Comment on the illustrations used to portray the demonstrations on page 18. Mehri views Marji as a sister and likewise on Marji's part. 38. How did her mother respond? She believes that by becoming the/a prophet she can eliminate social and political problems that she sees around her. What was Reza's original political motive? What is Pardisse's response? She says up to a certain age kids need their parents, then later they need you. How does Marji's dad cut through her propaganda-induced thinking? "Except for my grandmother I was obviously the only one who believed in myself.". Is he successful? Initially, she responds by changing the subject and asking Marji how her school day was. 186. Anoosh ran to his parent's house. Ramin believes his father isn't a murderer because "He killed communists and communists are evil." Mohsen is found dead in his bathtub; he was assassinated. Pardisse writes a letter to her father in her paper. Marji's mother reveals that her father had been frequently put in a water cell for hours at a time, the police would come to her house to arrest her father often, and we find out that her father had a Rheumatism. 124. She broke the rules because she wanted to fit in and be friends with the 14 year olds. 97. How would you describe the mood at the airport? 195. It symbolizes how their actions seem great (praying) but really are not so good (disrespect the dead.). God finds out that Marji doesn't want to be a prophet anymore as she wants to be a revolutionary. Because most of Iran is being brainwashed by the Islamic regime. A bird (swan specifically) made out of bread that he made in prison. What is a puppet government? The human cost was one million people. They had to rip the picture of the shah out of their textbook, & that same teacher had earlier said that the shah was chosen by god and later changed her opinion of the shah. What is her father's reaction? 170. Who possessed the key to Paradise? Saddam Hussein has been waiting for an excuse to invade Iran, and when Iranian republics try to stir up Iraq Shiite allies, he takes the opportunity to go to war with Iran. Q: 4003 Aijt Sharma generally wears his father's coat. 20. Her mom? The doors were locked from the outside and minutes later a fire was started in the building. According to Marji's dad, why will the Middle East never have peace? Mali's husband is very. This demonstrates Anoosh's overall outward positive attitude. 111. he was the first prophet in my country before the Arab invasion.". How does Marji feel about him? What forbidden items did the government find at the house of Timoosh's dad? Che Guevara was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist. Without the parties it wouldn't be psychologically bearable. What had become a bigger conflict than the war against Iraq? What is Pardisse's response? At the time, there wasn't really any place like Iran. Which restriction is particularly ironic? How did the interior of their homes reflect the external changes that were occurring? She tries smoking and drinking wine. "They" burned down the Rex Cinema according to Marji's father (pg. Why was this news particularly upsetting for Marji? 2. Why did peace fail? How did she respond? 234. The lion represents the flag of Iran. This may then push them back on their faith and leave God's presence for a time or forever. After Marji hears that they burned Ahmadi with a clothes iron, she looks over at the one they have in their own house and makes a connection between their brutality and her domestic life. The teacher blames the basis education comes from the family. To see his son again, because he was dying. Why? What was his favorite subject matter? Why was Marji's generation so rebellious? On what conditions was this visit permitted? How do others respond to Marji's religious calling? Research databases are key resources for every college or university library. 62. They just follow the orders from their teachers. What did the survival of the regime depend upon? She also doesn't really understand that suffering is a part of growing up and/or growing old. They riot, and take over the U.S embassy. Her doubts arise when her aunt hands her her baby during the sirens, and promptly abandons her baby. They specifically ask for people to give blood for the war. What is Marji's reaction? What are the two possible consequences of the people ignorance? If you encounter a jerk, tell yourself that they're stupid to prevent reacting to rudeness. How does the author characterize Iranians? They don't like that the refugees seem to be taking all of their supplies and food (they can't "find anything to eat anymore"). 53. Who was Cyrus the Great? While Marji's mother was initially relieved to be back in a place of comfort, it is soon revealed that Iran is anything but stable/welcoming. I'll try to explain it to you." Durkheim’s father was the eighth in a line of father-son rabbis. In what ways does the children's response to the veil reflect a universal truth about society? She wants to impress her peers and have something to brag about. What is your reaction to her statement? How is the picture at the top of page 60 symbolic? 