just imagine how awesome that would be, one second your having a normal dream then BAM...a high dream. Seeing abyss under you and feeling the fall can mean that you are ready for new beginnings and professional growth. You do not think that you can fully and freely express yourself. Highways carry you toward, or away from, someone or something. In dreams, highways represents your sense of direction and your life’s path. 4. Dreaming of high school likewise brings to mind your parents’ expectations from you. | Privacy Policy, A desire for power, often a symbol of some type of authority that the dreamer hopes to attain.... Psycho Dream Interpretation, Liberation from something that troubles you. Figurative of one’s personal abilities; of no spiritual connotation... Dream Dictionary Unlimited. To dream that you are being abhorred by others symbolizes that your good intentions to others will subside into selfishness. Depending on the situation you are in, when you dream, the symbolism of a dream might vary. A dream that involves a tense feeling like fear and feeling “afraid” can mean that you are not confident about yourself and The Bedside Dream Dictionary, On life’s journey, are you moving along fast, or are you stuck in a traffic jam? See Flood.... Dreamers Dictionary, If you dream of someone giving you a “high-five”, this signifies your need to develop deeper and closer friendship ties.... My Dream Interpretation, A crowded highway may represent frustration with others who are moving too slowly, such as in making a decision at work.... Ariadne's Book of Dream, Depth Psychology: See Avenue, Street, Walkway. To fail high school indicates doubt in your abilities or accomplishments in your life, based on previous failure or insecurities you had in high school.... Dream Symbols and Analysis, The primary symbolic meaning for this image is deeply connected to your own personal experience of this period in your life. Feelings in dreams are nearly always undistorted. The thigh signifies your power and ability to walk away from what you don’t want and/or to walk toward your hearts desires. Notice any patterns stamped on the highway, they could be speaking of your internal patterns. Alternatively, riding on someone else’s talents, abilities, or finances, instead of being independent. Stranded on a highway: A type of desertion dream. Constricted in social roles, limited mobility. :(. High school represents a turning point in life. then i wake up and im sober :( i wish that i could just stay high from dream state to reality. To dream that you cannot find a parking space indicates your inability to find your place in life. Any of these things may happen or you may have just experienced one of them. It is the strongest hallucinogen known to man. A possible explanation is that your pain is for a reason. It is a frequent symbol for nerves and intellectual connection. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams. The Complete Dream Book. High flying links to goal setting, achievements, and conquering challenges. when you are high, ... the most amazing feeling in … The sense of “flying high” or “feeling high” are meaningful here. This applies also when dreaming of the upper part of anything, Dreaming of your higher self is very auspicious in that you are connecting with your inner wisdom, guidance, and clarity. If the dream makes you happy, you may gain a lot in life recently; if the dream makes you nervous or depressed, it suggests a kind of escape from the reality in your subconscious. LOL this actually happened to me. It … 3. If you dreamed about climbing at a great height, such a dream is a good sign, usually indicating success in your current endeavors and life in general. To dream of walking on a highway during the daytime suggests that you are headed towards a big future - the possibilities are endless! I've had dreams though where I got high in my dream, and it actually felt like I was high. Thighs in a dream also represent the pillars of one’s house, the head of a household, one’s wife, one’s husband, son, master, earnings, business, vehicle, or wealth. You body usually is in line with your brain, when you dream. Fork in the road: A determination that must be made fairly quickly or the opportunity may be lost. Experiencing pain in one’s thigh in a dream means doing harm to one’s own family or clan. Teenagers know it quite well, when they use to dream about sex ! Dreaming about a high … This is just one of the things in detail that’s happening through the day today.) Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary. fuck yes! See Celebration.... Strangest Dream Explanations, Dreams of high-class represent that you are living up to your potential, realizing that you deserve the best.... Strangest Dream Explanations. Dreams about heights are interesting because they can reveal our secret desires and wishes. You should analyze your life and pay attention to how often you have this type of dream. its not as intence with weed... i ate around a half 8th of mushrooms and then passed out like 5 mins after eating them... holy shit was that a crazy dream. The images in a dream may be the way we unconsciously pictorialise our flux of feelings and the play of internal energy flows. Your dream may be pointing toward forgiveness and letting go. To dream that you are in parking lot suggests that you need to slow down and take some time to relax from your daily activities. If you had a dream about heights in general you might be aiming high in life and desiring to achieve great things. Every time you dream you get high from a chemical released in your brain called DMT. If one sees that a piece of skin is crafted to his thigh in a dream, it means that someone will attribute a son to him, and it will turn to be a false allegation. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams, Traveling on a highway during a dream should be interpreted as a positive sign. The Element Encyclopedia. It was awesome! Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation. Dreams of a thigh signify the strength to stand up for yourself, and that you have the will to support and honor yourself. Perhaps you have a big exam coming up and you feel anxiety and fear, so it is now reflecting to your dreams. The Complete Dream Book, To dream about appreciating a thigh shows that you have an audacious side, but that you should beware of what you do.... Dream Symbols and Analysis. This dream is a sign that great things are happening to you in your relationships, achievements and in your spiritual mastery. so dreams are trips...weed wouldnt affect dreams at all cuz weed cant affect tripping....but waking up high wud be the shit, I've had someone blow me a shotgun in my sleep before, atleast they told me they did, too bad I didn't have any dreams though. You are trying to get their recognition, acknowledgement or attention. ... New American Dream Dictionary, Depth Psychology: High tide represents an emotional eruption, like a surge of love, or fear, or a shock, etc. Alternatively, you may feel restricted and limited in your role as a female, because you do not think that you can fully and freely express yourself.... My Dream Interpretation. To dream of seeing your thigh smooth and white, denotes unusual good luck and pleasure. To see one’s thigh amputated or detached from the body means that one will separate from his family members.... Islamic Dream Interpretation. If you were afraid in such a dream, it might indicate your fears from some challenges ahead. this shit happened to me all the time with my old roommate. Self-protection; feeling vulnerable.... Expansions Dream Dictionary, To dream of high tide is indicative of favorable progression in your affairs. Keep in mind that if you want to be able to contain your bliss, then you have to be able to contain your sorrow.... Strangest Dream Explanations. Its quite an odd experience, and one time I had a dream were my roomate forced me to do cocaine I got high as fuck. This dream might indicate receiving some unexpected, but pleasant news in the near future. Depersonalization basically consists of the sensation of being disconnected from your environment, as well as from your body and thoughts. A common stress dream is being stuck in a flood, as the water gets higher and higher. One time I dreamed about smoking up, and I woke up feeling high for a little bit. Alternatively, feeling as if you have lost your faith or spiritual focus. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation, 3. A smooth, straight highway signifies inner peace and a trouble-free journey ahead for you, while a winding, bumpy road reflects emotional disharmony and difficulties in your near future. Drives and urges must be guided sensibly. Being high up, as in the example, can depict having a very wide view of one’s situation in life; feeling isolated, alone, or away from the known and secure—as one might in starting a new job, losing one’s job, or moving to a new town; apprehension, anxiety. Hypnagogia, also referred to as "hypnagogic hallucinations", is the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep. I would never do cocaine while awake, so I know my sleep-self is a bit more of a hardass then me. Dream about a robbery or getting robbed usually signifies something bad that is happening in your life. That's the conclusion of Anderson, who says that those who have the dream are usually the people who perform well and that, "It's your fear of being unprepared that actually drives you to being totally ready to perform." 4. That’s why you might feel like you’re trapped in a dream in which, however, you're conscious of your own detachment. To dream that you are bathing someone, suggests that you are seeking a closer … To dream that you are flying outside and that in any point the experience was unpleasant denotes that somebody is finding it difficult to trust you at the moment. 