These can reduce the incidence and overgrowth of bacteria in the urinary tract. Why Does a Baby’s Urine Smell Like Ammonia? In the absence of other symptoms, such as pain with urination, cloudy or dark urine color, or unusual frequency of urination, there is usually little reason for concern. A person who notices their urine is dark in color and has an ammonia smell should start drinking plenty of water to ensure they are not dehydrated. Some people refer to this as a urine or burning rubber smell. One such example is a sweet smell to the urine, which can indicate excess glucose (blood sugar) in the urine. Urine does not usually have a strong odor to it. Too much ammonia, and the body falls back on its old detoxifying fail-safe: sweat. Ammonia is the result of the chemical reactions taken place by the decomposition of urea, which smells really bad. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. An increased protein level would be a possible sign of a urinary tract infection or kidney damage. It contains water, salt, urea, and uric acid. The liver, similarly to the kidneys, is responsible for removing toxins from the body and helping it to digest food. Advertisement. Menopause can also increase a woman’s risk for UTIs and ammonia-smelling odor, resulting from drops in the female hormone estrogen and loss of vaginal flora, which are the normal and healthy bacteria living in the vagina. Frequently, individuals grumble that urine has an odor that smells like ammonia. Urine may smell like ammonia when it becomes concentrated with waste products. And stinky sweat at that. Liver Disease. Ammonia-smelling urine is common and mostly harmless. The appearance of our nails can sometimes shed light on our health. Dan and Jennifer give tips for evolving…. Both these changes may cause ammonia-smelling urine. When diet is to blame, basic lifestyle changes can keep urine smelling and looking healthy. When the urine of rabbits is tested to detect ammonia in urine, the test results show that the urine is neutral pH. A doctor will likely do a physical exam and request urine samples and blood work. UTIs can cause serious pregnancy complications, including premature labor, low birth weight, and sepsis infections. High urea levels will therefore increase the ammonia odor. Another is the smell of ammonia, which has a strong, chemical-… It can cause … Urea is one of the waste products found in urine. The urine contains ammonia and uric acid that is why it has little ammonia smell. It is made by the kidneys, which filters toxins out of the blood. Commonly, people complain that urine has an odor that smells like ammonia. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. A genital rash is usually a symptom of another condition and can present as bumps, lesions, or irregular patches on the genitals. It can happen during early morning or if the baby is dehydrated. Conditions that can cause a person’s urine to smell like ammonia include: Stones in the bladder or kidneys can build up due to excess waste products in the bladder. Your doctor may also order imaging studies where they test for abnormalities in the kidneys, bladder, or other areas that could be affecting the urine. These may include: Your doctor will use these responses to consider the next diagnostic tests. Ammonia is extremely alkaline. While…, The pelvic region holds major organs under its layers of muscles. Ketones in the urine is a sign your body is not getting enough carbohydrates. Dehydration can cause an ammonia smell. Some foods, infections, and not drinking sufficient water can contribute to the smell of ammonia i… This smell can sometimes be a bit overwhelming but you need not worry. This could … The upper half of…, A healthy bladder can hold about 2 cups of urine before it's considered full. Cat urine contains unusually large amounts of urea compared to most other animals. It is important ammonia-smelling urine is not ignored, especially if it continues after making attempts to resolve it. Opdivo and Keytruda are both drugs used to treat certain cancers. The reason cat urine smells like ammonia is because it contains traces of it. Your dog is sick. Get a checkup done as early as possible so that you can treat it properly and remove the smell completely. According to research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, urinary tract infections or UTIs are the most common bacterial infections worldwide, affecting up to 150 million people each year. The composition of urine doesn’t change much with pregnancy and therefore shouldn’t smell like ammonia. Learn more about dehydration. Ammonia has a strong, pungent odor that is easily recognizable in cleaning products, cat urine, and, for some people, sweat! When stones pass through the urinary tract, the risk for UTIs increases and they can cause urine to have an ammonia smell. It's been used for centuries in holistic medicine. Ammonia smell may indicate a health problem and should not be ignored. Urine is mostly water and usually has only a weak odor. Some of the most important include the major digestive organs, the intestines. Certain foods, medications, and vitamins can cause changes in urine smell and color. UTIs tend to affect women and girls more, but men and boys can also develop UTIs. Personal hygiene of the genital area is vital when experiencing strong ammonia-smelling odor. Urea has a connection with ammonia, and this is the reason why your urine smells like ammonia. One explanation for an ammonia odor is high amounts of waste in the urine. Urine is the body’s liquid waste. other symptoms, including blood in urine. Here’s our process. Also, foods containing vitamin B6 can give urine a strange ammonia-like smell. A variety of conditions can cause waste products to build up in urine, such as bladder stones, dehydration, and urinary tract infections. It's also possible a chemical-like smell is a sign of bacterial vaginosis. 