Almost everyone who has been there seemed to have severe trauma after and horrible life experiences. I’d be happy to help in any way I can. I wish I was there for that. Let me know ok? We didn’t do shit in transition except help Dace with random moving of boxes and other dumb stuff. I was at Casa during the time of its shutdown (2004) and then went to Academy at Ivy Ridge. My close friend was in that fucked up program. Luke wasn’t that bad to me he was pretty cool. I am unsure if he is still a teacher in the Washington County area but he is an assistant coach at the University and working with girls. Will never forget. WWASP Survivors is run by a dedicated group of concerned alumni of WWASP-affiliated programs. We all suffered while those who were supposed to be looking out for us were busy shitting the bed. Finally someone opened the door threw a blanket at me and said “no one wants you but we can leave you at the border”…(i turned 18 and it was illegal to harbor a us citizen in a foreign country beyond their consent ) I said “i already knew that, and its ok just bring me to the border”. I remember the disgusting bathrooms and having to call strange men father. He rubbed up my leg. “The worse experience of my life” – Melanie, 1999 So I went from one type of abuse to another!! This place surely traumatized me for life. WWASP Survivors is run by a dedicated group of concerned alumni of WWASP-affiliated programs. Reliving the past in my dreams has conjured up alot of anger and difficulty coping. If you’d like to know more about what casa was like on a day-to-day basis for those of us who lived through it, I would suggest reading through the links under the article to the submitted stories/testimonies of those who attended. I spent the last 2 1/2 months of my mothers life at her bed side. Was there from 1999-2002. I’m sure there are some out there but I could really use some help in finding them. Im so sorry. I am earning my doctorate in clinical psychology and am interviewing folks with similar experiences for my dissertation. Like prisoner of war stuff. Kayla, weren’t you pulled out by your parents? Justice then honor family here. Now she runs the Safe Teen Schools website, which provides information on abuse at tough-love facilities like Casa by the Sea. I am pretty sure it was was 2000 to 2001 and she was there a year and a half. In 2012 Cross Creek and Horizon merged to create Youth Foundation Success Academy, which voluntarily closed in 2013. Maybe days passed, im not sure. It would be great to hear from you and your experience. Blessings! Luke Hallows If you would be interested in sharing your story (anonymous of course) to contribute to a formal publication, it will be used to advocate for psychologically minded protocols- please contact me. After being accused of child abuse , neglect, and rap. I testified in court about what casa by the sea was up to in there. Spent all 16 months level 2 couldent brain wash enogh I guess. was there 98-99 hated the place. ..NO RAPES OR TOrcHER OCCURRED AT CASA…u guys n girls r spoiled brats..pussys…whining about shit that never happened. Sat on level one majority of the time. We all sat on the futon top, the only furniture i had in my bedroom, and as blood dripped from my head and hand print bruises arose from the strangulation, i began to tell them what occurred. I will give yall credit if you want. The Real Casa Blog Spot He is a Geography teacher for the ninth grade. Good for you. Not to mention she always came in with no panties and a dress on lol. Juan too. I have a few questions about active/open programs similar to the WWASP programs. The 5 minute freezing cold showers, the horrible food, those tapes, never being able to speak to my mom. My son went Midwest Academy and told me of these horrible stories they did to him just recently! It was terrible and striped me of any sense of happiness. Years later I live in D.C. More successful then any of those fucking clowns. Dace Goulding is currently teaching in Saint George, Ut. My heart weighed heavy. Usually pitting upper levels against lower levels, he not only encouraged the violent ways of the program but he was also responsible for the abuse placed upon the whole facility in enacting “code red”, forcing all students to sit in stress positions, walk in circles and remain on complete code silence for weeks at a time. I just got lots of questions to make this work the way I want. If he kept on the path he was living at 17, and didn’t attend CASA and Spring Creek he may not be alive today. I just read your experience. The program made me into a self imploding ball of rage. A brainwashing facility that benefit no childhood growth. WTF they should be hung or shot , even torcherd something should be done about this, this is bullshit. Rip allen michael darago i love you sweet heart. After hours we went into the classroom to lay there on the floor in the same position. Lots of crazy bad memories I’ll never forget. It should be called a WWASP facility since that's what Tranquility Bay is called too and should also be … Never charged with any criminal action, later in 2004 Dace Goulding would move back to the U.S. and help open a facility in Georgia called Darrington Academy (now closed). Casa by the Sea was shut down in 2004 citing issues with operating an illegitimate pharmacy. To everyone else, these people get off on our ordeal. This was not my idea to send her. Bully for you. Would look a lot better with a more complete history of his doings on there but I can’t stand fb anymore. Lower level esteem family and made it to level 6 right before graduation. Conditions at High Impact were said to be “deplorable” by the Mexican and American authorities that raided and shut down the compound in 2002. Your email address will not be published. It took my son all these years of holding it in to finally tell his father and I! They put you in a room where you sit all day on the floor in structure staring at the wall with a staff member behind you. These