A normal human palm contains 3 major creases: the distal transverse crease; the proximal transverse crease; and the thenar crease. Misunderstandings. This one line stretches horizontally from one edge of the palm to the other. Medical references call it the "Proximal Transverse Palmar Crease" or "Single Palmar Crease". In humans, a single transverse palmar crease is a single crease that extends across the palm of the hand, formed by the fusion of the two palmar creases (known in palmistry as the "heart line" and the "head line"). The crease is most often referred to as a single palmar crease. A single transverse palmar crease is found in 5% of newborns and is frequently inherited as a familial trait. The occurrence of a single horizontal palmar crease, the simian crease, was found by roentogenographic studies to be related to a diminished slope of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th metacarpal-phalangeal joints such that only a single early horizontal plane of flexion existed in the skin of the upper palm. The crease is most often referred to as a single palmar crease. If you or someone you know has a Simian Crease and is ready to focus that gift, Contact Me. When the Heart Line and Head Line are fused together, only one major line is present, and it extends all the way across the hand from edge to edge. Because permanent crease patterns are thought to be laid down during the first trimester, researchers have speculated that deviations in crease patterns could be indicative of insults during fetal development. SIMIAN CREASE (single palmar crease): Mastery vs. The older term "simian crease" is not used much anymore, since it tends to have a negative meaning (The word "simian" refers to a monkey or ape). My friend took me to a palm reading event on Monday as sort of a birthday present. The palm typically has 2 of these creases. (Shoutout to my fellow Geminis!) The older term "simian crease" is not used much anymore, since it tends to have a negative meaning (The word "simian" refers to a monkey or ape). A single palmar crease is a single line that runs across the palm of the hand. Human hands develop palmar creases in the womb close to the 12th week of gestation. This single dominant line is called a ‘single palmar crease’ or Simian Crease. It is often found in Down Syndrome, but is not necessarily an indication that a person with single transverse palmar crease has the condition. In Palmistry and Hand Analysis this is called a "Simian Line". Single Palmar Crease (aka Simian Crease) In rare cases, some people have only one dominant crease as opposed to the usual three (we’re talking 1 in 30 people.) However, occasionally, the horizontal creases join together to form a single transverse palmar crease (STPC). People most often have 3 creases in their palms. This is an investment in your best self. An STPC used to be called a simian crease, however, the term is no longer considered appropriate. The palm reader looked at my hands and said I had a “Simian Line”.. She called everyone else over too look at my palms and claimed I was a rare exception to the typical palmistry archetypes. We can set up a full consultation to see how your gift – upside and downside – operates in YOUR life and how you can make the most of it. People most often have 3 creases in their palms. However, in the Chinese population, single transverse palmar creases may be considered a normal phenotypic variant; a recent study found that 16.8% of 3,345 healthy Chinese newborns had unilateral single transverse creases and 6.6% had bilateral single transverse creases. A single palmar crease is a single line that runs across the palm of the hand. However, single palmar creases can be associated with Down's syndrome and other genetic disorders, or with fetal alcohol syndrome.

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