14. Typically, ammonia (very bad in large amounts) would be converted into urea (less bad in large amounts) and safely expelled through urine. Chief among these is the release of ammonia into the atmosphere. Urinary tract infections are known for making a baby’s pee smell like ammonia, but they can also cause it to smell like poop. The odor is stronger in unfixed male cats. However, periodic testing of urine is common and recommended during pregnancy to help identify any potential issues. In most cases, urine that smells like ammonia can be treated with fluids or antibiotic medications. Another is the smell of ammonia, which has a strong, chemical-like smell. But reccurring ammonia odor in pregnancy should still be brought to a doctor’s attention. These spasms can cause sexual intercourse and medical examination to become…, There are several different types and causes of fluid retention, which is also known as edema. Even the smallest amount of ammonia creates a distinct, unpleasant smell. When you receive an MS diagnosis, acceptance doesn’t happen overnight, as the disease is perpetually evolving. Are there times when your urine smells especially strong? So, when the urine is absorbed in the diaper, it will produce ammonia odor. Ammonia has an unpleasant and pungent smell. This could be beneficial to your bladder health if you experience a lot of infections. Learn more about UTIs. Reasons Why Your Cat’s Pee Smells Like Ammonia. Sometimes, unusual urine odor indicates a medical condition or disease, such as: But urine that is held in can become more concentrated and have a foul odor. Sometimes that urine smell is quite strong and can include a harsh, ammonia-like scent. This is the cause of an unpleasant smell. A case of dehydration may be why your pee smells like ammonia. Urea is expelled in the form of sweat through the body, while uric acid is the result of urine metabolism. Using photographs to…, © 2004-2021 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Ammonia-smelling urine is … Learn more about bladder stones. Learn about the similarities and differences between the two medications. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. A doctor may also request imaging studies to test for kidney, bladder, or liver abnormalities. However, there are some out-of-the-ordinary smells that may indicate you need to seek medical treatment. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are also another reason why your baby’s diaper smells like ammonia. As a result, the urine may be more concentrated and smell like ammonia. If your baby’s pee smells like poop, it could be an infection. One form of ammonia, ammonium hydroxide, is found in many common cleaning agents. Fast facts on urine smelling like ammonia: Urine is mostly water and usually has only a weak odor. One such example is a sweet smell to the urine, which can indicate excess glucose (blood sugar) in the urine. However, on some occasions, urine may have an odor that ranges from foul to sweet smelling. Most cases of urine that smells like ammonia can be treated with fluids or antibiotic medications. Your dog could also be dehydrated, making their urine more concentrated and potent. Usually this test, along with a description of your symptoms, can help a doctor diagnose the cause for urine that smells like ammonia. There are times, however, where ammonia-smelling urine indicates a health problem. There are several other substances that are in human urine which can also contribute to its odor. The key to ammonia in urine and sweat is the nitrogen. There are a few things that could be causing extra harsh-smelling urine. Acidic urine triggers the production of ammonia. Changes to urine smell and color offer insight into a person’s health, diet, and lifestyle choices. Another is the smell of ammonia, which has a strong, chemical-like smell. The most common causes of an ammonia smell to a person’s urine are diet, UTIs, dehydration, and hormones. Could urine that smells like ammonia be a sign that I’m pregnant? But certain foods, dehydration, and infections are also possible. These … You may need to drink more water to dilute your urine. An infection could be at work, or urine crystals or stones in the bladder. But there are cases where a urine sample may not have a clearly clear urine result as it could have traces of acidity. There are several causes of an ammonia odor from urine. There’s limited research on CBD for