210. What are three reasons Marji wants to be a prophet? This shows that she is still a child as she never knew danger before. What was the rationale for making the veil obligatory? 61. What did bilingual schools symbolize to the new regime? Iraq offered a peace settlement. Why did Marji's dad visit Khosro? I think He does this because He doesn't want to see her hurting herself or because He has recognized a change in her ideology from support of the "God-ordained" Shah to the modern revolution. All bilingual schools were closed down. He began seeing the bad things that happen under capitalism. Satrapi carries the symbolism through this chapter as she represents pain, suffering, and grief as darkness. 47. 79. What impact would the Islamic republic have on young women like Marji? What was the reason for this second Arab invasion? He abandoned the idea of a religious or rabbinical career, however, and became very secular in his outlook. 158. How does Marji respond? 168. How does Marji respond to the news of the invasion? Surviving prison. "Now that the revolution was finally over once and for all, I abandoned the dialectic materialism of my comic strips. 63. 160. What do you suppose is Marji's underlying motive for desiring to join her parents in the street demonstration? Reza's original political motive was to create a republic. This imagery is very strong. Definitions. 99. 59. Who is Mehri? However, the double meaning is that they give blood for the war by fighting and "giving their blood". Despite her disgust, she continues to smoke anyway. The author indicates two motives for writing Persepolis. Fereydoon is Anoosh's uncle who proclaimed the independence of the Iranian Province of Azerbaijan and elected himself minister of justice of that place. It was to "protect" women from being raped. In page 115, we see the further development of the motif of both transfusion and self destruction. Siamak: imprisoned for 6 years because he was a journalist whose crime was writing subversive articles in the Keyhan, officially it was being a communist. Marji's symbolic act of rebellion was her smoking a stolen cigarette; her response was she thought it was awful but she still continued. What was the new strategy? Describe the symbolism and conflict represented in the picture on the top of page 6. Why would it be impossible for Iran to retaliate effectively against Baghdad? What is one of the ramifications of the nation's political conflict? Considering the surprising news they learn, how is this statement ironic? A must-read for English-speaking expatriates and internationals across Europe, Expatica provides a tailored local news service and essential information on living, working, and moving to your country of choice. and "Nobody will accept the truth.". Currently the Muslim extremists tell the suicide bombers they will get 70 virgins when they die. Why was it so unusual to hear the national anthem? Ultimately, how did they get rid of the officer? 1400 years ago. In an effort to end the war between Iran and Iraq; Iraq proposed a settlement to rebuild Iran and to restore peace that Saudi Arabia was going to fund. 231. 227. What gives Marji doubts about the notion of a "maternal instinct"? What is Taher's only wish? 140. Her husband responds by saying, "That time is past." Especially since the panel is very large, the reader's attention immediately gravitates towards the flames and the people running, and them being one with the flame. Why did Anoosh have to leave so quickly after his arrival? So they can hit themselves twice a day, they have to be covered, forbidden to play, wear their veils correctly. Why was he so important? It shows that many people hate their ruler the Shah. It's symbolic because the heads of his family are floating in his dream and she uses the same squiggly lines to represent the dream as she had used earlier. Why did Marji's family continue to hold parties despite the danger? 179. What contributes to Marji's anger and confusion when she returns to school? "The revolution is like a bicycle. What are they? 107. They both have specific guidelines for their believers to follow. How did the government delegate positions of power? He says that they don't know how to love. She feels guilty she is more well off then others. Why? She's basically saying that people were blind and allowed themselves to be pushed around like dolls, but now they're fighting back. Why does Ramin believe his father is not a murderer? Where do you see this occurring today? Her mother tells her that they will pay for what they have done, and Marji argues that everyone should be forgiven. How does Marji's reaction to the Kim Wilde poster reinforce an existing conflict? Because Marji had lost her faith & wanted to follow someone. According to Marji, what makes a hero? 218. Marji's dad visits Khosro because he prints fake passports. Marji and her mom have a tense relationship at this point. Siamak Juri's sister was assassinated in his place, and his family had to escape by hiding in a flock of sheep. This was a few years before the revolution." 