In Jewish trivia games – of a certain type – there is a well-known question: what Mitzvot (commandments) can be done by just being somewhere? Submit your piece for review, and if approved we will publish it on our site as “Community Contributions.”, Change Your Subscription Posted on December 29, 2004 (5765) By Rabbi Label Lam | Series: Dvar Torah | Level: Beginner. Dvar Torah . This segment was probably rewritten in King Josiah's time, and again during the exile, and again upon the return to conform to what the priests were wearing at that time. Bo 2003 / 5763. Thus, the ethical masters have taught, ‘Do not establish friendship according to your nature; establish friendship according to your friend’s nature.’ When each of the friends conducts himself according to this directive, the desire of each one will be to fulfill the will of the other.”, In the next section, the Rambam goes on to distinguish between three hierarchical levels of friendship: (1) “A friend befriended for the sake of benefit,” such as teacher and student whose relationship has also developed into one of friendship, (2) “a friend befriended for the sake of satisfaction” and (3) “a friend befriended for a higher purpose.” In the case of friends befriended for the sake of satisfaction, the Rambam includes two separate but necessary elements: a) “trust” and b) “pleasure.” As he elaborates on this level of the friendship relationship, I believe that the Rambam is in fact describing what experts in the field refer to as “emotional safety.” This is true in marriage as well as other friendship relationships. בֹּא . Copyright © – Project Genesis. Dvar Torah. We have the final three plagues - locust, darkness, and the killing of the first-born - the Israelites celebrate the first Passover, and the frightened Egyptians send them on their way. Sukkot 2017 / 5778 - Being There. In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains that we are often forced by others into situations which we are neither comfortable with, nor desire. The Cahana family shares passion and insight about Judaism, and like her father, Sapira is adept at finding meaning that lies hidden within the wording of Torah. Dvar Torah on Sukkot. At my yeshiva, we start each day of Zoom learning with a 10-minute dvar Torah on the parsha from a student, and every other Tuesday it was my turn. 24 January 2018. We are pleased to share Sam Woodward’s dvar Torah on Parashat Vaera from his recent bar mitzvah at Bonai Shalom. 250 men, mostly from the tribe of Reuvein bring a sacrifice of a mixture of spices called K’tores, and a heavenly fire burns them all to death. This week's Dvar Torah is courtesy of my daughter Hannah's best friend Sapira Cahana, daughter of my rabbi and mentor Rabbi Ronnie Cahana. Trending on Dvar Torah on Parshat Chayei Sarah. Dvar Torah. User account menu. Now that have studied my Torah portion in more detail, and participated in this special Tsedakah project, I know that with the support of my family and friends and the wonderful experience I have had learning for my Dvar Torah, I feel ready to take on the responsibilities of a BatMitzvah – Shabbat Shalom. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. I am so glad that so many of you could make it, especially from afar. In Parashat Beshalach, we are told how immediately after the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea, the Israelites entered into the wilderness of Sinai. Moshe is arguably the most significant person in the Torah, whose impact as lawgiver, teacher, and savior has been felt across the world by most major religions for over three millennia. Dvar Torah. Rashi, the great medieval commentator, writes that just as Korach’s family camped on the southern side of the Tabernacle, so did the tribe of Reuven. Four Lessons from Tom Brady. At my yeshiva, we start each day of Zoom learning with a 10-minute dvar Torah on the parsha from a student, and every other Tuesday it was my turn. Vayetze 2005 / 5766. In this week’s Torah portion, Yitro, we encounter one of the most epic moments in the Torah. The Power of Friends Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4-36:43) by Rabbi Steven Burg. This is your opportunity to share with the community your ideas, not just about your Torah or Haftarah portions, but also about what you think or believe in general. Vayechi 2013 / 5774. Four Lessons from Tom Brady. Parshat Vayigash 5781 We all know the story of how the Shevatim sold Yosef Hatzadik which resulted in his descent to Mitzrayim. Thus, the teacher/student relationship is conditional, with the teacher (the giver), being hired and paid for a service he provides for the student (the receiver); in contrast, friendship speaks to the mutuality of the relationship, with both partners giving of themselves “unconditionally.” He also elaborates on the extent to which one must go in order to secure such a relationship, as well as the notion that friends are expected to know each other fully and to willingly subsume their desires for the sake of fulfilling the needs of the other: “For a person should always have a friend who will always help him better all aspects of his conduct; as our Sages commented: ‘….either comradeship or death.’ If one does not find one easily, one must make efforts in this direction… One should not cease accommodating oneself to the other person’s nature until such friendship has been established. Some of the greatest blessings are wrapped up in a curse An example of this can be found in Parshat Chukat. Rabbi Shalom Noach Brezovsky, the present Rabbi of Slonim, writes that the three main influences on our characters come from family, habits, and friends. Then he (Yakov) went on ahead of them and bowed earthward seven times until he reached him until his brother. Vayechi 2015 / 5776. We understand a man’s role in Jewish life – a man is obligated to engage in regular Talmud Torah (Torah study) and Tefillah B’tzibur (communal Tefillah) as well as a wide variety of other Mitzvot. After walking through water, there was now no water. I want to speak about the sacrifices we made 2000 years ago and the ones we make in the 21st century. 6. Bar Mitzvah – Keeping the Right Perspective, Bar and Bas Mitzvah – A Special Celebration, Bar/Bat Mitzvah: A Re-enactment of “Kabolas Hatorah”, Shavu’os and Bar Mitzvah: Causes For Celebration, Marital Partners – Compatibility of Missions, Miss Manners And Her Ilk Are A Far Cry From Divine Torah Ethics. Vayechi 2007 / 5767. 6. Timely Instructions Dvar Torah (5778) To Avoid the Rough Road! (Breishis 18:1) Suddenly a seeming small detail jumped out at me that I had never spent much time considering. Vayetze 2009 / 5770. Why do you raise yourself up over the congregation of G-d?” Moshe creates a situation in which G-d’s real choice can prove himself. Bo 2015 / 5775. Esau ran toward him, embraced him, fell on his neck, and kissed him; then they wept. Why we started the Divrei Torah. Insights for a dvar torah from Pirkei Avos, Parsha and Other Torah Sources. He was also quite a close and dependable friend. Send to a friend. About Us. Also, visit our Weekly Learning page for a variety of materials connected to this week’s Torah reading. This is a unique opportunity that I hope you will find meaningful. An archive of past Divrei Torah based on the weekly parashah and written by rabbinic students, faculty and Leo Baeck College alumni. To start out, just a quick overview. Every week, brings you a rich selection of material on parshat hashavua, the weekly portion traditionally read in synagogues all over the world. Bereishis Shemos Vayikra Bamidbar Devarim Holidays. DVAR TORAH PARSHAT CHUKAT. Torah Portion Summary - Bo. Why did the 250 men from the tribe of Reuven get involved? “The entire congregation is holy, with G-d among them. In parshat Vayetzei (28:19), Yaakov names the location of his dream - "Beit El - the house of G-d," which happens to be the future site of the Beis Hamikdash. Name * First. Without doing anything in particular, just being in a particular place. During Elul, a propitious time for teshuva, there is no better time to work toward this ideal, in our relationships with our spouse, children and friends, as well as showing respect and compassion to the others who come our way. Vayetze 2018 / 5779. These divrei Torah were adapted from the hashkafa portion of Rabbi Yissocher Frand’s Commuter Chavrusah Tapes on the weekly portion: CD #889 The Neighbor Who Forgot To Turn Off The Fire. We have the final three plagues - locust, darkness, and the killing of the first-born - the Israelites celebrate the first Passover, and the frightened Egyptians send them on their way. In last week’s episode of Shemot, Bnei Israel believes that they have met their hero Moshe. Writing a Dvar Torah: Worksheet for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Preparation You’re about to write a dvar Torah—literally, words of Torah. Then G-d blesses Yitzchak with the blessing of Avraham. Most Dvar Torah's have sources to any verses quoted or teachings taught from various different sources. Featured at Know the character and history of someone before making him a friend. Support Torah Learning All Over the World and WIN! Dvar Torah for Parashat Haye Sarah 5773 by Rabbi Chaim Jachter Dear Friends, Please enjoy the following Dvar Torah. Dvar Torah from BHI alumn Rabbi Efraim Aminov. The first time, I posted to Facebook looking for specific sources about the few verses of Lech Lecha I was planning to speak on. D’var Torah: Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8) By