eczema, but what we know so far is promising. These choices may contribute to an ammonia smell, but they are not the only causes. Urine can vary in color — and smell — based on the amount of waste products as well as fluids you take in over the course of the day. Reducing intake of offending vitamins and medications can also reduce urine odor. Helicobacter pylori infection. Occasionally having urine that smells like ammonia isn’t usually cause for concern. Therefore, many conditions that result in concentrated urine can cause urine that smells like ammonia. Vitamin B-6 and vegetables are also associated with ammonia smell in urine. Instead of picking up the ammonia smell in his urine, you’re noticing it strongly on his breath. However, if ammonia odor is accompanied by pain or symptoms of infection, including fever, it is time to see a doctor. Most of the time, staying hydrated, decreasing intakes of trigger foods, vitamins, and medications, passing urine often, and practicing good hygiene can manage ammonia odor in urine. Ammonia is one form that ready-to-go waste can take. Urine is laden with urea, a byproduct of protein metabolism. If you want to try CBD for your eczema, here are some of the best…. In this article, learn about why it happens and get…. If ammonia-smelling urine occurs every once in a while, it is rarely a reason for concern. One report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds up to 8 percent of pregnant women experience UTIs. So this smell of ammonia starts coming when a cat’s urine is left uncleaned. If you notice that your urine smells like ammonia, you need to understand the reasons, which may be several: have not urinated for a long time; ate spicy foods, there are bacteria in the urine… Treatment Most doctors will treat H. pylori infections with prescription medications like “proton pump inhibitors” and/or a round of antibiotics. For instance, increased sugar in the urine could indicate a risk for gestational diabetes. Dehydration occurs when someone fails to drink enough fluids or has a significant fluid loss, due to vomiting or diarrhea. They may also ask for a urine test. If your dog’s breath smells like ammonia, it’s worth talking to … Whether you have MS, care for someone with MS, or both: Massage therapy is a key component to self-care. Smelly urine can also be a sign of an infection, however, so if the smell does … Not holding in urine will minimize ammonia odor and infections. Treatments depend on the contributing cause. Herein we will explore the symptoms and c… A bladder infection or other infection impacting the urinary tract can lead to urine that smells like ammonia. Dan Digmann shares how it helps him. Every person’s urine has a unique smell. What are the potential causes of urine that smells like ammonia? Other symptoms associated with a UTI include: In most cases UTIs are caused by bacteria. Additional symptoms of bladder stones include: Bladder stones themselves can be caused by a variety of conditions. Eating certain foods. Our bodies make ammonia naturally as we digest protein, eventually turning that ammonia into urea, which is the main component in urine. However, on some occasions, urine may have a smell that varies from nasty to sweet smelling. Last medically reviewed on February 13, 2018, Vaginismus is a uncontrolled, involuntary spasm of the vagina muscles. Learn about its common, mild, and serious side effects. Pregnant women have a higher risk than others for UTIs, which increases their chances of having ammonia-smelling urine. Urine has urea, which is a byproduct of the metabolism of protein in body. This all cause an ammonia-like smell in your urine. Herein we will check out the symptoms and causes for the ammonia smell in urine… These infections are the result of bacteria entering the urinary tract. Dehydration, bladder stones, urinary tract infections, kidney problems, and food sensitivities can also lead to strong-smelling feline urine. The cat’s metabolism breaks down urea, one of the toxic by-products is ammonia, and releases it into the urine. Why Does Cat Urine Smell Like Ammonia? See its potential uses, side…. If the litter box is not being cleaned frequently enough, it can smell of ammonia. Ammonia levels in blood and urine will increase when the liver is not working the way it should. All rights reserved. Hence, pregnant women should let their doctors know if they experience unpleasant-smelling urine, especially if the smell resembles ammonia. The urine sample is sent to a laboratory and then tested for the presence of bacteria, blood, or pieces of a bladder or kidney stone or other waste components. Waste products in urine often have an odor, but urine is usually diluted enough that the waste products don’t smell. A yeast infection. Ammonia odor happens when chemicals in urine are concentrated due to a lack of water. Usually, urine testing and blood work can help a doctor make a diagnosis. While urine that smells like ammonia isn’t always cause for concern, there are some instances where it can be. For example, the Cleveland Clinic reports that asparagus can make your urine have a whiff of ammonia. The lack of water in the body can cause