51. It seems to reflect typical parent-child issues because typical issues consist of what clothes to wear. The swan may represent freedom and optimism as well as a legacy. The children don't understand why they have to wear the veil. 92. The family has ancestors that moved to Iran 3000 years ago. How do Marji's parents view their daughter's defiance differently? What is Taher's only wish? How would he accomplish this goal? What causes Marji to feel so ashamed? They are praying to the block of stone at the grave of Cyrus the Great. Marji attempts to console her by telling Pardisse that her father died a hero and Pardisse responds with "I wish he were alive and in jail instead of a hero and dead." Why will Marji have to go before the Committee? "Jimmy Carter, the president of the United States, refused to give refuge to the exiled Shah and his family.". What does each believe? What does the teacher blame? What were the two outcomes of the Islamic Revolution? 119. Who comes to visit Marji after Anoosh's death? All of their faces look the same. How does the picture on the top of page 137 reflect the mood? After Marji's mom tells the dad to bring his coat over and shows Marji the posters, Marji thanks her dad and calls him the genius. How would you characterize him? No, "Everywhere in the streets there were demonstrations for and against the veil." The Persian people faced oppression from what four sources? How does each philosopher reflect Marji's conflict? Marji asks, "Don't you think I look like Che Guevara?" In these three panels, one can see the idea of "copy-and-paste". What happened all day on Black Friday? Some hospitalized patients are unable to receive the treatment that they need because there is a lack of competent surgeons/doctors and they are unable to get passports to see the ones that can perform the procedures they need. Boys less than 13 years old who wanted to avoid becoming soldiers who would eventually just die, 233. What does Anoosh reveal about his past? This image reflects a change in the regular narrative of the story to Marji's imagination. Some part of it could have been to further spite God. She wears a bracelet 2 days in a row and punches the principal while struggling over the bracelet, which leads to her being expelled. 64. A major figure of the Cuban Revolution, his stylized visage has become a ubiquitous countercultural symbol of rebellion and global insignia in popular culture. He was given the title prime minister. How did the educational system engrain the Persian philosophy? What is one of the ramifications of the nation's political conflict? He was married to a Russian, but they're now divorced. Where does Marji's only hope lie? She and her "friends" laughed at people because they were scared of bombings happening in the city. The rest of the family finds the fact that anyone who dies could suddenly become a martyr amusing and how ready anyone is to protest. The survival of the regime depended upon the war. Who comes to visit Marji after Anoosh's death? What happened at school? How did the Shah's rule compare to Reza's? Irony: the Shah says that he is the light of the Aryans but the sky around him is completely dark save few scattered stars; "our people will regain their splendor" is very elegantly saying Make America- I mean, Iran- Great Again, but when was the first good period. They then sent a dowry to the family of 500 tumans (5 dollars). (86). 136. How does she characterize her father? Mehri's affair reached Marji's father because Mehri introduced her sister to the guy, the sister fell in love with the guy, the sister became very jealous of Mehri so she told Marji's uncle, the uncle told it to Marji's grandmother, grandmother told it to Marji's mom, and mom told dad. He declares war on Iran, and bombs Tehran, She feels angry and spiteful, and asks her daddy if he is going to war. Even though Mrs. Nassrin's comments on page 106 bring humor, how are her actions also symbolic? What did Marji realize for the first time? Her uncle, she is very proud of him, because he also took part in a major revolution and had tried to accomplished so much. 229. What is humorous about the sequence at the bottom of pg 81? What is the political spin? She also demonstrates more interest and preference in Communist ideas. But the Iranian government turns down this offer and refused to impose peace. My reaction is that she is insensitive and stubborn to say that directly to her parents. His wife because Russians "don't have hearts". What is the outcome of this conflict for Marji? What seems ironic about Nasrine's description of Paradise? 