Eli Rubineau . באחד בשבט ראש השנה לאילן כדברי בית שמאי. Lifting our children, as on wings of eagles . Moshe tells them that Hashem has heard them, remembered them, and seen their unhappiness. Moshe then goes to Pharaoh to demand that he let the people go. Send to a friend. This gets in the way of holding really major celebrations: large families, communities, groups of friends who want to get together on Sukkot will, typically, not be able to fit into one Sukkah. The Financial Boon of Attending College in Israel, Jersey Shore’s Pier Village to Launch Upscale Kosher Eatery ‘Salt’, Customize Your Workouts at Colosseum Fitness, Increase Sales, Lower Costs With E-commerce Platform FutureEcom. Holy MatrimonyMarriage – 1Marriage – 2The Tenaim – TranslatedThe Kesubah – TranslatedMarriage and the Royal FamilyMarital Partners – Compatibility of MissionsEverlasting Happiness10 Mistakes Couples Make. Click here if you are unable to view this video. The Power of Friends Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4-36:43) by Rabbi Steven Burg. Feb 18, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Kayson. Torah gives us role models to be righteous upstanders . Friends,” he claimed, “enjoy each other’s company, but spouses devote their lives to each other.” Yet, after studying the Rambam’s view on friendship, I believe that the Rambam would voice his strong disagreement to this perspective on friendship in marriage. His friends and his children’s friends can have a profound effect on the way he himself and his generations will look even years from now. Bo 2010 / 5770. – The Sound of Music . A frightened Yaakov prays to God, "Rescue me, please, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Eisav." The Torah then stated that 600,000 men left Egypt. Posted on June 7, 2002 (5757) By Rabbi Dovid Green | Series: Dvar Torah | Level: Beginner. (5772) Genesis of Exodus (5771) Something Astonishing (5770) To Be Caring…To Be Daring (5769) Exactly Why He Was Chosen … Rescue me, please, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Eisav. Share this video . וַיֵּצֵא . Below you can find divrei Torah (Torah commentaries) from a Reconstructionist approach. Home › Forums › Decaffeinated Coffee › dvar torah on friendship? As always I welcome your comments and thoughts. 04.10.2017 by Rabbi Shimon Felix. Send to a friend. Toldos. ! 03.01.2020 - Everything24 hat diesen Pin entdeckt. Insights for a dvar torah from Pirkei Avos, Parsha and Other Torah Sources. Such sacrifices include the ones we do when we want to repent, or the sacrifices we make for our family and friends. Descendants of Jews Saved by Heroic Pole Find Each Other. Rather than addressing her call for help, he dashed her dreams of attaining this goal and attempted to convince her that she was a victim of a cultural myth regarding the importance of friendship in marriage. Insights for a dvar torah from Pirkei Avos, Parsha and Other Torah Sources. Posted on November 19, 2010 (5771) By Rabbi Label Lam | Series: Dvar Torah | Level: Beginner. 2 talking about this. Send to a friend. Bo 2002 / 5762. Celebrated with the reading of Megillat Esther, feasting, drinking, carnival-like costumes, and gifts to friends and the needy, Purim takes place on the 14th day of Adar, and the 15th in cities that were walled in Biblical times, such as Jerusalem. Discover (and save!) Lifting our children, as on wings of eagles . This astonishing teaching in the Talmud Yerushalmi is based on a passage in Parshat Toldot. The Written Torah starts with the word “ bereishit,” and the Oral Torah starts w The Rambam explains that when attaining this level of friendship, each partner “can rely on him (or her)  without holding anything back… and “can recall to him or (her) all his matters, both good and bad, without worrying that his friend will shame him—either in private or in public. Vayechi 2017 / 5777. Vayetze 2015 / 5776. Posted by. בֹּא . Commentaries. בֹּא . Parshat Bo takes us to the dramatic final moments of the Exodus from Egypt. The Mishna helps us. We encourage you to share this Dvar Torah with friends, family and complete strangers! In the Rambam’s commentary, in Mishnah Avot: 1:6 on the verse in Pirkei Avot: “Asei lecha rav, u’k’nei lecha chaver—Provide yourself with a teacher and acquire yourself a friend,” he offers a clear and well-developed hierarchy of friendship. All rights reserved. Dvar Torah: Toldot. Rashi quotes the words of Chapters of the Fathers, “woe to an evil person, and woe to his neighbor.” This means that these men had an opportunity to spend time with their neighbors and be negatively influenced by them. Beit Hillel says it is on the 15th of Shevat. (Shemos 1:8) And a new king arose: Rav and Shmuel argue. Let’s start at the very