your urine to become concentrated, meaning there is an increased amount of proteins, sugars, and salts, known as solutes. A yeast infection is similar to a UTI because it will cause pain and foul-smelling … It is essential to ensure genitals are cleaned well during bathing and completely dried afterward. This causes the urea, which is the primary component of a cat’s urine, to decompose. Kidney diseases make urine very concentrated as it doesn’t get filtered well. The bacteria make urine smell unpleasant and cause it to be cloudy or bloody. Urine can vary in color — and smell — based on the amount of waste products as well as fluids you take in over the course of the day. Your urine is made up of water, and other components like salt and chemicals, and in normal circumstances it does not bring out a strong odor. Should you see a doctor about urine that smells like ammonia? However, if your symptoms are accompanied by pain or potential signs of infection, such as a fever, then you should see a doctor. But, make sure you get checked up as this may also be a sign of something more serious like liver disease or kidney failure. Urine is examined for blood, bacteria, and kidney or bladder stone pieces. Bacterial vaginosis. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Ideally, your urine should be pale yellow to straw-colored. Anyone who consumes a lot of triggering foods can stop ammonia-smelling urine by cutting those foods out of their diet. The urine tests will tell you the level of acidity of the urine. Your Dog has Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Yes, dogs can also suffer from medical conditions such … Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water every day can reduce the chances of dehydration. We often see that our urine smell stronger than it usually does. This is not usually cause for concern unless it’s accompanied by other uncomfortable symptoms. You should also always seek treatment if you believe you may have an underlying infection or other medical concern. Most people urinate when their bladders are full. However, occasionally, it will have a pungent smell of ammonia. Not having enough fluid circulating in the body means the kidneys are more likely to hold onto water, yet release waste products. Additional figures for the United States include 10.5 million doctor visits and up to 3 million emergency room visits for UTI symptoms. There are some causes of smelly urine, and one of the most common cause is infection. And if someone is dehydrated, their urine is dark honey or brown color, rather than a pale yellow or gold. Making sure to avoid the common causes of dehydration such as heat and sweating can also help people stay hydrated. Sometimes, a doctor will perform an exam to check a man’s prostate for signs of enlargement that could be affecting urination. One such example is a sweet smell to the urine, which can indicate excess glucose (blood sugar) in the urine. Asparagus is commonly linked with an ammonia smell, as are large amounts of vitamin B-6. Contact your pediatrician to double-check. Urea is related to ammonia and is the main reason why our urine has an ammonia-like odor. Last medically reviewed on August 24, 2017, The ureter is a tube that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder. Are you experiencing any other symptoms, such as blood in your urine, fever, back or flank pain, or pain when urinating. Any continued ammonia odor in urine should be checked by a doctor. How long has your urine smelled like ammonia? Fishy smell that’s not fish. Dominique Fontaine, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, HWNC, How Massage Therapy Has Changed My Life with MS, Accepting Your MS Doesn’t Happen Overnight — It’s a Work in Progress, Beau’s Lines on Nails: Often a Symptom of a Serious Underlying Condition, feeling like you need to urinate often without producing a significant amount of urine. However, sometimes pee that smells of ammonia could be a sign of kidney disease or liver disease. Dehydration. Urine often has a slight ammonia smell, especially first thing in the morning or when a person is dehydrated. If it remains darker than usual for longer than 24 hours, see a doctor. Wiping well and rinsing with water, if needed, after urinating can also minimize the bacteria that cause infections and ammonia-smelling urine. © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. However, certain foods, not drinking enough water, or an infection can cause an ammonia smell in urine. Odor caused by something a person has eaten is usually nothing to worry about. On the keto diet, things become more acidic. The…, Burdock root is a native vegetable of northern Asia and Europe. The doctor will start by asking questions about your symptoms. When diet is the cause of ammonia-smelling urine, the odor disappears once a person eliminates food triggers from their diet. All rights reserved. Examples include drinking at least six 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Kidney dysfunction can also cause high bacteria and protein levels in the urine, which will contribute to a foul, ammonia smell. A strong smell of ammonia in urine is usually caused