[4/17], While it’s difficult to say for certain, it’s likely that people at the time who learned about the zoophiles were hesitant to address it out of fear of fracturing the fragile fandom. Jordie tried to beg Syndicate for a rematch after his first loss against him, when a potential rematch worth thousands of dollars was on the line. Whether this incident was actually a significant contributing factor to LordKat's blacklisting is ambiguous. Some could find the Noah Antwiler video ending on Noah's Twitter getting suspended a little amusing when the account was reactivated less than a month later. A self-described series of "weird documentaries," it explores a wide variety of subject matters, mostly relating to strange phenomena, be it in real life or on the internet. 6 Feb, 17 tweets, 3 min read Bookmark . 'Chris' Weston Chandler drew an sexually charged image depicting her and her. Twitter Realtime Twitter Live Follower Count. If you know anyone in the furry fandom, chances are that you know about the wave of people being outed for zoophilia and sexual impropriety. Not only did he treat his friends / podcast cohosts like crap, to the point of not even bothering to mention his bailing out of a camping trip with them until after they had already tried to meet him half-way, but he even assisted a troll harassing one of his friends with financial aid and search optimization advice, even though said troll was literally. Homer and Langely Collyer were both massive hoarders who never sought out any outside relationships and chose to stay with their parents well into their adult years. And predictably, his appetite expanded. Fredrik Knudsen. He ended up taking the match anyway, and his bad attitude upon losing highlighted Jordie as a. Jordie Jordan was called out on his usage of ebonics early on in his career, despite his admittance of being "white as a ghost", but claimed that he got a pass because he grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood in South Carolina as a child. Mixer Realtime Mixer Live Follower Count. The PKA hosts couldn't believe what would prompt these kinds of lies from him (unless Jordie presumably felt that he should have gotten more money from the podcast, but never expressed it), and in an unanimous vote, ousted Jordie from his permanent host privileges which he had held since he co-founded the show. Jordie Jordan's impulsive behavior and inability to apologize for his mistakes has poisoned his friendships to the point they've cut him out of their lives. Needless to say, such a black-and-white attitude of happiness and sadness is, Kyle reminisces about one time where Jordan was staying in his house and he had no problem using the bathroom in the full view of, Even before his problems became worse, he was specially arrogant and not afraid to intimidate people like one time he threatened to dox Keemstar and his girlfriend to. And if you don’t know his work yet, please consider check out his YouTube Channel. Was prone to viewing things in the short term while ignoring the long term. This led to an influx of views to Chris and. The series can be found on Knudsen's channel here. Jordie finally manages to have his surgery, but begins having second thoughts when he realizes he is still stuck doing the same things he did before, on top of having a hard time getting accustomed to the new changes. Compare. Both of the Collyer Brothers die nasty deaths, with Langley being pinned to the ground by one of his own traps and suffocated (with rats gnawing at his corpse) and Homer slowly starving to death, blind and immobile. Though that's largely a very biased conjecture on LordKat's part given that no one else from Blistered Thumbs, Angry Joe or even Spoony himself suffered the same fate. Uploads 37. Langley also refused going back into the work force despite financial troubles, and would do supply runs late at night to avoid interacting with anyone. Rajneesh was quick to denounce Sheela's actions after she fled from the Rajneeshpuram commune, stating he was unaware of what she was doing until someone told him. Make a small donation by buying us coffee ($5) or help with server cost ($10). After each episode, you will also be given the opportunity to ask a question about the topic covered, which will be included in a follow-up video on "The Other Channel." On the night of the Virginia Tech shooting. Occupied (Norwegian: Okkupert) is a Norwegian political thriller TV series that premiered on TV2 on 5 October 2015. Her original videos were taken down, and they are now archived on, "The Ghost Of Mobility Mary." Noah Antwiler's infamous rape joke towards Jesu Otaku was bad enough, but when Obscurus Lupa found out and called him out on it, Noah's response was to mockingly suggest he should physically hurt himself to "accept forgiveness" for the joke. Instead, she uses perfume to disguise her body odor. The former involving the suicide of a mentally ill man and the latter involving the neglect and eventual euthansia of a cat. MILLIONS of $ were flooding in. Furries have always loved drama, but they didn’t want to destroy the community. Youtube. YO, Fredrik is an Awesome, Chill and Adorable Friend of mine! Anthropomorphic animals were generally targeted towards children, but these people wanted media for their own demographic. Become a Premium Member ($3/month or $30/year) and get exclusive features! DLive. His begging for Syndicate to throw the match for the majority of the money, while Jordie would get the official win and several thousand dollars to restore his reputation, was so repugnant to Syndicate that he released the transcription of their conversation to the public, further ruining Jordie's reputation. A lot of people seem to have heard that Star Citizen is a huge disaster project that is infinitely delayed, but not many people really seem to know why. In 2012, space game giant Chris Roberts announced that he was starting a crowdfunding campaign for a space MMO called Star Citizen. was key for the whole investigation to come, weren't too much into personal hygiene either. He also has a second series titled The Grimm Archives, going over mythological beings. Jordie/WingsOfRedemption would find new ways to alienate people. Andrew Rosenblum is an especially unpleasant case. That being said, the commune itself is an example of this, crossing into. No one else associated, including Spoony himself, seems to have suffered any repercussions, and the only depiction of what happened to LordKat comes from LordKat himself, which may be biased due to his anger at Spoony, Fredrik went to note in the comment section that the success rate of the British attempt to spread smallpox was based on circumstantial evidence. after losing the match and being forced to eat crow, he blamed one of his own friends for streaming the match. When an early internet reviewer receives remarkable fame, he turns it into his career, but finds that his greatest obstacle is his own behavior. Where is this coming from? Something that occurs very frequently is Fredrik reading text out loud, As result of his schizophrenia, Terry A. Davis in. Video Views 74,304,664. The situation with Copper Stallion Media is rapidly spreading, along with some misinformation (understandably—it's a weird and confusing story), so I thought I'd take you all on another miniature Twitter Down the Rabbit Hole to share what I've found.