ObamaCare is the Wrong Answer. We give you all the information you will need to shoot low scores and putt well on and around the greens. Dropbox link. Adds a measuring bar and calculator to the WGT screen to help with putting. On each round, you play there will be different greens speeds. WGT Putting 201 Instructor StoneColdKiller This putting guide will mostly be dealing with the more intangible aspects of putting that no one wants to talk about and as such will be more helpful to intermediate-advanced players. Great Putting Helps. W = wind – Angles on wind are the most difficult to figure however, I take the wind and divide by 2 regardless if it is with me or in my face. More. Feb 12, 2016 - Here's a helpful guide to putting on "WGT". GS Wind/Putting program. You feel your clubs are bad when you play bad over and over. Aim with your putter for the break.  Remember a chip rolls a lot farther than a pitch does so aim like you would a putt. If you use back spin add 1 to the shot (Your clubs and balls may be different use the unknown variable here). The following is a list of different formulas that I use on WGT.  Remember that different players have different shots that they use, but I will try to include a few of them that I know of.  Now all balls and clubs have a different amount of roll and distance that they hit.  Because of that I include an “Unknown” variable into the equation. This is not a method that usually works on WGT. Learning to putt on WGT is very important. I did this on a slow green and the ball travelled 23 ft. Then I did an almost identical putt on a championship green, the ball travelled 44ft. You do get a standard WGT putter, but this is not very good and will not help your putting very much. Simple -you must buy a good putting club with your credits! WGT Golf Hack is here to the rescue. It works out quite expensive and while it is a handy tool I would say that Putter Pal is not really worth the money overall. Putting At WGT. GS Wind/Putting program. Notice that height is down 24 divided by 3 = -8, Total distance that I would swing is: 118. Create your website today. When you are putting downhill on either a tournament green or a championship green, you barely need to touch the ball and it will travel a long distance. There is nothing like a few tips and tricks. 47:02. This shows the massive difference in green speed. The first thing to consider when putting on WGT is which putter you will be using. Putting at WGT. Mapping clubs and balls is not difficult to do, but it is vital that you learn the skill to improve you scoring on WGT. Remember that every type of shot needs to be measured with each and every club. WGT – Tiers. First of all, to aim your putt you simply move the arrow left and right on the screen. AND get minimum number of tier ranked rounds. Add unlimited amount of Coinsand use these hacks to get your pro game on! This site was designed with the .com. Course Notes. Normally I hit a chip with 100% backspin to slow it down. If you are on the Fringe you can chip, pitch or flop the same as on the fairway. Putting At WGT. If the height is downhill divide it by 3. Remember that different players have different shots that they use, but I will try to include a few of them that I know of. When you play this game you must perfect many different aspects of your game and putting is one of these. Green Maps. Course Notes. 2:30. there are times I just shake my head when a one foot put takes a decidedly quick turn at the hole. Some people play the first line on the meter bar for the shot, I however do not find that reliable.  I use reverse view and move a box for every 10 yards. This one will set you back 1,795 which makes it the most expensive golf putter on offer. This depends much on distance.  When I say that it means that there is the long shot which 99% of the time has full top spin that you aim for the fairway for the bounce and a great roll to get you in range for a nice approach shot or putt.  I normally use a 4 iron or 3 wood punch for this purpose, unless of course I might be hitting too far, but that’s what it normally boils down to.  The best example that I can give is landing in 40-50% off the drive.  Use your mini map on the right to help you ensure that you are going down the fairway because you will not get much height on a punch like this.  Your shot is mostly going to be bouncing and rolling all the way up the fairway.  For long distance punch shots use the rough calculations I gave you above.  Here is a perfect example for you.  Hole 1 Bethpage your drive lands in 40-50% rough and your distance to hole is 120 yards.  Punch that shot with half to 3/4 top spin 140 making sure the flight path has no obstacles in the way only fairway.  Your shot should be pretty close but you may find that more or less on the top spin may be in order to be more accurate.  