Usually with test E it is 250mg / ml so you would do 1/2half ml Monday and 1/2half Thursday. At the six week mark I took a blood test, the result showed my hematocrit levels at 57. I was on 150 last year while on cycle and had some gyno issues and really "felt" it. So if you have an under developed penis, it can grow, sure. Most guys get a significant improvement in erectile quality and will lead to improved health of the penis and may result in some mild growth. Currently on .25mg of adex 2x per week and 200mg of test (100mg pinned 2x per week) Started getting some weird nip sensitivity and puffiness (nips hurt) Also seem to be feeling a little watery and lethargic. This is my blood test result. Testosterone: The male sex hormone. These are my results since starting TRT in April (in chronological order): I donated blood in August after the .473 result. I had a natty hct of 47. I’d be curious to know if anyone has engaged in penis enlargement exercises and done it properly, and seen results on trt. This was my 3rd Week. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. People who live at high altitudes often have hct above 50. So my endocrinologist proscribed me 200 mg per two weeks of test c and I'm planning on doing 100 mg every week to try to stabilize my levels. 250mg test-E every 5th day makes for a nice mild cycle (= 350mg per week). If u are smart on 250mg per week u can get as good gains from using half the amount. Thank you for the continued input. 250mg of test enth a week for 10 weeks 400 mg of EQ a week for 14 weeks 25mg/ day of anadrol for 3 weeks This is my first time using all of these compounds but not my first time on test. Regards, Kishore. If u could answer regarding dosage and how long cycle mate that would be great. You may be able to do double red cell donation instead of the normal. Testosterone: The male sex hormone. Question is should I up my test enth dosage? This drug is very powerful, even at a low dose. 250mg test e p/w (12 wks) 600mg eq p/w (12 wks) 50mg tbol e/d (4 wks) very good vascularity, eq made me eat like a monster. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone levels. Awards 1. way point between the off oral period - so 2 weeks. I picked up 350mg test-e for a 10 week cycle. . Thank you for the continued help. Even with Test E or Cyp, there are fluctuations within a week . the blood test is OK, then you can begin your next 4. does 2 shots a week seem to keep you on a steady level, the problem I have been having is on day 6 I feel like I have low T again. Even prior trt my hgb hct are always at the high end. I'll see if I can get some more test-e 350 from my guy. That would bring down your hct more as they take double the amount of red blood cells while putting back the rest of the blood... Ah ok. (Over 600 wasn't tested). This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to … Either or though. What is your dosing regimen? PCT Timing. I recently lowered my TRT dosage to 100 mg Testosterone Propionate per week split into every day subcutaneous administrations. I add in some proviron at week four or five when the body is starting to increase SHGB (at say 12.5mg ED for three weeks, then up to 25mg ED for next three to four weeks) plus a small dose of HCG thru out (@250-300 iu E3d) and it makes a nice cycle. Am being advised to take between 250-500 mg of Testosterone per week and between 50-100mg of Winstrol per week (yes, per week and not per day), for 10 weeks. AR VET Join Date azurescen New member. I've been on 200mg/week (100mg E3.5D) and my HCT hasn't really elevated. I’ll ask them. Discussion. 45.9k members in the Testosterone community. Most of what I've read has been people saying it's not worth the sides unless you are competing. EQ 500mg/per week/10 weeks Test E 500mg/per week/10weeks Pct – After 2 weeks of Test E 40mg of nolvadex for 2 weeks and 20mg for next 2 weeks. … I feel ok. Not sure if I need to higher dose , not really feeling a change . I was going to lay off the SERMs until post cycle therapy (pct) in which I was going to use Nolvadex. I am pinning 50mg twice a week. I’ve done all my research, but I want to get rid of my last bit of uncertainty before actually starting. Clinic started me on 140 test C weekly. If your running test regardless it certainly wouldn't hurt you to do 100mg of your tren for the first few weeks, maybe up the dosage if your comfortable with the sides etc. I think diet and exercise are key to optimal levels for some of us. 100mg wk was 800ish while 200mg wk was as high as 1800 and as low as 1200 depending on how close to injection day. Thanks for the info . The increased blood flow however could make it a bit bigger if you had no androgens and now have a much higher amount. Hcg Is the only thing that really causes your genitals to grow and thats IF you didnt completely reach your genetic potential during puberty. Originally was recommended to do 3ml per week. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone levels. I have remained … By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Reply Week 13-16: Time Off *Keep cycling off and on, above 600mg/week the magic happens, TREN will start burning fat similar to Clenbuterol, you'll get badass looking aesthetic look similar to the fake natties fitness … . TRT often helps men be healthier, and in some cases improves cardiovascular functioning (this almost always requires exercise training too). I have been cutting for the last 7 weeks and dropped from approx 17-18% bodyfat down to 14-15% but seem to have hit a wall. It depends. Who wins the battle for the hair? let me know? I was prescribed with 200mg every 2 weeks but I’m doing mine 100mg every week. Test is a great base but I think there are better growing steroids out there that are way more anabolic. 01-03-2009, 07:51 PM #12. The result is improved blood flow, and thus a bigger flaccid. nosnmiveins Well-known member. I'm trying to decide if I should just get rid of it or if it's worth running. Awards 0. I did proper pct in the previous cycles. No weird side effects and I’m not on any Ai. Share this post. Nov 9, 2012 946 223. Week 10-12: Clomid 50mg/day + Nolvadex 20mg/day. Yes, went from 4 inches hard to 12... auditioning for my first porn shoot next week. I have low Ferritin: 38 (30 - 400), so I'm hopeful I won't have to donate again. Yes 6000 above sea level plus sleep apnea lol I have been non complaint with my cpap. StayFit1. Press J to jump to the feed. It's Testolic Test Prop 100mg and comes in 2ml amps, which means since you are supposed to inject EOD that would be 6ml per week. I started with 100mg per week and I was feeling the low on day 5-6 I upped it to 140 mg per week and still feeling low on day 5-6. Standard TRT dosage is 100-150pw, so 200 isn't giving you that much extra. Can I get some solid gains with only 250mg / week? Is the nolvadex only PCT a good bet? Hi All, I received my Test results while injecting 1ml EOD (M/W/F/Sun) of a non-sponsor's RIP300 - So I'm on 400 Test P/400 Tren A/400 Mast P a week. My second cycle included 100 10mg ttokyo d-bol, 20 primoteston 250, and 1 10cc 300 mg ttokyo deca. Heard people get success with .25 or .5 twice a week? Nah on the real tho, I don't believe trt will make your cock bigger. I would argue it isn’t “enlargement” it’s realising potential.

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