photos make my stomach turn… so many unspeakable things happened behind those gates… I cired until I threw up so many times. I remember moving my fingers and thinking I was touching his beard, before realizing my knuckles were actually touching the hair on back of my head. Once again left in a dark room for who knows, then had my bags thrown at me and time to go…. The World Wide Association Of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS or WWASP) was an organization based in Utah, in the United States.WWASPS was founded by Robert Lichfield and was incorporated in 1998. I remember a girl slitting her wrists in the bottom bunk in the bungalow next to ours and I could see her from my top bunk. I was once assaultes by Miguel Rodriguez when I was 15. “Poems about WWASPS” – Anon, 2004 Jason Finlinson first became involved with WWASP when he served as Director of Casa By The Sea. Given that you’ve got to be the 20th person I’ve seen asking for stories I’m just gonna call it and your bullshit. He has been accused of rape of a teenage girl and countless incidents of assault and battery. If casa was marketed to parents as a therapeutic help center, then abuse should never have existed in a program like that. Despite the claim of the owners that WWASP wasn’t involved with it, we had been threatened by the administration at Casa by the Sea that we would be going to a place called “High Impact” if we didn’t … Perry said that conditions for him on death row were better than at Casa by the Sea. | Challenger: Summer 1989, The dream crusher: Casa by the Sea (Nothern Mexico) | Søren Hansens blog. A lot of us entered in to casa by the sea as kids that were doing normal teenage stuff. She would forget i told her i was going out with friend, locked me out of the house… i went for a drive, pulled over stepped out of my car and i was rapped (great way to loose my virginity) and thrown in my trunk by a man in the military who said over and over im going to kill you and dump you and your car in a lake…I got away went home bloody pounding on all doors finally got in the house. It was operated by the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS) and primarily enrolled teenagers from the United States who had behavioral issues. I commend you for being honest and your experience and I hope it helps others so they can see how terrible these places are. Chump. Find me on FB or email me Heather, we were in there together. I have had a very fucked up life. At some point he was working in a public school, but currently Goulding reports to be coaching Little League ”Back in St. George”, which is only about 20 miles away from the Cross Creek Property in La Verkin. I hope that the people that made so much damage to the guys, have paid for that, but i think the mexican authorities received some bribe and nothing happened. He was sent at age 15. Either way after all of that, seeing my mom each night fall over naked with her purse on her back, caring her in bed as she nodded in her food, my dad playing russion rulet, i had enough. Only the boys from 95-99 will know what I mean. I was there from 2000 to 2002. 158 likes. I was there a yr b4 being transferred to tranquility bay. I attempted to jump out a 3 story building and escape but not much luck! 99-01…..frak my life the memories from this hell hole….I have nightmares of my torturous experiences there to this very day…, I was threatned by Luke Hallows to be sent to High Impact. We were allowed to write home but the group manager named oliva read all our mail and if we asked to come home that was considered manipulation if we talked about how bad the program was that was manipulation it was not allowed and the flat out wouldn’t send the letters the worst punishment you could receive was R&R the consisted on a very small room where you had to lay on your stomach with your feet in the air i remember them putting a 2 liter bottle on my head and when it fell they kicked me this happened multiple times before i guessed the realized that it wasn’t gonna stay my head aint flat. I was there 13 years ago for 14 months. From what I have read in this article, I cannot imagine how terrible the experiences the people who attended there experienced. I was told by him all about R&R , listening to crazy tapes, laying on the floor in urine and feces. All of the sudden she broke the left leg off the chair and slit her throat right across from me. And on restrictions for the next week. Do not share unless you yourself have a way to verify independently that it’s not just another looky-loo enjoying themselves at your expense. I am a survivor of a WWASP facility (AKA. Terrified and numb not knowing where I was and unable to speak Spanish to get an answer from anyone who would talk back when I spoke to them. The problem is Casa By the Sea wasn’t the only abusive school out there and WWASP, now Teen Revitalization, is only one of the Multi-Million dollar corporations that make up a The … Any survivors please find me on Facebook. CBS had significant ties to High Impact, in Tecate Mexico, routinely sending casa kids to High Impact and employing several former High Impact staff (including it’s owners) after it was raided and closed by Mexican authorities in 2002. The whole place wasn’t even built yet so I have no clue what you guys had to go through once everything was set up. I hope true justice is served soon, as he does not deserve another breath on this planet. Either way knock it off with the buyers remorse. I am sure there are a lot of things I don’t or didn’t know about what went on. Every hour or so they let you stretch or use the restroom. the stories go on and on! When I first visited this page I was hesitant to even write about my experience. I try so hard, I got into collage had a rare illness had to get chemo got over that got a great job got hit by a truck, just had a metal anker put in my shoulder 5 weeks ago. Arturo was a pic of shit. Troy’s story, undated I hate to hear that others endured as much if not more