beginning, A very good place to start. Comment on this Video. This week’s Torah portion is filled with exhortations and warnings about lepers, plaques, skin diseases and bodily emissions that rendered our ancestors ritually unclean, followed by the various offerings, sacrifices and rituals that the priests could perform to reinstate them into a state of ritual purity. ANSWER: The Torah consists of two parts, the Written Torah and the Oral Torah. A friend can help you elevate yourself in life or he can bring you down. Posted on June 7, 2002 (5757) By Rabbi Dovid Green |. * Indicates required field. Forever? Select Past Dvar Torah. The 15th Adar is the day after Purim, know as Shushan Purim. He chooses them carefully, considering what the outcome of his friendships will be. He was not really a good friend, rather somewhat of an acquaintance to whom Reuben never felt very close. At the start of this weeks reading we see the fourth census count taking place in the Torah. Torah Portion Summary - Vayetze. If the story we encounter in this week’s parsha was not in the Torah, it would be too fantastic to believe. One says he was actually a new king while the other says he created new decrees. I eat only vegetables on Tu BiShvat. How would you define a kosher argument? The Living Law (5780) Yom Kippur Hamaayan (5773) Yom Kippur Sfas Emes (5778) The 14th of Adar is also famous for the salvation of the Jewish people from Haman’s plot to destroy the Jewish nation (Megillat Esther 9:17), something I will elaborate on more in due coarse in my Purim Dvar Torah. Dvar Torah. Worse yet, he trivialized the idea of friendship, and cut her off with stating that “marriage and friendship are so vastly different from each other that it would be erroneous even to compare the two. Last. Torah Portion Summary - Bo. This week’s parsha teaches us that this is an importantant question we all need to ask ourselves. If friendship implies commitment and loyalty, you should select your friends carefully. D’var Torah: Parashat Ki Tavo. For this reason, the Torah decided to tack on Shmini Atzeret. This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 7 months ago by haifagirl. His Super Human Achievement Parshas Vayera. In this week’s Torah portion, Yitro, we encounter one of the most epic moments in the Torah. “This,” the Rambam proclaims, “is the type of friend the Mishnah commanded us to acquire.”. Log In Sign Up. בית הלל אומרים בחמשה עשר בו . At my yeshiva, we start each day of Zoom learning with a 10-minute dvar Torah on the parsha from a student, and every other Tuesday it was my turn. There are a lot of heroes out there, and they deserve our thanks. Welcome! He quotes Maimonides, who says that the way of a person is to be drawn after the ways of his peer group. Good Shabbos! Send to a friend. The Orthodox Jewish Government Official Falsely Accused of Dual Loyalty. I am Myfanwy and I have been coming to Synagogue every Saturday for the past 7 years of my life. WEEKLY DVAR TORAH FOR THE SHABBAT TABLE! When a person is able to trust a friend so thoroughly, he will derive tremendous satisfaction from talking to him (or her) and sharing his (or her) company.”  In describing the category of a friend befriended for a higher purpose, the Rambam refers to “a situation where both desire and focus on a single object,” for example, “doing good.”  This level of friendship in marriage, I believe, refers to one where the spouses have included God as a partner in their relationship, and they share spiritual values. A Spell of Brotherliness Parshas Vayishlach. Many of the great commentators of the past and present are quoted. What can we do about it? Friends, I'm speaking to you in isolation, from my home in London. your own Pins on Pinterest This Torah portion consists of the ordination of Aaron and his descendants as priests, vast descriptions of the vestments that the priest should wear, and the law of the half-shekel temple tax. Vayetze 2017 / 5778. My Parasha is called Vayikra. Korach, a prominent member of the tribe of Levi disputes the validity of Moshe ’s choice for Kohain Gadol, The High Priest. Click here if you are unable to view this video. Still, they were willing to go through with it, even putting their lives on the line as they did. I wanted to express our thanks to all those who are fighting on the frontline of COVID-19. I studied my Parasha Vayikra, in great depth, and I found it to be a unique, special and also very technical Parasha. I'd love your feedback! Click on a Parsha to see the Dvar Torah! In the general census, all the Tribes were counted except for the tribe of Levi. Dvar Torah is your opportunity to read fascinating insights on the weekly portion of the Torah. Dvar Torah based on Growth Through Torah