Once again remember that equipment being used and different balls will react different. You can increase the length of the putt on very long shots by adjusting the little marker on the left which will change the putting length you are going to hit. In this article, we will discuss the best methods to earn WGT credits that you then spend in the game to improve your equipment and overall experience.WGT credits are basically the currency of this online golf game. So you will have to spend your credits and buy yourself a decent putter. Xacuraraha. Course Notes. If you are new to WGT, let’s just run through the basics of putting. In a single round, the putter weighs more strokes than any other club. Some players will always take a chip shot here, however, if you are close to the hole you may be better putting your ball. I normally subtract 1 from the distance and more if it is down. Putting on WGT really is an important part of the game and one that you should spend some time practicing, so here we will give you all the tips and advice you need to become a good putter on WGT. So you will have to spend your credits and buy yourself a decent putter. He no longer plays Have you ever wondered why is it that your shot can be dead on pin on one shot and other times completely off? If you are using a larger club for the pitch shot and pitching a 20 subtract 2, there will be more roll out with the larger club. From: MistressCosette Blog . So the same slope on a slow green will not turn as much as a slope on a tournament green. Also includes a putting distance calculator. Not sure about you but if I could see a real line showing the break of the putt that would help me out very much. There are lots to choose from and lots to think about. This article will be a review of world golf tour and then also provide you with some WGT tips and help you to improve your all round game play. WGT Golf Tips Videos. So now let’s take a look at how exactly to putt on World Golf Tour. Click +Add and drag & drop any element. WGT Golf Tips Videos. It's because the game is designed that way! The New GS Wind/PuttingCalculator. More. This site was designed with the .com. You may need to use your putter to help you line up the roll to the hole, I do and it has improved my bunker shots. Some putts you may have to aim at very odd angles on the faster green speeds. Yancy's Page. But when you are happy with your putter, what next? First start a practice round, you need to be able to take mulligans. There are six different green speeds that you will come across; slow, standard, fast, very fast, tournament and championship. Yancy's Page. The new GS wind/putting calculator. If you have cross wind for every 10 MPH that is considered one box of movement.  As you move the box to the left (right in reverse view) for the slice look at the wind.  There are times I don’t move it at all and there are times when a 20 yard flop I have to move out 4 boxes because of the wind. Ive played with all tiers and levels, starter clubs and ball are often used. Now all balls and clubs have a different amount of roll and distance that they hit. The vast majority of times you attempt this you will find that your ball stops before it even reaches the green. How To Win WGT Golf Credits - Earn WGT Credits Without Paying For Them A guide to winning credits when playing WGT online. Green Maps. Love News. Get started with putting with this World Golf Tour tutorial. I would suggest adding around 20% to a putt on the fringe, it depends on how much fringe you need to putt through but more often than not this should be about right. Putting is an important part of the game, also one of the hardest to explain. WGT Golf Tips Videos. Ignore the rough on a pitch shot it rarely if ever comes into play. Wind rarely comes into play with such a short shot.  I never chip anything farther than  7 yards. WGT™ Simple Putting Aid offered by cbsarge (3) 142 users. Sometimes you may come to rest on the fringe of the green. World Golf Tour or WGT as it is also known is the most realistic golf game available to play on the internet. On the quick greens, players can often roll 10ft past the hole and leave a very tough putt for par. (See photo) Yes, it’s clever, but you could just draw your own chart and put it on the screen when you are putting and this would have the same effect. But the balance and precision are stunning on this model. The difference a good putter can make is huge and if you really want to take your game to the next level then you really must spend the money and buy the best equipment the game has to offer. For many players, the Redwood is the putter of choice—this comes in at 1,385 credits and has a slightly faster meter speed. You also have an option to buy credits with your real money. A lot of people use full swing from the sand, but I don’t unless I’m in a bunker and hitting back to the fairway.  These figures bellow are rough estimates, and I will update them again as I start to test using full swing from bunkers. Most of the time you can ignore the up because the ball goes up before it hits.  However, you may find on certain holes if you are coming up a little short to use a second unknown variable just for that hole. Using the right putter is vital when you putt on WGT. Maybe the formula doesn’t seem to work because you go long or short on the shots.  Don’t pay attention to it on just one hole, but if it is happening on a consistent basis then add or subtract the unknown variable into the formula.  A perfect example of this would be when I play on Merion or Pebble Beach.  I know that I want to hit under the hole but I see that I’m rolling a couple of yards past the hole leaving me a downhill putt.  I place a negative 2 (-2) into the variable so that I will land at the pin or right below it. If you are wondering how exactly to win WGT credits, wonder no more. ThePostGame. Yancy's Page. Overview. I have high level clubs so I usually don’t use backspin except on smaller numbers.  