lightning damage is the most frequently claimed cause of loss to HVAC equipment, lightning is very rarely the actual peril to the system. If the appliance simply uses a mechanical control, it will typically be able to withstand most surges without sustaining any damage. While direct lightning strikes to the exterior of a home can be the most catastrophic, damage to electrical equipment is also possible. The electrical system of a home or business is one of the most frequent points of entry of increased voltage from a lightning or surge event. One way this can be accomplished is by utilizing an objective expert to thoroughly investigate electronics claimed in lightning losses, to verify the cause of loss and recommend an appropriate action to return the insured to pre-loss condition. are also vulnerable to surge and lightning damage. Your Equipment is at Risk Lightning and voltage surges can cripple your business in an instant. Lightning can damage a system in two ways: a direct strike, or through transient voltage surges that travel from the direct strike into nearby areas. It can also cause structural damage to the roof, chimney, or sometimes the windows or foundation (Storm Highway). It can overheat motors, burn out lights and damage electronic components. Dan Robinson of Storm Highway explained that lightning can cause power surge damage if it uses your home's electrical wiring system as its primary or secondary path. Visual evidence of a direct lightning strike to the disconnect box. Additionally, an independent third party can ensure that carriers are only paying on valid claims. A network is formed which is extended with conductors leading to the earth electrode system. Should you have electronic equipment referenced to different earth systems while connected to each other via copper cables, equalisation will tend to occur via the copper cables resulting in equipment damage. Lightning can strike the air conductors directly and surge voltages, even from kilometres away, can enter into your installation. As the number (and value) of the electrical contents of a home increases with newly developed technologies, we expect to see the average cost per residential lightning claim to continue to rise. The bulk of the damage, however, was to the electronic equipment. Additionally, The Journal of Science predicts an increase in the number of lightning strikes as the earth’s temperature warms. A correctly co-ordinated protection system to SABS IEC 61024-1 and SABS 0313 should be followed. The expanding air causes a shock and pressure wave. If you get caught out or have to sail through an area where electrical storms are expected, it’s important to prepare for all the weather a thunderstorm can dish out, not just lightning. A common form of structural protection is the single pole lightning conductor. This represents a near 10% increase in the number of lightning claims filed in 2016 over 2015, though it is still below the 10-year average. With alternating current, the voltage rises and falls in a predetermined rhythm. For smart home components assessed by our technicians for surge or lightning damage last year, the average cost to replace was nearly $3,500, and the average cost to repair was roughly $850. Lightning strikes can cause damage to home electrical systems and electrical devices such as a ceiling fan. The voltage oscillates from 0 to a peak voltage of 169 volts. This shock wave can damage a structure. This illustrates the significance of insurance carriers developing a standardized method for handling lightning damage claims to better control their indemnity leakage exposure. A lightning strike can travel along the Openreach network and damage sockets, wiring and equipment plugged in during a storm. Indirect lightning injury occurs when a person touches or is near to an object in which lightning … In many instances, this will start a fire, often in the wiring within the walls or the attic. This surge voltage is then passed to ground through your equipment which can lead to damage or complete destruction of your equipment. CurrentSAFE is the test we perform on homes after lightning strikes, electrical surges, and overall electrical hazard detection. In the United States, most homes use electrical power in the form of 120 volt, 60 hertz, single phase, alternating current.