While seeing red objects in your dream typically exemplifies the struggle, challenges and demonic bondage. The dream doesn’t really say why that happened, (why they stepped away) but the great news is that God is giving the dreamer this dream so that they’ll know how to get back on track and step back into what they’re called to do. If it happens that you drink the palm oil, then it means you are taking something capable of causing problems in your life. This dream can give rise to destruction, monitoring spirit, and witchcraft network. The unhappiness could be as a result of your involvement in witchcraft covenant and other negative practices affecting your destiny. Best, For those of thus who do, we are grateful to have it available. Yes I’m planning on releasing the eCourse later this year. Dream about red objects could be an indication of the great magnitude of unhappiness in your life. A football match was being played, l saw myself entering the dressing room to wear my jersey. Please make your financial commitment through  this account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Telegram group:+2348099828623. Red bird symbolism and meaning. I dreamed that i was with other workers of the ministry but I was the only one flying along with some beings looking as though they were angels or saints, then I reached to this place and was wearing my red shirt and black skirt uniform then i saw myself standing on a mountain top. We were so excited. Hi Linda I’m so happy that I came across your page, I had a dream about a red dress I was looking for the meaning of the Red color and I ended up on your page. I do hope you see the significance in it. We know this because at the start of the dream, the dreamer wasn’t wearing the shirt…yet. If the dream was more pleasant… Well, then you don’t have to panic… yet. For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red sea for you, when ye came out of Egypt; and what ye did unto the two kings of the Amorites, that were on the other side Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed. In turn, it can be seen as a warning, reminding you to look at aspects of your life that need to be from satanic – witchcraft imprisonment of destinies. I stood before some ladies and mood in the dream was of happiness. The red color dream is a warning and impending danger. She is not aware and continue her routine work. Which is another great part of the dream. Hi Pat! So I thought of sharing this with you. One of China’s greatest classical novels—as famous in China as Romeo and Juliet is in the West—recounts the love triangle between a young nobleman and two very different women: one his spiritual soulmate, the other a beautiful heiress. This dream indicates that serious trouble or agents of household have their attention on you. Blood of Jesus and fire of Ghost, cleanse every organ in the in my body, in the name of Jesus. The symbol of red walls in your dream can be associated unrest, fear, war, and evil covenant. Wearing a red shirt indicates there’s an anointing on your life for this. And that, we find in the opening scene of the dream: The dreamer was in a closet, sitting on the floor. Red . When red oil stains your cloth for instance this means, your image is tarnished. Life as the sole sale item in the clearance corner of Eben's Bikes can get lonely. !, “break, break, break, in the name of Jesus. I knew I had already worn it before and hadn’t washed it, but it still looked fresh and pressed and ready to wear. You can also call for prayer on: Get Evangelist Joshua Latest Book on this website. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations. In some cases, you discovered that a person gave you red objects in the dream, it is very possible that person may be harming you to pollute and contaminate your goodness because you may not believe he or she can do it. Something or someone attempting to inject you with something that would be potentially harmful. There are three basic meanings for … As well as why God chooses to communicate to us through our dreams and visions of the night. . Continue pursuing the revelatory things of the Lord and growing in intimacy with Him. If you see red objects in your dream, find time to avoid danger and trouble. If you woke up sad through this dream and if you are a woman, kindly pray against evil manipulation of your womb and marriage. God has blessed you with an incredible gift of writing and communication. To see a group of people tied with red regalia in the dream, that’s not a good sign. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Wearing a garment is quite a pleasant experience, but if you wore a red cloth, skirt, brazier, knicker in the dream, then this signifies a warning not to wear a particular cloth, capable of causing havoc in your life . The typical meaning of a “red objects” dream shows that a person’s efforts will not amount to success, prosperity and good health, except hard work and struggle at the end of the day. For example, an expectant mother who frequently sees red symbols indicates challenges in conception. People was wearing red and i am talking to my ex bestfriend and bond like we are before then the guy kissed me wearing a white shirt too. If this is true that everything is working against you, do not be afraid to get the help of the Holy Spirit. I had a dream that all Please, what does this mean? That’s the part I recall about the dream. If you dream of eating red foods it indicates some sort of bad luck in your current life. Red also represents ones basic emotions, earthy nature, and sexuality. ( Log Out /  To breakthrough in your career may seem challenging, especially if you are struggling to have control over finances. He wants to speak to us and just like in this dream, give us encouragement, hope, and direction so that we can keep moving forward in what we are called to do. Even though you are no longer in Jacksonville, I feel your presence through your posts. Hi Linda It connotes deep emotions and spirituality. A Dream of Red Mansions (Chinese: 红楼梦) is a Chinese serial feature film produced by Beijing Film Studio, released in 6 parts (8 episodes) between 1988 and 1989.Directed by Xie Tieli (谢铁骊) and Zhao Yuan (赵元), it is a cinematic adaptation of the 18th-century Chinese novel of the same name. Any power that had vowed to kill me and my family die in Jesus name. Friends, God wants us to fulfill the purpose for which we were created. I was struggling with a scripture in the Bible. Then I happened to pass by a family that I know and their topic of conversation pique my interest as I thought that they were discussing the guy whom Iove and how to get him or do something similar. Every tree, that the Father did not plant in my life, be uprooted, in the name of Jesus. Our clothing is something people see when they first come in contact with us. At the root of this dream is a sense of being disconnected from destiny. In dream work, symbols are the language of our subconscious. Embark on 3 days prayer and fasting between 6am to 3pm. So what does a red shirt represents something the dreamer is anointed to walk in actually mean? Do you possibly know what interpretation it may have? My children where there and some other older lady. It helps to build up barriers against something that would be harmful. It also stands for anger, such as in the idiom, 'seeing red.' O God, make everything the enemy has said is impossible in my life possible, in the name of Jesus. while in the bus sleeping, I dreamt that the bus driver had written my names in red ink. A man dreams of red clothes indicates good luck for love. Dream of the Red Chamber. Last year, I lost my brother. Thank you, with kind regards. Upon seeing them I heard them saying they’re going to change the red clothes and put on yellow clothes, but I tried telling them that the red looked beautiful on them; and it did, it was beautiful. A red bird may also show up in the dreams of people experiencing corruption in communist countries that allows one to get more privileges than other people by serving the state. You can now  pay your offerings, tithes, sow a seed into this ministry. Therefore, if you see a red object in the realm of the spirit, this indicates the era of conflicts, and witchcraft operation. So it serves as somewhat of a warning. He will take whatever was intended to be bitter in your life and use it to reach other people and bring refreshing. Have a terrific day, Karen. Hello, my name is Francis, I had a dream that l was a player in my national football team. It could be associated with the meaning of blood, satanic covenant, and can easily … What are your thoughts? l saw one of the popular players of my national team, who talked to me. If a house or a wall is red in the dream this indicates that a person’s spirit is plagued with strongman fighting him or her from evil altars. SPIRITUAL MEANING OF RED OBJECTS IN THE DREAM – DREAM ABOUT RED SYMBOLS. Hi Avis! Hi, Linda. Everything that has been transferred into my life through evil dreams, loose your hold right now, in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, I electrify the ground of this place now and let every covenant with the feet begin to shatter now, in Jesus’ name. https://lindagriddle.org/2017/02/18/the-color-red-in-dreams I release myself from any inherited bondage and curses, in Jesus’ name. It’s like water, raining down on the soil of my heart. Every power using red things to abort my blessings, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. You were surrounded by it and it was the filter through which you saw everything. Red, Blue, White, Black, Yellow, Purple, Green, Pink, Orange… Each Has it’s Own Meaning! Sex with a stranger or acquaintance. This will be