223. What do Marjane's parents know? Why? Ironically what happens three weeks later? 103. How does Marji view Mehri? What fallacy does Marji's answer to her grandmother reveal? They exterminated the enemy within the country. 125. Discuss how the artistic and literary elements on page 71 help to convey mood and theme? According to Anoosh, why is it nearly impossible to persuade the population to follow Marxism? What story does Marji's grandmother use to stall the officers? Besides fearing for their own lives, what other thought plagued families? 185. 1. Neda's dream was for a prince with blonde hair and blue eyes would come and take her to his castle. Because He left following her talking about wanting to be one of the revolutionaries, going to a demonstration and actively being part of a revolution could make Him even more mad at her. 34. On Black Friday, "so many were killed in one of the neighborhoods that a rumor spread that Israeli soldiers were responsible for the slaughter. Dad responds with approval while mom responds with disapproval. What two violations is Marji's dad guilty of at the traffic stop? 115. According to Marji, how was a king chosen? 204. Why is this ironic? The bigger conflict was the revolutionary regime killing their own people. 131. What is the Persian philosophy of resignation? 201. What does Saddam Hussein do at the end of this chapter? She complains that if people only took what they needed, there would be enough food to go around. What gift does Anoosh give to Marji? This is significant as it demonstrates a somewhat typical reaction of peoples' reactions when a loss occurs in their life. How does it help to characterize the people of Iran? What is the cost of Khosro's services? 139. This picture is symbolic and ironic because for some Marx was the "god" of their life. Marji's grandmother meets them there, but the tone is extremely grim due to the fact that they're now at war and the government didn't officially announce it for an entire month. Why did Marji's family continue to hold parties despite the danger? And she may think that if she can't be a prophet, being a doctor is the next best thing. Because they are "still living" and should be focusing on their own lives. How were the students able to endure the treatment they received? 230. What is a condition of their release? What two lessons does Marji learn from her mother? and later says that she wants to demonstrate. 194. Also, she says he went back to Moscow, but Marji knows that he would never go back to his wife because she hurt him too much. Then, she looks in the mirror and says that maybe she'll be better as Fidel Castro and notices God is missing. How does this manifest itself? This website uses cookie or similar technologies, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalised recommendations. Why? What is Anoosh's response? What did the local news report? What forbidden items did the government find at the house of Timoosh's dad? He seems a lot more downtrodden, he's looking at the ground, and his words, the same as last time, are empty. What is Marji's reaction? Describe the symbolism and conflict represented in the picture on the top left of page 6. 93. 88. 89. Who is Anoosh? What might be the purpose of publishing Iran's "martyrs"? What was the US response to the embassy take-over? Khosro's brother sought political asylum in Sweden after he made a passport for him. She says, "The reason for my shame and for the revolution is the same: the difference between social classes." 171. Marji is surprised by the fact that her family is laughing after hearing the story. Where did Anoosh go after Fereydoon's arrest? What is her father's response? 42. 12. Why? The police were there and wouldn't allow people to rescue those inside. What problem do Marji's parents face as they return from their trip to Istanbul? She has been hanging out with older girls. The Shah never kept his promises. 134. Fatemeh Rezai was a woman who was executed in Iran for defending her rights. She also lies to her parents shortly after this occasion because she did want to tell them the truth about what she was up to. 214. 221. Ultimately, how did they get rid of the officer? They feared that friends and family members around the country were dead too. This resulted in the conquering of Karbala, a Shiite holy city in Iraq. What did Marji's father do every day that makes her mother so nervous? Why? They applied masking tape around the window. Where did many of the seriously wounded travel for treatment? We also see contradictions throughout the chapter as the revolution shifts from the initial ideas of freedom to ideas more related to or tied to Islamic fundamentalism. List of Amazon Prime Video Australia Movies From comedy to action to family to Bollywood, Amazon’s Prime Video movie selection is extremely wide. How did clothing of the 80's reflect the political realities of that time period? How many political prisoners were released after the Shah stepped down from power? He was one of their ancient rulers and a mighty king. What is Marji's reaction? What did the local news report about the war? 167. Who is Mrs. Arsine? It also shows his willingness to make sacrifices for Marji by forming his sustenance into something unusable for its intended purpose for her. When did Marji's parents receive their passports? 