If I use backspin I add extra to the shot. It is all about profit, and this game is a Gold Mine for designers. If you want the top of the range then this one is most certainly for you. I started adding the extra to the shot the same as you might using the unknown variable because I was coming up a little short. All donations are appreciated and used to keep this site up and running as well as current with fresh content. Another basic thing to take into consideration is green speed. When putting you'll need to determine where and how hard to hit the ball by reading the green. Merion Front 9 Walk Through. If the distance is under 30 I add 5 to the shot and use full back spin. re: new putting tips for calculating the grid by Arnie Finlay on Sun 01 Nov 2015, 15:19 I agree mate My current strategy is to use Trent putting calculator but with 1 level higher than it recommends so that if the green is level 10 I will set it to 11 and so forth but even then for uphill putts ypu have to … An example of using spin on the ball.  My formulas are set with a full backspin (I normally use 90% with my balls).  I come up with a shot of 124 on distance to hit.  I’m comfortable within around a 7 yard range so instead of trying to hit 124 with full back on my 135 club, I hit my 120 club with no spin.  If the shot was 127 I would still hit my 120 club but use about 90% topspin.  Of course doing this takes some additional practice, but I have hit my 225 3 iron on distances of 240 with top and landed right next to the hole when the wind was with me.  Don’t allow the distance of the club to be your guide, instead learn what the club can do. One of the most problematic and frustrating problems with WGT is determining the putting speed using the WGT Meter.As each player progress through the tiers putting speed becomes an ever increasing precision that determines whether the ball goes in the cup or slides by on the outside. Check the guide to get free WGT Cheats and credits. Hopefully, the tips and advice on this page will have helped you somewhat and you will sink more putts when you play WGT. Your average has to be at or below a certain number . Long distance pitches with top spin are great if you learn the measurements.  Normally a subtraction of 5 or 6 from the total with 1/2 to 3/4 top has made me some great eagles. This game has thousands of regular players and is the most realistic golf game there is on the internet. They want more experience. More. First of all, let's talk about green speed. Punch Shots within 84 yards.  Remember I use Cleveland wedges so there may be some variations using different clubs. website builder. As an example, on a flat green, I hit a putt at full whack when the meter goes up to 25ft. Even if you are on the fairway, don’t risk trying to putt your ball, always use a chip, pitch or flop shot. Doctors explain the real solutions for putting patients first. Ranked Rounds - Average. It does take a little practice to get good with the pitch shot, but once you have it down you find that you will sink more with a pitch than you will a flop. When you have played at least 5 ranked rounds – and your average score is equal to or lower than 100 you go from Hack to Amateur. I feel the deck is stacked against those of us who don't have the extra bucks to afford the better equipment. WGT Cheats: WGT Golf or World Golf Tour Is a free online golf game. Putting is a big part of the game and to consistently shoot low scores you need to have your putting game in order. Green Maps. Open your Play Now window and you should see 4 new grey buttons on the top of your Play Now window. I will only add the unknown variable in case you are still rolling out to far. If you look at your bag, you will quickly realize your putter is the most important club. Example:  Distance is 115 (+/-) Height is -24 ft. (+/-) Wind is 12 in my face (+/-) Rough is 0 (fairway) (+/-) Unknown is 5. figures differ from user to user.  99% of the time I punch from a bunker but some use other types of shots.  I’ve even pitched from the sand trap before and did pretty well with it. I’ve always known that it’s important to understand your clubs and the distance that they hit.  A perfect example is that when I make a drive off the T-Box I know with the wind conditions approximately the distance before I will bounce.  This knowledge allows me to manage the course and not let the course manage me.  The second thing that I have been toying with and have been successful with is using spin on the ball to hit a little farther. Swingmate Putt Calculator based on a thread from WGT forums A Reliable Putting Distance Formula by bisaacs196.Consider to read it first. Adds a measuring bar and calculator to the WGT screen to help with putting. More. Irons: Taylor Made R11 – Distance = 120 – 225 (Same club as Taylor Made RSi2 Level 90), Wedge: Cleveland 56W Level 76 – Distance = 100, Wedge: Cleveland 60W Level 78 – Distance = 80, Wedge: Cleveland 64W Level 80 – Distance = 60, Ball: Nike Level 71 and Volvik Crystal Level 51 (both play virtually the same), D = Distance – total distance to pin.  Look at top right corner for full distance, H = Height – Up divide by 1/2 || Down divide by 1/3. Also be aware of up and down slopes, the end of your putting line will have a number with either an up or down arrow. Cleveland clubs rip through rough.  My suggestion is to only use half the largest number when adding.  