6. Jock, Nerd, Popular Kid, Valedictorian, etc. I've been having dreams about getting high for a while now. but in your dream your brain releases dmt which is a halucinagin i can only imagine how good it would feel in the morning. Sometimes it is worse than other times, but it seems to be underlying in my mind all the time, strong or weak. When you dream of high school, your unconscious is expressing emotional issues that have their roots in this time in your history. If you dream of bad food, then there is some situation in your waking life, leaving you feeling badly unfulfilled and dissatisfied. Keep in mind that the more you access this aspect of yourself, the more your enlightenment process is quickened. As a traffic symbol, as in Driving a Car and Auto, it almost always has sexual undertones. Complete Dictionary of Dreams. Driving down a highway may comment that you have chosen the high road, a path least traveled, or a path of wisdom and spintual truth. Mystic Dream Book, a vision of a hill is interpreted upon 4 sides: elevation, wealth, strength, treason.... Islamic Dream - Cafer-i Sadik, Dreams of the Mile High Club signifies a desire for the heights of passion, and a willingness to explore the expansiveness of love, passion and your sexuality.... Strangest Dream Explanations, Usually the same as House. Looking at something high: above one’s head, feeling impressed or awed; challenge. To dream of being afraid according to Carl Jung indicates that you have feelings of being sexually attracted to someone. It is the strongest hallucinogen known to man. ACTION STEP: Even though you might have spent a lot of energy preparing for this possibility, it hasn’t turned out the way you thought it would. The Element Encyclopedia, You are longing for excellence but are also afraid of overestimating your abilities. You feel confident and self-assured. Login or register to post comments The chemical DMT is put into the blood stream. you cud wake up high A symbol of strength, Ps. 3. If one sees his thighs missing something in a dream, it means that he is a foreigner, or that he does not know his lineage or ancestry. It is a time when one meets lifetime friends, commits silly mistakes, and shared hopes and dreams. Some say you’ll feel like you are high or in a dream – whatever you call it, you’ll feel it as you move through your day. If you flew backwards in a dream, maybe you are currently thinking about the past. Buy, preview and download over 30 million tracks in our store. But this is the most terrifying one. It is the most potent and extreme hallucinogenic known to man. Dreaming about seeing something elevated can indicate being impressed or being challenged.... Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia, To dream about a child’s high chair signifies unexpected news.... My Dream Interpretation, Walking on a higher level... Dream Dictionary Unlimited, To dream that you are wearing or buying high heels, represents femininity and glamour. 7. See position... Dream Meanings of Versatile, Dreaming about being elevated can reflect, on the one hand, a sense of broad scope, of standing above and observing other things. Perhaps you have an unknown potential to be a best-selling author and your unconscious mind is urging you to have a go. Every time you dream you get high from a chemical released in your brain called DMT. ... New American Dream Dictionary. You are dreaming of being held accountable for your responsibilities; this is also the symbolic passage from adolescence to adulthood. Additionally, you may want or need to incorporate certain aspects of that person into your own self. It represents your capacity to achieve. The same applies to dreams when you create a beautiful painting or sculpture. 2. Strength and the ability to make the long haul. Alternatively, high heels indicate that you are feeling restricted and limited in your role as a female. -, Drop Kicking A Duck because he didnt eat your Bread. Or, don’t be satisfied with mediocrity.... Little Giant Encyclopedia, A positive direction... Dream Dictionary Unlimited, Example:41 must have climbed up this fire escape OK, but the building was incredibly high up and when I reached the platform I looked down and saw everything miles below. 