by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin. In the Torah, the greatest gift is a blessing from G-d. First, G-d talks to Yitzchak, telling him not to go to Egypt and promising what He will do if Yitzchak didn’t go to Egypt. As we continue to explore the role of friendship in marriage, it strikes me how relevant this topic is to the month of Elul. Bo 2004 / 5764. Commentaries. D’var Torah: Korach. Reuben loved Shimon, and it seemed to Reuben that the feelings were mutual. Dvar Torah. To subscribe, you can email us at judysprogress (at) gmail (dot) com or leave a comment. This week's official Dvar Torah is: Bereshit The following is a … Press J to jump to the feed. Comment on this Video. In parshat Vayetzei, we see an instance of kefitzat haderech, i.e., a miracle pursuant to which an individual is transported from one location to a geographically distant one with unnatural speed. Friends. Children's Activities Myfanwy’s Dvar Torah - 21 December 2016. Levi was another friend of his. Subscribe to Dvar Torah and receive this weekly class via e-mail. Dvar Torah Checklist Your Dvar Torah is a great chance for you to learn about your Torah portion, reflect on how it relates to your life, talk about the meaning of your bar mitzvah and thank the people who made this day possible. A student of Torah understands the power of friendships and associations. Dvar Torah Questions and Answers on Yitro. Home; About the Blog ; Kefitzat Haderech: What's the Message of This Rare Form of Divine Intervention? In Parshat Vayigash, the Torah recorded that the members of Yaakov's family that went to Egypt were seventy (Bereishit 46:26-27). Bo 2014 / 5774. Dvar Torah/Parashat Bereshit Thread - Oct 17, 2020. Last month, I expressed my concern over a rabbi, a popular columnist, who responded to a young woman’s angst over the absence of friendship in her marriage. Regarding which Parsha? Regarding a woman captured during war, the Torah places all sorts of restrictions in the way of marriage over a period of thirty days -- so that the passion of the soldier will cool. A True Friend. An affluent person has many friends and associates who enthusiastically greet him and eagerly participate in his celebrations. Cholim – Prayers for the Those in Need, Make a DonationDedicate an ArticleCreate a MemorialMajor Gift. Torah Portion Summary - Vayechi. Vayetze 2014 / 5775. (32:12) Yaakov was on the road travelling when he received the message that his brother Eisav was heading towards him with 400 men. In the merit of these efforts, may Hashem forgive us for our mistakes and hasten the geulah, b’miheira biyameinu. The Rambam explains that when attaining this level of friendship, each partner “can rely on him (or her) without holding anything back… and “can recall to him or (her) all his matters, both good and bad, without worrying that his friend will shame him—either in private or in public. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Weekly D’var Torah. Previous Divrei Torah For Parsha Vayechi Get inspired by Vayechi Divrei Torah from previous years . Please share with your friends. Home ; About the Blog; The Secret to a Happy Marriage Embedded in a Gematria. Text Copyright © 1997 Rabbi Dovid Green and Project Genesis, Inc. Parshat Bo takes us to the dramatic final moments of the Exodus from Egypt. Dvar Torah. Proudly powered by Weebly. Only then are we truly fulfilling our mission! We see from this week’s parsha an incredible insight; that the 250 men knew that the one who would be chosen as High Priest would be the only one to live through the test. Torah gives us role models to be righteous upstanders . Mrs Judy Feiglin A"H . During this period of time, when we are preparing to be forgiven for our sins, we are expected to pay close attention to our interpersonal relationships; this obligation is reflected in the well-known acronym for Elul: “Ani L’Dodi, V’dodi Lih—I am for my Beloved and my Beloved is for me.”. Reuben had three friends. G-d told Yitzchak that his descendants will be numerous and that they would rule over the other nations. The Torah teaches an important lesson about choosing friends and lifemates in this week's portion. When we have a free moment, we use it to call a friend to see how he is doing; or to learn another possuk, and so on. The first time, I … He begins by noting the shift in verbs in the above verse, whereby the word “provide” is used when securing a teacher, while the verb shifts to “acquire” in the case of obtaining a friend. 13.11.2018 by Rabbi Shimon Felix. This week's parsha, Mishpatim, contains a continuation of the laws granted to the Jewish … Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4-36:43) by Rabbi Eli Scheller. No Old Friends Parshas Shemos.

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