An example would be in 30-40% to only add 2 or 3 to the swing. Do not make chip shots your best friend, they are not reliable shots. World Golf Tour Player Tips & Tables Advancing Tiers & other tips from MistressCosette WGT blog ADVANCING FROM TIER TO TIER. I've also included some tips and advice on how to improve your putts when you play "World Golf Tour". their is a distinct disadvantage with using the standard putter. It’s almost enough to drive you away from playing the money grabber WGT platform, but needless to say, it’s still the best online golf experience available.  Remember the clubs and balls that I use will be different than yours so practice and minor changes to the formulas will be up to you to determine. Practice with this information and I have included a notepad document of this text for you to download.  Practice with the equations and make any changes you may need to fit your equipment and balls.  I hope this information is helpful to all of the players on WGT.  Like I said at the beginning of this article, these are the basics of the formulas I use on WGT and I think that all new members will benefit from the use of it.  When you get higher level clubs you will find that a lot of your shots will change, and you may even find that you do not need the Unknown variable as I rarely use it. Putter Pal on World Golf Tour is really just another way that the company is trying to make money. Anything above 40-50% you are better off with a punch shot to get back to the fairway. Tips to earn WGT credits. Wind on a pitch shot is measured 1 for every 10 MPH. The fact is that this is a helpful tool, however, it does cost money. Green Maps. keviseeb WGT Putting Tips. With both your folder and Google Chrome open, you will need to click and drag WGT Tools onto your Extensions page. WGT Golf Tips Videos. However, it is very accurate and has great balance, up until recently this was considered the best putter that WGT had to offer. This came from SGTBilko a player that has done a lot of research on how the ball works on WGT. If you want more advanced tips on how to putt on WGT, we can take a look at some. So if it says up 4 this means the slopes go up by 4 inches. Rough is added as you do with the punch shot.  Add the larger number (30-40% = +4). Flopping out of sand heavier than 30-40% is not advised.  Remember that flopping out of sand will not be in the air long so make sure you are not a long distance from the pin.  The ball will roll out quite a bit be sure to aim for the additional break on the green.  The additional 2 I added to the flop bellow you may not need. Course Notes. ... WGT gold tricks and tips. Here we look at if there are cheats on WGT on how cheating takes place on World Golf Tour. GS Wind/Putting program. Adjust to play getting trickier, or spend money. Note: If you are too far away from the green in the sand most of the time a punch will not get there.  In this case use a full swing with the equations I gave you for rough.  Be sure to add 1/2 the distance of up to the equation and see how it works for you.  Remember that coming out of sand will have a bounce and a roll out.  Getting on the green is however the most important factor even if you are left with a long putt. Yancy's Page. Depth of sand figures into the equation.Â. In this article, we have a close look at tips on putting when playing World Golf Tour. But don’t worry about this. Yancy's Page. It is important to take note of this, the green speed will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen when you are putting. So don’t overdo it, just a gentle roll will often be more than enough on some shots. A look at some of the courses you will play when playing World Golf Tour. See you on the next page. WGT Putting Tips & Advice - Improve Your Putts On World Golf Tour A guide on how to improve your putting skills when playing World Golf Tour. 24:06. For many players, the Spider Putter is seen as a good place to ... Redwood Putter. So the basic formula is the following: D (+/-) H (+/-) W (+/-) U. However, the precision is not very good and neither is the forgiveness. WGT Golf tips videos. Ghost Putter. Another thing to be aware of is that slopes are more pronounced on faster greens. Backspin on punch for me (Please note that these numbers may not work for you this is my unknown variable for a punch): D (+/-) W (+) R (+/-)  U (+/-) U (this second unknown is 2 for me) =. More. By default, Swingmate will adjust putting distance by 2 feets, but you can always change it on preferences. Putting At WGT. You can purchase a limited amount of putts to use this for depending on how much you want to use it. e,g. For many players, the Spider Putter is seen as a good place to start. The rough is added by taking the larger of the 2 numbers.  (40-50% would be adding 5). Wind on a punch shot is measured 1 for every 10 MPH. Now you must judge the way the dots are moving on the grid. Green Maps. Remember though that the fringe will be slower than the green itself, so for those first few inches, you need a little extra power. Slow is like putting on long grass and championship is like putting on ice! Green Maps. In recent times WGT has brought out Putter Pal. In some cases, on long putts it may say up 2ft, this means the hill is very steep and you have to go a long way up the slope. GS Wind/Putting program. The idea is simple—when you are using Putter Pal a little grid overlays on your putting meter, this makes the length of putts easier to judge. This is all a head game really. Spider Putter. Chips pop up and down quick.  