1. If you are flying extremely high distance and you can see things from above then this indicates there is a lot of happiness and contentment and success in your life to come. Dreams of a high represents that you are having a peak experience and being at the top of your emotional wave. Flying high in a dream is a sign of high level of confidence, and flying at lower heights indicates you are satisfied with your current place in life. You are not someone who is satisfied with small or average things, and that kind of life doesn’t excite you. A cold shower should fix it. If you are in love, you’ll go through life feeling like your feet never touch the ground. The interpretation of such dream is usually associated with something new, especially if the dreamer enjoyed the process of falling. Dream about heights in general. I've been high in my dreams many a time. ... New American Dream Dictionary. Is the highway crowded. Hitchhiking down: Wanderlust; the desire to release all responsibilities and experience some adventure. The dream about flying is also related to your desire for sex. what if you get high in your sleep but don't have a dream? 15:19... Christian Dream Symbols, The road you are traveling. A swelling up or “high tide” of emotions. Imputation of one’s thigh in a dream means taking a long journey and dying in a foreign country. ... Dreamers Dictionary. (The opposite transitional state from sleep into wakefulness is described as hypnopompic.) Connection to somebody, to another place; or being informed and clever. D:" lol ya it was weird, ©2008-2020 highDEAS® LLC, All Rights Reserved. Day time and Lights really seem to exaggerate the issues, and the longer I'm awake the most my brain doesn't feel normal, I go into state where I feel like I'm almost asleep while awake and it triggers a panic attack. You are coming into abundance and your cup runneth over. Vulnerability to pain (pinching, dis­comfort). A time of change, renewal, possi­bly in environment. 3. Being high: As in example below can depict having a very wide view of ones situation in life; feeling isolated, alone, or away from the known and secure – as one might in starting a new job, losing ones job, or moving to a new town.Also apprehension; anxiety; ones aspirations and widest view of life, therefore the spiritual. The more centered you are, the more you can remain grounded and stabilized in your joy. wouldn't it be cool to go to bed completely sober and in the middle of the night someone somehow gets you high while your sleeping. At this stage I was gripped with panic and I lay on the floor, clinging to the metal grid it was made of, and couldn’t move. Being lost on the highway: Needing to make a decision, but not having a clear picture of what all the options offer. Mystic Dream Book, If your dream featured a highlighter pen, you will soon find the solution to a perplexing problem, or resolve a difficult situation.... My Dream Interpretation, Pay attention to name and/or number, directions right or left, for each has a meaning... Dream Dictionary Unlimited, Symbolic of the path of an upright person, Prov. If you were walking on a highway at night, this signifies your struggle for contentment.... My Dream Interpretation. I've had things happen in my dream reacting to real stimuli as if it knew they were coming. On the other hand, it can indicate a sense of detachment, of not really being involved. To see wounded thighs, foretells illness and treachery. To dream that you are giving the “high-five” to someone, signifies your connection to that person. ive had dreams about smoking weed after going to sleep sober. The Big Dictionary of Dreams, In dreams, any kind of highway represents a symbolic journey in real life; this may be related to your career, your private or your social life. The dream like feeling isn't as common, it has only happened 3 times since December since I've been keeping track. a vision of a thigh is interpreted upon 4 sides: People of a house, companions & entourage, wealth.... Islamic Dream - Cafer-i Sadik, See limbs in body... Dream Meanings of Versatile, To dream of their being broken or injured implies an accident or death in a foreign country, Thighs relate to childhood issues. Having the unprepared-for-an-exam dream is also the sign of something positive: you are a high performer who is used to working hard and doing things right. This type of dream could indicate feeling unsafe, loss of possession, feeling powerless or sad, lack of independence, unfair treatment, the loss you will incur soon enough, and loss of hope. Whether it’s real or perceived, falling in your dream usually represents a feeling of being overwhelmed. maybe a stomach cramp or you slept on your arm etc, and then you dream up a reason for it. Return to old ways of thinking, old worries and fears. Your dream is a high. Also, a need within to reach out and ask for aid, otherwise the vehicle of your life may remain stalled. Depersonalization-derealization disorder occurs when you persistently or repeatedly have the feeling that you're observing yourself from outside your body or you have a sense that things around you aren't real, or both. Other parts of the dream are important to meaning here, such as billboards, buildings, and people or vehicles that are traveling on the same highway. Now if you get high in your