a 12-week study in which I teach about how to interpret dreams. I just remembered him being very very kind and soft spoken. I have been more focused on what he said but now I’m very curious as to why he wore red. As a man that have experienced the dream, I shall not lose my job, in the name of Jesus. When I saw him wearing my red jacket and my cap I approached him and told him it really looks great on him. I can sense some danger. In this kind of dream, it might not be a good period to overcome certain situations. " Redology " is the field of study devoted exclusively to this work. Blessing! Red can also suggest danger, stigma, and compulsion, particularly in sex. Can you please Interpret this dream for me tanx. What does my dream means? After that, the dreamer was able to reach for the red shirt and with great joy put it back on. It was like the scene around him very grayish and that’s why the red shirt he wore really really stood out. As l finished dressing up, l was told the match was over, and that my team has worn. In my dream, I was wearing a long red dress and I was staring in the mirror. Maybe Latino not sure, very short clean cut dark hair. Some witches makes a covenant between a married man and woman that they will never see babies crying in their marriage. Needles are used to transfer something into our system so that it becomes a part of us. A child dreams of a person in red clothes indicates that the dreamer had better retreat. What is the significance of the colors red and black of the same kind of shirt? Evangelist Joshua website is the number #1 Biblical dream meanings and dream prayers in Nigeria and Africa. Hi Saliha, thanks for writing in. A generational blessing is coming; one with unfinished work. The rose is from age a symbol of the love, affection and the admiration, in particular the red rose. The Chinese society influenced reverence for the past in most traditional writings which in turn helped to preserve cultural sources and traditions. Directed by David K. Ginn. We were having a conversation like we normally would, he was facing me and was wearing a red shirt – in all of my life, I don’t remember him wearing that color often. What Do Colors in Dreams Mean? Red is a color that often crops up in dreams. Go with your own instinct about the rose in your dream to determine the meaning. View fullsize. DREAM ABOUT RED WALLS – SPIRITUAL MEANING AND INTERPRETATION. Hi The title has also been translated as Red Chamber Dream and A Dream of Red Mansions. So I woke up pretty foggy. When it comes to dream … Dear Linda, To see a red object in your sleep is demonically bad. If you are a candidate of this type of dream, you have to really pray hard against witchcraft arrows. Through visual imagery and other things we sense in our dreams, we are able to understand a deeper meaning through what these dreams may mean. The  dreamer has operated in this gift in the past (they knew they had worn the shirt before), but has maybe stepped away from that gift or calling momentarily. I release myself from the grip of any problem, transferred into my life from the womb, in the name of Jesus. Now, it would be great to continue pressing in and seeking God for revelation as to what those promises are. Moreover, they can be very diverse: from rage, anger, to great joy or unforgettable love. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Keys For Financial Freedom Are Being Issued. Over to the side of him was some clothes crumpled on the ground and on the top was a red t-shirt. O! With sone one (man I don’t know)drinking a cold red limonade I had a very peaceful feeling I take back, all the grounds given to satan by my ancestors, in the name of Jesus. Linda, I dreamed i was on a beach and i saw a yelllow apartment building in the yard were ppl laughing ,smiling and playing poker so i entered the yellow gate and went up the stair way and say a yound lady and man talking and i stopped apparently it was my daughter and husband and she was wearing a red shirt and red lipstick like me so i walked back down the stairs and towards the sea exiting the gate im at the seashore staring at the sea so i looked to my left and saw light blue crystals to dark blue towards the end like a rock next to the sea to my right i saw cars drinving toward the land im on currently the sky was also blue …i remember feeling happy calm yet confused. Until then, keep dreaming, because God is speaking. I am Pinky from India. Coincidentally, my sister’s best friend and I were chatting at a party the next day, and she told me her twin brother who had passed prior to my bff had appeared wearing the same kind of shirt. He was a dark man. Romans 11:29 AMP. It can point to thoughts, emotions, or behaviors that are unhealthy, unpleasant, or, deceitful. or email to: admin@evangelistjoshua.com.

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