144. According to Marji's dad, why will the Middle East never have peace? What were two contrasting views of the Republican ideal? My own mother was Irish Catholic. 205. The irony is he got his passport the day he died. Her mother? How does she characterize her father? 22. What was its reputation? Marji responds by saying she will never do it again and her mother will get mad at her. What does Marji learn from this experience? 202. The Shah kept no promises. Marji is angry about the way that the relationship ends. We need to retaliate! He told her "if god wills it", which wasn't really an answer. How does Marji respond? Dr. Fatemi? Marx: was a Prussian-born philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, and revolutionary socialist. Why? 1980 - The veil became mandatory at school. She avoids going to the committee by telling that her mom will abuse her and she will be put in an orphanage. What was the outcome of the attack of Baghdad? 60. It's symbolic because the cleaning lady is creating something messy, it is symbolic that the citizens still disobey the laws. What does Marji realize about this information? Marji was upset because it meant she couldn't get a visa to go visit her friend Kaveh in the US; She says, "So, my great dream went up in smoke.". It's a philosophy of science and nature, based on the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and developed largely in Russia and the Soviet Union. Because her great grandpa was the emperor until he got kicked out by the Shah. Marji is so used to listening to orders or any spoken word by authority figures becoming law. Where do Marji's parents decide to send their daughter? "At the age of six I was already sure I was the last prophet. Grandmother: support - "...I'll be your first disciple." When her mother says that "Bad people are dangerous but forgiving them is too" Marji is confused on how to think of them. What is the outcome when the news of Mehri's clandestine affair reaches Marji's father? [8] Under his rule, the empire embraced all the previous civilized states of the ancient Near East,[8] expanded vastly and eventually conquered most of Southwest Asia and much of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Mehri is the Satrapi family's maid. According to the introduction, what stereotypical image is Satrapi trying to dispel? 99.99% voted for the Islamic Republic, which Marji's father says is because the elections were faked, but the people are too ignorant to see it; he doesn't know anyone who voted for the republic, but nobody seems to know (or care) that the elections were rigged. What does Marji tell her parents that she wants to be when she grows up? Is this unusual? 77 reveal about Marji's feelings about the vacation? 203. They begin to have protests in the garden of their house. He and Mehri were crushing on each other. Why does he help Niloufar? She was born to a higher class and feels ashamed for the amount of work she doesn't have to do. What prevents him from realizing his dream? What is the initial reaction of Marji's dad? What was one provision listed? It's ironic about the garments. 6). Her destination was Kansas on Jordan avenue. What two things did they need to protect themselves against? 188. Marji wrote letters for Mehri to the boy she was infatuated with because Mehri didn't know how to write. 190. How does Marji's dad respond to her behavior at school? Or the people are being made to do things that go against their personal beliefs like Mrs. Nassrin has to do. It symbolizes the people trying to escape the fire from the bombs. His wife and daughter "left" after the revolution. Later on she incorporates these torture ideas into the games she plays with peers in her community. 28. Who are Marx and Descartes? When she hears Anoosh, she realizes that she does have a hero. They aren't sure how they are going to get the posters to Iran, but Marji's mom ends up sewing them into the back of Marji's father's coat. She is trying to dispel that image of all Iranians are fundamentalists, fanatics, or terrorists. How does his wife respond to the situation? What story does Marji's grandmother use to stall the officers? It was strictly forbidden. Young boys, they persuade them by giving them the gold key, and telling them if they die they will go straight to heaven. ', They are all revolutionaries and Communists. How is the picture on page 13 (middle) both symbolic and ironic? When was the last invasion of Iran? 58. But for others God is the God of their lives. Why? Comment on the teacher's relationship with her students. This shows that she is not really afraid to lie to them about who she will be when she grows up. It has a "lot of food, houses made of gold and diamond, and lots of women." 