dreams, you are more likely to experiment the withdrawal symptoms, in the morning! A mixture of emotions, expectations, and memories gushes out from the thought of high school. TOP. Emotions Lyrics: You've got me feeling emotions / Deeper than I've ever dreamed of / You've got me feeling emotions / Higher than the heavens above / I feel good / I feel nice / I've never felt so You may be sorting through and integrating your own high school memories, traumas and learning opportunities. Need to take goals and ambitions more seriously. High Heels. Projects and plans are progressing well. The ancient Greek myth of Icarus warns against flying too high. fucking smoke would seep up under the door from the small ass upstairs being hotboxed. When you see this dream imagery, it alludes to the euphoria that flight induces. Great perspective, loss of restraint, individuality—but also elevation.... Little Giant Encyclopedia. Were you caught in traffic, were you steering down a winding, dangerous road or driving the wrong way up a one-way street? Everything that occurs will be significant for your dream interpretation. And after that a few minutes later I went back into the thoughts again, and I traced back to when I was feeling like this then I remember waking up a few nights ago hearing a plane coming by that sounded like it was coming down fast, but it never crashed. One’s thighs in their beautiful condition in a dream also represent the correctness of one’s prayers, or they may represent his garment, tools, or chair. I can’t remember exactly when this began, but I feel like I am living in a dream, or I am not here and I am watching myself from a dream state. Maybe you’re experiencing a loss of control in one or more areas of your life. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary. To dream of a high school, foretells ascension to more elevated positions in love, as well as social and business affairs. This image indicates that you have all the means to solve the problems. High quality Dream Feeling music downloads from 7digital New Zealand. ive had dreams where i do smoke and actually get high, in my dream. Are you rushing or taking a leisurely trip? Feeling Good Lyrics: Birds flying high / You know how I feel / Sun in the sky / You know how I feel / Breeze driftin' on by / You know how I feel / It's a new dawn / It's a new day / It's a new life If you are in adolescent period, it may indicate you are growing taller. 2. Flying might signify success in your waking life in all aspects of your life. In a general sense, high school is where most of us learned life lessons of responsibility and sexual identity as well as where we built the foundation for the directions we took as grownups. The Language of Dreams, Dreaming of winning a particular prize, such as the Booker prize for literature, could be encouraging you to develop your interest in writing and those ideas for a novel that you have never put down on paper. Feelings of depersonalization and derealization can be very disturbing and may feel like you're living in a dream.Many people have a passing experience of depersonalization or derealization at some point. 3. A dream of losing something can mean you are uncertain about a situation or relationship. I'm always dreaming of weed….. it's a problem lol. To dream that you are afraid indicates that you are experiencing self-doubt and feelings of incompetence in your waking life. To be emotionally uplifted..enjoying what the CANNABIS has revealed A creative way of spelling HiGH man.... In the word HiGH the i is lowered because when I'm HiGH my eyes are ... much like how its hard to remember a dream after you wake up. It may represent a well-traveled or well- paved direction in which many can travel. It could be emotionally, or physically. Your actions on this journey will be significant. Dreams of high school reflect that you are learning, growing, and grappling with issues relating to independence and dependence. You may be feeling a lack of control. Dreams of high tide represent fulfillment of a project or desire. Our spirit, intellect, ideals and consciences are being brought to our attention. one time i was in a dream and i felt high in my dream, i didnt even smoke that night, how fucking awesome. This image points to severe nervous tension— or exceptional strength.... Little Giant Encyclopedia, The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams, What is the meaning of first position in a dream, Dream about me buying two life fowls with one leg hurt, What does it means when your dead grandfather does his own laundry. To dream about high school refers to lessons learned and preparations made for life. You may still be on your quest to find your talent or the niche where you belong. A maiden who dreams of admiring her own thigh is likely to bccome involved in an exciting and dangerous adventure with a man.