when there is a high concentration of waste products in the urine. A further possibility is diet changes during menopause, which can cause an ammonia odor. This … Smelling ammonia on your dog’s breath is another indication your dog could have a kidney disease or a kidney infection. In order for the body to get rid of toxins, a person needs to consume about three liters of liquid in 24 hours, 1,6 liters of which is plain water. If urine becomes highly concentrated — a high level of waste products with little water — your urine may have a strong ammonia odor. Liver is located below right rib cage and it has a role of producing proteins, enzymes … Anyone who develops kidney or bladder stones may experience ammonia-smelling urine. It is also a good idea to empty the bladder completely when urinating, to avoid remnants of urine dripping on to clothing. Vaginal infections can have a smell that can be described as smelling like feces. Some of these conditions present as urine that smells like ammonia, but this is not the norm with every pregnancy. Keep in mind, urine smelling strongly of ammonia is a sign of dehydration. Fast facts on urine smelling like ammonia: 10.5 million doctor visits and up to 3 million emergency room visits, 8 percent of pregnant women experience UTIs, Being male, having overweight and depression can influence aging, Research sheds light on vision loss in Batten disease, Winter COVID-19: Climate less important than control measures, The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic — February 12, COVID-19: Antiviral prevents and treats infection in lab tests, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, Imfinzi side effects: What you should know. It takes your body 9 to 10 hours to produce 2 cups of urine. Some people even see dark stools or have an ammonia-scent to their breath, which can make your breath smell like urine. How is urine that smells like ammonia treated? Sometimes urine smells like ammonia due to a unique combination of foods. Typically in healthy people urine does not have an odor and it is clear, straw yellow. Drinking a glass of cranberry juice a day or adding lemon to your water changes the urine’s acidity. If urine that smells like ammonia is caused by an underlying infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Beau’s lines are one type of nail issue you should pay special attention to. It’s a byproduct of the breakdown of protein and can be broken down further to ammonia in certain situations. Sometimes, an infant’s urine may smell of strong ammonia. Imfinzi is a prescription drug that treats certain types of bladder cancer and lung cancer. There are several causes of an ammonia odor from urine. Similarly, foods high in protein can increase urine’s acidic properties and cause it to have an ammonia smell. Ammonia can be a weak acid or a weak base, depending on what type of chemical it is suspended in. A strong smell of ammonia could mean that your urine has a high concentration of waste products. However, if the urine becomes more concentrated — meaning there is a greater amount of waste products in relation to fluids — the urine is more likely to smell like ammonia. What is the outlook for a person with urine that smells like ammonia? In addition to an ammonia-like odor, another telltale sign of dehydration is bubbles in a person’s urine. Some foods and medications, such as asparagus or certain vitamins, can cause a noticeable urine odor, even in low concentrations. They ingest acid in the bloodstream, then to the kidney, and finally to the urine bladder. Diet is the most common cause of ammonia-smelling urine in all people. Most of the time, this occurrence is nothing to cause alarm. Kidney disease causes chemicals in urine to become concentrated and to cause a smell resembling ammonia. If your urine is darker in color and you’re passing only small amounts of urine, you may be dehydrated. It is important to find out the main cause, especially if it is medical. There is another condition that will cause an ammonia odor in urine where you can have ammonia in the urine, and it’s not toxic. There is no such thing as ammonia in rabbit urine. But if this veggie doesn't give … Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 1. There are two ureters, one attached to each kidney. Asparagus is notorious for making urine smelly. H. pylori is a type of bacteria that can affect the stomach. Smelly urine from taking vitamins usually goes away after a short time. Infections and diseases of the liver can produce high levels of ammonia in the urine and the accompanying pungent odor. Pregnancy vitamins can also create a smell of ammonia in the urine. The lack of odor and pale color are due to the consumption of sufficient amounts of water and the emptying of the bladder at regular intervals. Urine mainly consists of water and usually doesn’t have a strong odor to it. You should also take steps to practice good bladder health, which can reduce the incidence of dehydration and the likelihood that you will get a UTI. A buildup of urine in your underwear or around your vulva could put off a chemical smell.

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