10. Western imports were banned from Iran and it's illegal to bring them in. 157. Her motivation to tell lies about her father stems from the belief that children are representations of their parents as evidenced by Ramin's situation. It was a letter to her father telling him to take care of her mother and little brother, by telling her, her father acted like a genuine hero and that she should be proud of him, her response was she would rather have her father alive and in jail, than dead and a hero, being alive and in jail is better than being dead and a hero. How did Marji's life change after Neda's death? What three attributes of God does Marji wish to embody as a prophet? What might it symbolize? They see that Iranian fighter jets have bombed Baghdad, but Marji's dad doesn't believe it because the media has been prone to lying to its viewers, so he checks the BBC. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Who are Che Guevara, Fidel, and Trotsky? Having women show their hair would supposedly "excite" men, so they had to cover their hair, but to be "fair", men's bare arms might "excite" women, so short sleeved shirts were banned as well. Iraq had modern guns and weapons, Iran had more soldiers. Where is Khosro's family? 84. Which restriction is particularly ironic? 141. Why? Who is Anoosh? He brought a Zarb (a drum) to play music for the guests. 153. How did Marji's mother compare to other Iranian mothers? 118. How did Iran accommodate for its need for imports during the war? 105. 109. Marji shares spiritual intimacy with whom? Why does God return after a long absence? What makes Marji suspect that something has happened to Anoosh? He earned 75 lashes as punishment. How does the picture of the people on page 42 differ from the one at the beginning of the chapter? 232. Who made up a large segment of those leaving the country? What does this show? Why? 1. What is Marji's reaction? What surprising philosophical comment does Marji make to her parents? The veil symbolizes oppression of women. They want to attack Ramin because his father was a member of the Savak and killed a million people. Describe her interesting response. They sort of act toward each other as sisters and Mehri says Marji is her sister. When have you seen this in our country? After making the torture game and coming up with new ways to mildly hurt her friends, Marji gets a "diabolical feeling of power," that eventually overwhelms her. What painful lesson did Marji learn? She also talked back to her Mum. They traveled to Germany, which is ironic because Germany sold the weapons to Iran that caused all these injury's. In the Middle East, the paternal line is all that matters. 235. She learned how to flirt with boys. How do you think it was able to survive the regime's repression? What does Anoosh study in the USSR? To get people angered and make them join the cause. 123. What happens when they encounter Marji? Her feet are drawn bottoms up. Directly, this is referring to blood donations for the wounded. Why? What event causes Marji's mom to take to her bed for several days? Marji's father took photos: "He took photos every day. She immediately wants to fight to defend her country. 128. 224. If the people are ignorant, then they follow the leaders with blind loyalty. When else had she violated their trust? Marji tries to save her ego by saying that she wasn't completely wrong in refuting Laly's father being on a trip. Due to the lack of resources, the government clearly had to reallocate powers and reassign government positions. It also reflects the panel showing Marji imagining her father and God after she thinks that he's been killed in the demonstration while taking photos. What was the new strategy? Identify the irony and symbolism in the picture on page 38. The news reports are exaggerated, and they reported that they had destroyed 13 Iraqi planes and 5 tanks in one day. What dilemma faces hospitalized patients because of the war? Specifically, in her encounter, Marji's aunt recognizes the director as her for, era window washer. How does Marji's dad cut through her propaganda induced thinking? When they encountered Marji they stopped her to put her in her place and take her to HQ. In prison, because they are communists and enemies of the Shah and his regime, She thinks it is someone who has suffered (like in prison). Describe the symbolism of the image at the top of page 28. What does Pardisse describe in her paper? Why will Marji have to go before the Committee? Marji believes rebelling against her parents and becoming more independent is making her more of an adult.