abuse than me at this place. He is now diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety and severe depression. My son was in this program and at Casa for a year, 2003-2004. I had a fever of 102. Jade was part of a staff team directly responsible for transferring kids from CBS to High Impact, a brutal boot camp co-owned by Dace Goulding. He was so abusive verbally and physically! I have seen alot and experienced alot of tramautizing events that I will never forget in those 16 months. My name is Melissa Baker. Survivors describe High Impact as a boot camp incorporating a  multitude of unreasonable restrictions, excessive exercise and a constant barrage of verbal, and physical attacks. After CBS was closed in 2004 Goulding along with an old High School buddy Rich Darrington, opened another program called Darrington Academy in Blue Ridge Georgia. The pictures I see look completely different from when I got there in 98. I was at cbs for 22.5 months. I’m not sure about the emotional/psychological damage to those parents that made the mistake allowing their children to undergo this abuse. The truth about Casa By The Sea - A boarding school nightmare The infamous red gate casa by the sea … I was a pain in the ass and I didn’t give a fuck how long I had to be there. Psychologically this place really screwed me up!! Hog tied the very first day in that room. They deprive you of all human rights, and strip all of your identity. Sarah’s story, 2001 Lac you were one of my closest casa friends, I think of you a lot. You got out of a life sentence because you testified against someone. The infamous red gate. So in order to hide this secret she hid me in Mexico. Thank you kindly, I just submitted a request that is pending approval. hey guys. Learn how your comment data is processed. He shouldnt be allowed the step within so many yards of a school…but hes teaching in one?! Then as an upper level I was a Wendy girl for a month before an Elvia which was great for me because she was my glory family case manager too. by WWASP Survivors | Sep 13, 2020 | Casa By the Sea, Survivor Testimony | 2 comments The things that i remember most are the brainwashing techniques they used on us the staff played … We would get in trouble for minor things like not cleaning our rooms good enough i even got in trouble for masturbating once and the place was run by Mormons so thats somehow a sin but i was 12 or 13 as a grown man now i think thats natural and if i was to catch my son id laugh i wouldn’t punish him for it. First worked for Paradise Cove in Samoa. But I will tell you, these things did occur. Me being 12 and extra shy and not a very good speaker at the time it was very hard for me. Our mission is threefold: to raise awareness of the true dangers of WWASP Programs, to advocate for those still being held and abused in WWASP programs, and to provide validation and support to survivors of WWASP programs. Are you please contact me I got a question to ask you I was there from August 98 to August 99. I say “near” because, with counseling and love, there is hope and healing for the survivors. Are you in a witness protection program now? I wonder if we ever met in seminar? Life sure has taken us all in very different directions. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Woooo big and bad. Who remembers the R & R room with the white tile floors. When we as human beings experience trama such as this, remembering it leaves us almost paralyzed in our own mind and to nervous to find the words to express the rapid imagry in our minds. Ramey’s story, 1999 I can’t believe that are system are government has let them even be working at any facility that works with children or troubled teens. The morning was a blur but after lunch was PE. Chris Goodwin’s son started his journey through WWASP at Casa by the Sea in Mexico. I was also briefly held at the Brightway Youth Hospital in St. George, Utah, a center WWASP … Good Luck to everyone. We’d love to see you there! I try to find old friends from time to time, but I cannot seem to find anyone. email me if u were in journey or was there from march 2003-closed. Did over two years in that pit uh hell. Casa By the Sea I was admitted to Casa By the Sea in Ensenada, Mexico on December 2nd, 1999. There from 2000 to 2001. Can i delete a comment on here? Hell. It just sometimes takes us time to login and approve them . I’m 31 now, and I got to leave when I turned 18. I was in your house. It was her father’s because she was living with him at the time and it was his idea because she was sneaking out, partying and lying. I had just endured 2 years in friggen hell from Paradise Cove in Samoa. His blog makes me throw up in my mouth. Allison’s story, undated I think they brainwashed her. Basically another bullshit reason to extort more money from the parents. Was a member of the the boys group loyalty up until the raid where I ended up getting transferred to Midwest Academy in Iowa…hated everything about casa by the sea except friday night tortas and wed spaghetti with white sauce..every other day had to make sure to pick the rocks out of the beans…. It sounds like you made the choice to become a hardened criminal. All my horrifying experiences here were due to my mother and her abusive husband. If I could say one thing to parents considering the program it is this – run away. When I arrived home all my friends were still in high school. In fact it ruins them for life. I handled all my trauma well. I was able to keep those memories tucked away for a long time, but recently I’ve been haunted by nightmares of the time I was there. I dont want any commentary about my parents on the site. This man is a pedophile and a very violent individual, He is also the mastermind behind the infamous dog cages and the man who would sit on top of kids as they were being restrained in painful arm/ leg locks and stress positions. They took the upper levels. I had a friend who went to Casa.

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