Make sure that you are within a foot of the green or you will land in the rough again. Play your game and be persistent. If it is a drastic downhill then subtract an extra 5 for the unexpected roll out. This will aim your putt and show you the distance to the hole. Moving up a tier is one of the simple methods to earn credits. Putting At WGT. The following is a list of different formulas that I use on WGT. It allows you to add unlimited Coins to your wallet with ease. More. That should be all you need to do! Always use full back spin coming out of a bunker.  It will roll, and normally more than you would expect. Tips and hints for a good round on World Golf Tour and also a look at WGT cheats. Click Pages > Add Page from the side menu to find pre-made page layouts or. If the distance is between 30 and 40 I add 4 to the shot and use full back spin. A Tribute Page To Andyson. website builder. In real golf you often see players putting from way off the green. Advanced Tips. For every 12 inches (1 foot) down subtract 1 from the shot. There have been many changes on WGT lately and with all of the upper tier brackets players I play against daily, they share in the same misgivings that I have.  Even using correct mathematical equations for shots, sometimes the are long and sometimes they are short.  Wind that doesn’t have an effect on the ball, or not enough effect can drive you crazy.  I also have become friends with the gophers in the hole by rimming shots on my putts all the time. This fine-tuning only works in practice mode. World Golf Tour, or WGT, is a free online golf game that has taken the world by storm.If you are looking for ways to get free WGT credits, then you have come to the right place.Here we will look at what world golf tour credits can be used for and then more importantly where to get credits from. Ian Poulter, Rickie Fowler And Jon Rahm Explains The Importance Of Pace Putting At The Masters. GS Wind/Putting program. We get used to certain clubs and as game gets harder, and it does, then you have two choices. (See photos) Close everything and then log into WGT as normal. World Golf Tour is very realistic and just as in real golf you may be incredible from tee to green but if you can’t putt you will never be any good. That was until the Ghost Putter came along. Adjust the line of your putt accordingly. WGT is an online golf game that has been around for a few years now. For weeks I have been working on a method to do just that. WGT Golf Tips Videos. The Unknown variable may help you here, but I would say with this equation I may roll past the hole a little but normally I stop right before it. Create your website today. Then you click on the swing and choose how hard you wish to hit your putt. Putting is one of the most important parts of WGT. Everyone World Gold Tour player wants to be better. Tips For Low Scores On WGT. When putting up or downhill the ball will travel differently and at different speeds, so hit harder on up slopes and softer on down slopes. Garypinhunters Caddy Notebook. Adds a simple measuring bar to the WGT screen to help judge your putting speed. The way they move shows you how your ball will move when it passes over them. This is just 400 credits and has a very slow meter on it which means you should hit the ding more often than not. While playing WGT Golf, you may get several opportunities to acquire WGT credits. Before we get to the putting there is another tip you may or may not know about. One thing to be aware of is sometimes it’s better to leave a putt short than blasting it past. You can use your wedge on the green if you dont like those long putts - basically you double the distance: If you have 25 yards to the hole Make adjustments and ignore your partners 2000 credit drive! ; When you have played at least 10 ranked rounds – and your average score is equal to or lower than 80 you go from Amateur to Pro. ... sunglasses, caps, weight.make him you. Course Notes. Use your putter to aim for the break (Normally a pitch is in the air longer so only look at the last couple of feet before the hole). Putting At WGT. Expect the roll out especially if the down is in feet and not inches. You may have roll out but always use full backspin on a flop shot.  They are suppose to stop, although occasionally they will roll. What if we tell you that you can play WGT Golf and become a strong player with no extra efforts? if you are an icredible human being yes for sure you can win everything... Is it possible to win a set of decent clubs without paying for them. We will also take a look at how to earn those elusive world golf tour credits. To save your money, you should try to earn this currency by playing the game or with WGT Golf Hack. You would be the best with our gaming hacks diamond generator. Add an additional 1 for every 3 foot up the shot is. This is a clever little gadget that is supposed to help you with your putting. Chambers Bay Front 9 Walk Through. U = Unknown – Add or subtract this number for your clubs and balls. PC Can Now Play Mobile Players. figures for full swing (please note that some courses may require a little extra): A tip for everyone…. Always remember to check this as your ball will move at different speeds on different surfaces when putting on WGT. Selecting the Best WGT Putter.

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